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Cursed Love With The Alpha

Cursed Love With The Alpha



Alpha Dexter has spent lifetimes searching for his fated mate, Aurora. But every time they are brought together, a curse tears them apart, leaving both of them heartbroken and alone. Aurora knows deep down that Dexter is the one for her, but fate seems determined to keep them apart. Can they break the curse and finally be together, or are they doomed to repeat this cycle of love and loss for eternity?

Chapter 1 Cheated On

As soon as Aurora entered her home, she was hit with the overpowering smell of sweat and sex. The scene before her seemed almost too perfect - pink stilettos and Ryan's Vans scattered across the foyer. The stilettos looked strangely familiar to her.

Trying to push down her mounting unease, Aurora made her way towards the bedroom. Along the way, she passed silk suspenders, a tossed T-shirt, and a pair of pants crumpled in the hallway. She froze at the bedroom door when she heard a woman's moan.

"Ahhh! Harder! Harder! Ryan, I'm coming!" the loud moan sent shivers down Aurora's spine. But what troubled her the most was the woman's voice sounded like her best friend Emma, and Ryan was her boyfriend.

The unsettling sounds continued as Aurora stood frozen in place. Ryan was speaking to Emma in a way she had never heard before, making her feel nauseous.

"Please, Ryan!" Emma's passionate and lustful plea echoed through the room. Aurora started shaking uncontrollably as bile rose in her throat.

She clamped her hands over her mouth to stifle any outburst, but tears streamed down her face freely. Her boyfriend was cheating on her with her best friend in their bed.

Minutes passed before the sounds of passion ceased, replaced by footsteps. Aurora assumed they were done. She wiped away her tears angrily before pulling open the door.

The sight that greeted her was as expected: Ryan and Emma naked on her bed, covered with Aurora's favorite blanket. They exchanged gentle kisses, Ryan's hand still on Emma's breast, as if to taunt Aurora with their recent escapades.

"How could you do this? Why?!" Aurora screamed at them, trying to hold back her tears, but they flowed freely.

At the sound of her voice, Emma jumped up in surprise, wrapping herself in the blanket. She explained that she and Ryan were fated mates, deserving of each other more than Aurora did.

Aurora shook her head in disbelief at the absurd excuse for cheating. Ignoring Emma, she turned her gaze to Ryan, who was now dressing himself.

"Ryan, I need an explanation."

Nonchalantly, Ryan finished dressing, meeting her gaze with indifference. "Emma is right. We're mates, destined to be together. You're just a human, a pet I kept to pass the time."

His words only added fuel to the fire.

"Do you think I'm stupid, Ryan? You betrayed me, slept with my best friend, and now you're trying to act insane?!"

"Blame the Moon Goddess if you have to, Rora! No one can resist their mate bond!" He dusted himself off before strolling over to Aurora, arms outstretched, to hug her as though nothing was wrong.

Aurora huffed at the ridiculous excuse as anger flared up in her chest. She took a step back to create some distance between them. She couldn't believe that the cheating scumbag would try to use some fairy tale "Moon Goddess" to distract her.

"We're breaking up. You two, get out of my apartment now." Aurora couldn't stand the sight of them for even a second longer.

"Rora, please don't make a big deal out of it. I really do love you." Ryan refused to give up. "We can start an open relationship, yeah?"

"Get the fuck out!!!" Aurora couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed a pillow and hurled it at his face.

"You crazy bitch!" Ryan barely had enough time to retaliate, let alone pick up his T-shirt from the floor, before being chased out of the room with Emma, who was still wrapped only in a blanket.

Aurora harshly slammed the door shut behind them. She stormed to the kitchen, poured herself a glass of whiskey, and downed it all in one shot before resting both hands on the countertop, gasping for air.

It was bad enough that Ryan had cheated on her, but what made it worse was that he had made up some "Moon Goddess" to try to convince her otherwise!

If he didn't love her anymore, he could have just told her that. They could have tried to find a way to fix the relationship or just break up and find other people. How could he cheat, of all things? Maybe men were too afraid to take responsibility. Maybe escaping is all they can think of.

The alcohol soothed Aurora's boiling anger to a shimmer, and she spent the rest of the afternoon filling her stomach with whiskey until she found herself teetering into a nightclub with an empty bottle in her hand. She still couldn't understand why he had chosen such a childish lie as an excuse.

She stumbled down the club's first few flights of stairs, staggering past the crowded dance floor and private booths, before barely making it to the bar. She lurched onto a tall bar stool and then slurred to the bartender, "I want a margarita." She then all but collapsed head-first onto the countertop.

"You look like you've had too much already. What you need is a glass of lemonade." A low, pleasant voice rang out above her.

"What do you know?" Aurora burst out in irritation before trying to glare at the person who had just spoken. But as soon as she saw the owner of the voice, she almost stopped breathing.

Even though she was sitting down, she could tell that the man in front of her was tall. He was at least 6'3" with a well-built body. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt that highlighted his muscular figure. Aurora could almost make out the V line leading down into his jeans.

But he was now resting his head on the bar with folded arms, just like Aurora, his dark green eyes staring straight into her soul. Aurora was lost in his beautiful eyes and found herself trapped in place by his electrifying gaze. Then a sudden, drunken thought popped into her mind.

What would he be like in bed?

Her eyes lingered on his before slowly moving her gaze down the bridge of his nose to his seductive lips.

What would his lips taste like?

With that question in mind and alcohol in her system, Aurora locked her eyes on his and leaned in for a kiss. Here goes nothing.

Please don't reject me.

The man froze for a moment before reciprocating with vigor. He traced the shape of her lips with his tongue before slowly pushing his way into her mouth and hooking his tongue with hers.

After some more intense kissing, he moved to the side of her neck. His breath danced on Aurora's skin and gave her goosebumps. She couldn't help but wonder about how his hands would feel on her body.

"Do you want to continue in my apartment? I live upstairs." Aurora was barely holding back. Her panties were completely drenched in arousal.

"Do you feel okay about this, Aurora?" the man asked at the same time.

Aurora frowned, and her body stiffened. She tilted her head and asked,

"How do you know my name?”

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