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Obsessed With My Nanny

Obsessed With My Nanny



George was a Billionaire's Son, and Lucia was his nanny when he was thirteen years, and the day George turned twenty one, he suddenly fell In love with his nanny, Lucia, she was six years older than him, they love each other untill George's mom, Mrs. Wrangler Interfere, and she separated them by sending George out of the country to further his studies, she employed a beautiful young girl as George's personal assistant that follows him traveled to Berlin, and Lucia was fired by George's mom, let's read on and see what later happened,

Chapter 1 She replaced her mom

After the burial of Lucia's mom, she solemnly stood at the gravesite, tears streaming down her face as she bid her final farewell to her mom,

As family and friends offered their condolences and left the cemetery, Lucia remained behind, her heart heavy with grief.

As she wiped her tears, Mrs. Briana Wrangler, her late mother's boss, approached her with a solemn expression.

In her hand was a check of twenty five thousand dollars, a token of compensation for the loss of Lucia's mom, But Lucia, with a shake of her head, gently refused the check.

"I appreciate the gift, Mrs. Wrangler," Lucia said softly, "But I cannot accept this money. My mother was more than just an employee to you, she was a loyal and dedicated worker, and I want to honor her memory by continuing her legacy, I mean I will like to replace her," she explained,

Mrs. Wrangler listened to Lucia's words. She understood the depth of Lucia's grief and the pain of losing a mom, Placing a hand on Lucia's shoulder, she spoke with sympathy,

"I understand, Lucia. Your mother was a valuable member of our team, and her loss has left a void in our organization. If you are willing, I would be honored to have you join our company and take on your mother's duties. I have no doubt that you will excel in her role and make her proud." Mrs. Wrangler explained,

Lucia looked up at Mrs. Wrangler with gratitude, She nodded slowly,

"I will do my best, Mrs. Wrangler. I promise to work hard and uphold the standards that my mother set. Thank you for believing in me." Lucia said.

With a warm smile, Mrs. Wrangler led Lucia to her executive Benz jeep, offering her a seat beside her. As they drove away from the cemetery, Lucia was ready to honor her mother's memory and make a differences,

As they arrived at Mrs. Wrangler's luxurious estate, Lucia was greeted by a team of dedicated employees, all eager to welcome her into their midst,

After Mrs. Wrangler had Introduced Lucia to the workers as a new employee, she was led to the house, and showed her round the house,

but, she was given a period of two weeks to mourn her mom,

After two weeks, Lucia resumed her job with dedication, she wanted to proof herself to be a valuable asset to the company, but, she was unable to cope as a personal assistant,

Meanwhile, Mrs. Wrangler watched as Lucia embraced her new role with determination, but, she lack knowledge and understanding of the job, and Mrs. Wrangler knew that she needs a job to survive and sustained,

When they returned from the meeting, Mrs. Wrangler called her, and explained,, “I know that you want to work, but, you can't hold your mom's office, If you want to be a personal assistant, you need to be coached, and right now, I don't have time for that, because my movements needs urgent assistance,”

“I know, I'm new to the job, but, I will put more efforts, Mrs. Wrangler, my mom will be happy with you, If you permit me to keep her legacy,” Lucia said,

“I understand, my dear. but, you can't continue as a personal assistant, the job Is bigger than your knowledge, but, I have another job offer for you,” Mrs. Wrangler explained,

“I'm ready to do any kind of job, and I promised, I won't disappoint you,” Lucia said,

“Fine, can you work as a nanny,?“ Mrs. Wrangler asked,

“Yes ma'am, I will do more than your expectations, and you won't regret having me working as a nanny In your house,” Lucia said.

“Okay, come with me,” Mrs. Wrangler said, and Mrs. Wrangler led the way while Lucia following her.

Though, Lucia had never imagined herself working as a nanny, especially for a teenager like George Wrangler. She had always wanted to work as a smart lady, but when Mrs. Wrangler offered her the job after realizing she wasn't cut out for the personal assistant position, Lucia didn't hesitate to accept.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Wrangler," Lucia said happily, "I really appreciate the opportunity to work with George." she said,

Mrs. Wrangler smiled warmly at Lucia. "I'm glad you're willing to give it a try. George can be a handful sometimes, but I have the feelings, you'll be able to handle him just fine." she explained,

“Thanks, I will try my best, and you won't regret hiring me as your son's nanny,” Lucia said,

As Lucia settled into her new job as George's nanny, she hastly realized just how true Mrs. Wrangler's words were. George was a typical teenager, the only child, and a apparent heir to his mom's businesses, full of energy and attitude, but there was something about him that Lucia found out. Despite being childish, she's very intelligent, but a little bit tough,

Days later, Lucia was helping George with his homework, he suddenly blurted out, "Why did my mom hire you as my nanny? Don't you have better things to do with your life,?" George asked.

"I do have better things to do, but I also enjoy spending time with you, George, and, your mom thought I would be a good fit to be your nanny,” Lucia explained,

George was not clearly convinced, he glared at her, trying to study things, and he said, "You're too nice and beautiful to be a nanny,” “Aren't they supposed to be strict and boring,?" he laso asked,

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