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Beyond Riches

Kelvin Philip, a billionaire with a cold exterior, hides a shattered past. Despite his outward perfection, he shuns the notion of family, opting to bear his burdens alone. But a glimmer of hope emerges when he encounters Valencia Kenneth, a warm-hearted billionaire who values family above all else. Unbeknownst to her, her warmth and compassion have the power to illuminate even the darkest of souls. She doesn't need rescuing; she shines brightly amidst skeptics and even those with the iciest of hearts. A contractual marriage unexpectedly intertwines their fates forever. Join Valencia as she is the only one who has the capacity to give Kelvin what he truly desires beyond riches.

Chapter 1 The Marriage Proposal

"Oh my God, I'm having a headache,"

We still have a lot of work to do before the fashion show next week.

"Ma'am, I spoke with Mr. Derrick, and he promised to deliver everything on time."

Matilda, my secretary, glanced at me, and I could see drops of sweat running down her cheeks. Not one of us slept well that night. I feel sorry for myself and everyone. I become so stressed out by sleepless nights that there are moments when I want to purchase a cabin in a village and become a cowboy.

Mr. Derrick is the best; therefore, that's why I hired him. What is he doing today, though? On schedule? This is the ideal moment. What's the matter with him?" I attempted to massage my temples, but the headache persisted. Despite coming from a wealthy family, I started this business at such a young age and built it entirely on my own. I was therefore never able to enjoy what other girls did. I just worked and became anxious.

I may have dated a few men, but I was never in love. I had no doubt that I would live out my days with a cat by my side.

"Oh ma'am, today your dad contacted me and said he has a problem in his business and would like it if you could help."

"I have no idea how to handle issues pertaining to hotels. I'm already busy with my own stuff; doesn't he realize that?" I pointed to the piles of documents arranged on my desk.

"But—" Why is everyone these days trying to make me angry?

Before her babbling gave me further headaches, I stopped her with my raised hand.

She served as both my secretary and a close friend. She put in a lot of work and liked everything to be immaculate. Though I really appreciate it, it occasionally bothers me.

"Okay, okay, I'll give him a call." I gave up in surrender.

What? Dad, nah! Why would I marry a stranger?" I was furious at the moment.

"I should have told you about this sooner. The Dante group and the director board hope to have a bright future together. I'm aware that I'm making you perform this task. Still, you are aware of the risk. The AAJ group is currently unstable. Simply act if your spouse isn't there and focus on your own task."

I laughed cynically, "Wow, I can't believe you just said that." "And you are in charge of the AAJ group, dad. But why does the director board continuously put pressure on you? I am aware that you did not choose this. One day, you'll have to confront them."

I'm aware. I know." Dad let out a deep sigh. However, I'm also acting in your best interest. This is going to be advantageous to you alone. "The director and I" As his voice became stronger, I was interrupted.

"Furthermore, you were aware that this would occur eventually. From the day you joined the company, you were aware that the AAJ would arrange your marriage. It might be any day of the week or today. That is the cost incurred by each and every AAJ member.

"That's because AAJ is the only group in the States with an ancient mindset." I gave an eye roll.

"Valencia" sounded like he was frustrated, and I could tell. "You've said yes to this multiple times in the last few days, but you act as though you've never heard of it. Why not?

Okay, give up. And I'll wed him. You don't have to annoy me by saying the same thing repeatedly."

"And every time, you manage to forget it. You can file for divorce from him once the AAJ group settles down more. Simply give it a try." My father seemed to be telling me to try on a dress and swap it out when I got bored.

"Anyway, I'm too busy, and I'm busy right now, so even if I marry him, I won't worry about his existence. I ended the phone before he could respond, so bye.

I turned to face Matilda as she shouted out to me, "Ma'am". "We have invited the Montero family, the AAJ group, and the Dante group to the fashion show. They'll invest in our new product; I'm sure of it." But wait, the Dante group? It implied that I would shortly meet my future husband. If he has bad intentions, this is a fantastic opportunity to let him know that I don't give a damn. He was all I needed to fight the poisonous AAJ organization. That concluded it.

I was nervously massaging my hands. I've participated in a lot of fashion shows before, but this one stood out. Our plan to launch a global chain of new stores is expected to draw interest from potential investors.

I wore a white jumpsuit without a back, big hoops for earrings, and little makeup for the occasion. My 5'8" height has always suited my physique, and it looks great on me now.

"Ma'am, you ought to go speak with the guests right now. Cindy will be delivering the welcome address shortly.

Alright. My palms are perspiring, ugh. "How can I give a handshake?"

Matilda giggled at my nervousness. "Kiss them" and "I'll fire you" were my words as I laughed and moved forward.

"Oh my, look at you! Accompany me.

I saw my dad and Mr. Philip among the individuals my mom had dragged me to. Adorably, there was a man standing next to Mr. Philip. I was staring at his toned form beneath the white dress shirt when my mouth began to water. His captivating emerald eyes gleamed from under his towering dark hair. I caught a glimpse of my model, observing him from the corner of my eye. I squinted, and they seemed scared and swiftly turned away.

"Mr. Philip, here is my daughter, Valencia."

"Valencia, this is Mr. Philip, head of the Dante group, and this is his son, Kelvin Philip."

My father squinted his eyes and told me not to laugh.

Thus, I acted. I grimaced.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my mother making a face. Kelvin averted his gaze and squinted. Fortunately, Mr. Philip was unaware of my impolite gesture.

This will be Kelvin's future bride. Isn't she adorable and gorgeous? Since she's my daughter-in-law, I already like her. So competent. "Observe this runway show; it serves as live evidence," Kelvin said, feigning a smile at his father. "I need to attend to a call," he said, quickly getting up to leave.

I turned to go find my investors after watching him leave in order to distract myself from this marriage.

As I was speaking with a group of individuals, my mom looked like a chicken on fire as she ran to me.

"The wedding is next week!" She gave a happy squeak.

"What the fuck!"

You are an unappreciative kid. I'm overjoyed. Mr. Philip expressed his admiration for you today and expressed his desire to start working with us sooner. Thus, we both agreed to get married next week."

"Well done, mama. I'm glad you two are getting married. Mom scowled and gave me a backsmack before turning to leave. Poor dad.

I laughed and looked toward the stage, where Cindy was catching everyone's attention with a throat clearing. “Gentlemen and ladies. Would you kindly sit down?" Please accept my gratitude for being here. The event will begin shortly, but first our chief designer, Mr. Tim Adam, would like to provide a little introduction. The fashion show began with music from the 1960s, following Mr. Adam's address. The 1960s hippy look was the theme for today, and Rex Industries never let me down. The first models inside were the women, dressed in boots, bandanas, and flared jeans. The male models were equally attractive, if not more so.

I sensed that someone was looking at me. I turned to face his opposite and noticed my so-called future spouse frowning as he stared at me.

I rolled my eyes and went back to watching the show.

When it was all over, Matilda gave me the best news she had heard in a long time. "Madam, a huge number of people have already purchased stock in our business. We will have twice as much wealth. She was jumping around, and I was crying and yelling with her.

" I'll buy everything for you."

"That's so sweet, but a raise in the salary would be enough." Before someone arrived and destroyed the moment, we were both laughing.

"Sister!" My brother hopped over to me. "Your man looks hot, but not as hot as me." He was joking.

Even though he was two years older than me, he was twenty-six and acting so juvenile. When my mother informed me that Kelvin and Andrew were the same age, I prayed to God that he wasn't, since I am unable to wed a child. Despite his lively and humorous nature, Andrew was a highly serious and responsible man in the business world. He and my dad co-run the AAJ group. If only his brain contained more neurons, he would have been a sibling I could be proud of.

"Go away!" I mocked.

"You know that he's been shooting daggers at you with his eyes."

"Yes, I did observe," Matilda said, glaring at Andrew before turning to face me. "Madam, Kelvin Philip mentioned wanting to speak with you."


"He wanted you to come outside"

I sneered. "How absurd is that? Instruct him to come talk to me if he wants to." My brother gave me the thumbs up, laughed, and turned to leave. I lost all control over my rage since I was so mad at this forced union. For business purposes, the majority of the CEOs employed by the conglomerate AAJ were coerced into these unions. Despite the fact that we were all members of the favored class in society, we lacked free will. As a result, I was more upset with the director board than with Kelvin, who was desperate to be at the top of my list of people I detested right now.

I looked around and saw an enraged Kelvin riding in my direction. I thought his face would break in two because of how firmly he was gritting his teeth.

"Oh my goodness, you are so annoying." He growled.

"Did you just come here to say that to me?"

"No, I came here to tell you not to get attached to me because I will never love you or anything like that, even though I am getting married to you." All you are in my life is a disruption. After you marry me, take care of yourself.

If it's feasible, let's avoid talking at all."

Was I supposed to be ill with love or something?

"Are you stupid? How on earth could I become attached to you? I have no time to pet a wild dog because I'm so busy. "Goodbye!"

I waved at him as I turned to leave, winking.

I looked over, and I saw that he was looking astonished. I guess he doesn't get turned down all that frequently.

He has no idea what he's about to embark on. I'm a rolling stone that can't be stopped.

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