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Falling for my boss's son

Falling for my boss's son

kamsy hyacinth


"My dad is a mafia boss. I'm his second in command. He runs this company stuff as his side hustle so he won't be questioned by everyone as to where he gets his wealth. It's actually a family business, so it's already known that if my father dies or retires, as the first born son, I will take over." He told her looking for a negative expression on her face. "Wow, I never knew this but I suspected this." She said.

Chapter 1 The new neighbor

Anna sat on her bed, pondering on what the next five years of her life would be like. Turning 22 was like a big thing for her. She just turned 22 few days ago. She thought of a life with a boyfriend, living comfortable and happy, but all that didn't work for her. She felt everything wasn't working the way she dreamt of. Even though her dream of living independently worked, she wasn't still happy.

The blaring sound of the electric kettle from the kitchen was what drew her out of her trance as she ran to the kitchen to put off the switch and make coffee for herself. She didn't have work today, so she decided to stay at home and relax. She rented the apartment 3 weeks ago after she got called for the job she acquired online. She never believed online job opportunities were real until she was given one, all thanks to Rebecca, her best friend who convinced her to apply for it.

She went back to the sitting room and switched the TV on to watch some movies on Netflix. She so much loved movies with passion. There was a time she had to pay 10 bucks only for a movie.

The sound of her apartment's door drew her attention out of the movie she was watching as she mumbled to the door. When she got there, she opened it and saw the house agent. He was the man who brought her to her apartment. He works as a caretaker.

"Good morning Mr Ray." She greeted him, acting all sleepy.

"Morning Miss Anna. How are you doing today?" He asked her, shining his yellow gap toothed teeth.

"I'm ok Mr Ray." She replied, giving a fake smile.

"Well........I came to inform you that you have a new neighbor who lives next door." He told her.

"Oh! That's nice." She said looking outside her apartment.

"Yeah and I think you two will make good neighbors." He said before waving as he left. Anna rolled her eyes as she banged the door.

"Such an asshole." She cursed as she went back to her movie.

3: pm in the evening ( that same day)

After Anna's siesta, she decided to go for an evening work. She wore a pink crop top and a black leggings with a grey jacket. After checking if she was ready to go, she came out of her apartment and locked the door. She majestically walked out of the building and went into the streets. She walked for a while before arriving at a beautiful restaurant.

It had beautiful lights that complimented with the night. It was open and filled with people, which many of them were couples. She gulped down saliva as she went into the restaurant and sat down on an empty booth. A male tall, handsome waiter came and took her order not forgetting to flirt with her a little.

Anna didn't like flirting, but as far as it came from a young and attractive man, who is she to reject it. Few minutes later, he came back with her orders and kept them on the table. "Thank you." She said sweetly as he winked at her before leaving.

She smiled as she started eating her food. Suddenly, someone came and sat opposite her. The booth was a double sitter so the other side was empty. Anna raised her head a bit and saw a man of about 30 or 29 years old. He looked so handsome and rich. He was putting on a black leather jacket with a white sport shoe and a blue jean.

He was so cute and looked sexy. Anna stopped herself immediately from drooling over a stranger. "Excuse me. You didn't ask for permission before sitting down here." Anna informed him as he didn't even look at her for a second.

"I don't need to to take permission or ask anyone if I want to do anything." He said still pressing his phone. Anna really and badly wanted to look at his eyes but he was putting on some shades.

"Look Mr I think you have to get up or........."

"Or what?" He asked immediately, removing his shade. It was then that Anna knew he had blue attractive eyes. They were like that of a blue ocean.

"Look Miss, I'm not in for this nonsense. Just get the fuck out of here." He said, looking irritated. It rang like a bell in Ann's ears. She quickly stood up.

"I don't care to know who the fuck you are now, but leave this table this minute before I get mad at you." She yelled at him, catching the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

"Then I suggest you leave before I make you to do so." He spat, with a little bit of rage in his eyes. It had gotten to Ann's neck this time. She swiftly slapped him on his cheek, making him to stagger back. She never leaves any stone unturned.

She sighed as she carried her purse and left the restaurant. She didn't want to create any other scene, but when she got to the door, a hand dragged her back and pushed her to the table. "How dare you fuckin hit me?" The young man asked her in full rage.

"I think you should know your boundaries first." Anna attacked back.

"Wow......" He clapped his hands turning around. Everyone's concentration was on the both of them. "See who is talking about boundaries. You low budgeted beggar." He insulted her, raising his voice.

Anna stood there in shame as he insulted her to the core. She ignored him as she grabbed her bag and ran out of the restaurant. She was forcing back her tears in her eyes. She never likes anyone insulting her publicly, especially a guy. It reminds her of her highschool days when her first boyfriend humiliated her in front of the whole school.

He body shamed her for being slim at that time. People laughed at her so much that it pained her heart. He also told everyone how weak she was in bed. He also told everyone how her father left his family and ran away, leaving the mother with her two older siblings, including her.

As she thought about all these, she wept as she went back to her apartment and cried her eyes out that night. It was really a bad night for her.

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