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Owned by the ruthless mafia (Revenge scheme)

Owned by the ruthless mafia (Revenge scheme)



Owned by the ruthless mafia(Revenge scheme)read about Amelia Carson and kai blakewell in this romance filled book......Amelia Carson is a 20 year old lady,who lost both her parents in a terrible car accident,she was sent to an orphanage home by her wicked aunt....there have more to Amelia Carson,read and find out Kai blakewell Kai blakewell is a ruthless billionaire with lots of illegal businesses,he killed Amelia parents and he is out to find Amelia Will love lead? Will blood flow? Read and find out Enjoy.

Chapter 1 Amelia Carson


I got kicked out of my apartment,I was tricked by my aunt,I sold all my jewelries and nice clothes and now I don't even have a job.my life is shitty right?i know.my life was not always like this,I once had everything(rich parents,nice clothes,jewelries,cars and a perfect boyfriend)I know your probably wondering how I lost everything.......oh!where are my manners,Hi,my name is Amelia Carson,am 20 years old and this is my story.......my downfall started when I lost both my parents in a terrible car accident. I felt over joyed when I heard the news,I was beyond happy, I never liked my parents and they didn't like me too,they were always out,I never got to spend time with them,I only got to see them twice a year

I was raised by a maid.i know nothing about them,I don't know where they work or what they do,all I know is that they are rich,very rich.After the burial,my aunt was sent to take care of me but she did the exact opposite,she said she was punishing me for my parents crimes(I had no idea what she meant by "my parents crimes")I was sent on errands,I was treated worst than a maid,I was punished mercilessly and I wasn't allowed to eat anything without her permission.....she forced me to sign some documents and I did.the next day,I woke up in an orphanage home,that is where I met my best friend,Ari,she is a beautiful Korean girl,she is blessed with good looks,from her brown eyes to her perfect skin to her short brown hair.she is perfection. I was being bullied by some kids and she stood up for me,since then we have been best of friends,I love her so much,she is my only family and I'll do anything for her.....Ari came up with a plan for us to escape the orphanage home.after many failed attempts we succeeded,I sold some of my jewelries and clothes and we rented a small apartment,we both got jobs and she moved out. I worked at a small restaurant but I quit due to my boss trying to get in my pants,I got another job as a maid but I was fired for absolutely no reason.my rent has been due for months,my landlord finally kicked me out today,I pleaded but he didn't listen,he threatened to beat me if I don't leave the compound,i left with the only thing I could carry(my clothes)I called a cab and went straight to the only family I had,Ari,her apartment was locked,I reached for the broken phone in my pocket and dialed her number,she picked it almost immediately,as if she was expecting my call....

"Hey babe"she greeted casually

"I was kicked out of my apartment"I was trying my best to avoid the tears that was forming in my eyes,I hate to admit it but I miss my parents,I miss living a luxurious life.I miss my boyfriend,I miss my old life,I can't keep living like this,I ne-

"Am so sorry baby"her voice jolted me back to reality,the concern was evident in her voice "the key is under the door mat,I'll be working late today,don't wait up for me,there are left overs in the fridge,we will talk more when I get back okay"

she disconnected the call before I could even thank her,nobody has ever been this nice to me.

I reached for the key and opened the door,her apartment is small and well arranged unlike mine.

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