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The cold blooded mafia

The cold blooded mafia



As Janie flees to Carter Reed in response to her brother's menacing final words, her world devolves into turmoil in this suspenseful story of passion and peril. Scarred and in need of help, she makes her way through the scary Octave nightclub, where she meets Carter again and discovers a complicated emotional entanglement. Suspense is increased by the tenuous bond between Janie and Carter and the imminent threat posed by the Bertal family when Janie reveals her role in a fatal incident. Janie is caught in a dangerous situation where she is unsure of herself and afraid of Carter going missing. Janie's journey through danger, sacrifice, and the unpredictable dynamics of her relationship with Carter are explored in this story, which is full of surprising turns, dramatic disclosures, and tense moments. As each thrilling story develops, the fate of Janie in this tale is in the hands of trust, passion, and unforeseen consequences.

Chapter 1 SAY MY NAME

I still remember my brother’s last words to me before he was murdered. “Go to Carter he will keep you safe. he’ll protect you.” she stands on the street and stares at the intimidating fortress of Carter Reed’s nightclub, Octave. “After what i’ve done, going to the police would be as good as signing a death warrant. Carter Reed is my only hope.” The line to get into Octave wave wraps around the block. Everyone’s wearing high end fashion while blood stains her pants. right as she’s about to walk over, her phone chimes, it’s from Mallory her closest friend. “Janie where are you? i’m scared.

might go to the hospital.” “DO NOT go to the hospital, they would ask you too many questions and make it easy to track us.” Mallory and Janie always had each other’s back. especially now that she shot her boyfriend before he could kill her. Her hands shake as she puts her phone away and sneak around to the back of the club. she spot a half open door and slip inside, but she immediately collide with a wall of muscle. “How did you get in here?” “I know Carter Reed. Could I... I mean, is he...” “You and everyone else. Honey don’t waste my time.” “Please just ask Carter himself. if he says no, it doesn’t matter anyway. Carter was best friends with my brother, so he’s my last hope.” “You’re still on this?” A hint of sympathy enters the bouncer’s eyes, and he sighs. “Christ. i can’t believe i’m doing this, what was your brother’s name?” “Aj Martins.” The bouncer pulls out a radio and speak into it for a moment, listening. Finally, he turns back to her. “Huh, Boss says to bring you in and set you up in a penthouse.” Relief floods through her, she nearly drop to her knees on the floor. Quickly the bouncer guides her to the top floor penthouse, leaving her alone to wait. “Oh God Carter joined the mod shortly after AJ died. so what if he doesn’t remember me? And most importantly i killed Jeremy Dunvan, part of the Bertal family mob. what if Carter turns me in?” She sink unto the couch trying to breathe, not bothering about the lights. After a few moments, the door click open, and a deep, rough voice drags her attention. “Where were you when AJ was mugged?” “You’re asking about my brother? Carter, is that you?” The room is still dark, and the shadowy figure of Carter Reed sits on the opposite couch. “I asked you question.” When her eyes adjust, she can make out the cut of Carter’s jawline, his eyes gleaming in the dark. his voice is as icy as his nickname: The Cold Killer. “Aj wasn’t mugged he was killed.” “How did he die?” His voice grows colder and quieter each time he asks. “You want to know how AJ died? With a bat. I saw the whole thing.” She press her forehead to her knees, and the smell of the blood on her pant nearly makes her gag. “Thank you for answering honestly.” Carter hits a switch on the end of the table, and the room floods with light. “No one knows how Aj died except his sister. i needed to make sure it was you.” “You don’t recognize me?” “It’s been a long time Janie.” Her face heats up remembering the last time she saw Carter face to face. She was 16. Carter was her brother’s bold, scary-smart best friend and her crush. one night Carter came over bruised from some fight he’d gotten into. He slept on their couch and... they ended up kissing, he was her first kiss. She clears her throat, and Carter leans forward like he knows exactly what she is thinking about. He pushes away from the couch and moves until he towers over her. Her body becomes painfully aware of how he has been sculpted into a deadly weapon. “Stand up.” “Please.” “What?” “Ask me nicely, would you please stand up? if it pleases you? i’m not one of your lackeys, you can’t order me around.” His brows lift delicately. It’s a reminder that less important people than her have died by disobeying him. “I need to make sure you’re not injured. Please” Reluctantly she stands up, ignoring the danger of Carter being so close. His eyes slide over her with intensity, categorizing each tears on her clothes, each spot of blood. “If you’re not hurt, then where did the blood on your clothes come from?” She opens her mouth to respond, but fear keeps her quiet, trembling under Carter’s keen gaze. “Why don’t i make you something, and you can tell me? let’s go to the kitchen.” Janie is tired and hungry, but every second puts her friend Mallory and herself in more danger. She jerk away from Carter breathing hard. “I don’t need food, i need help.” Janie crumple onto the couch, and Carter lets her. “And i need specifics. You’re like a feral cat.” Right. well you’re like a deadly robot. At least one of us still have emotions.” “Someone needs to stay objective. Tell me what you’re here for.” “I need...” Her stomach pitches with fresh panic. lI need a bathroom.” Carter points, and she barely makes it through the door before she’s gagging into the sink. Her empty stomach only manages to produce acidic bile and she cough. “Janie?” She sink to the floor, trying to catch her breath. Carter crouches beside her and touches her shoulder. His touch is soft, but the power is hand is anything but. “Whatever it is Janie, i’ll take care of you.” Her breath through the pressure building in her chest. Carter does look like the whole world can lean on him and wouldn’t break. She lets her head drop on his shoulder with a sob. He pats her back, a little stiff but soothing. “It’s okay Janie, we’ll figure it out.” “Maybe you shouldn’t promise anything until you know what i did.” “I don’t make promises that i don’t think i can fulfill.” She lift her head and meet his eyes. He doesn’t look away or pull back, his gaze as steady as an anchor. “Carter thank you. Not just for this. But for being AJ’s friend all those years ago.” “Don’t think about it. I did it for myself as much as for you and Aj.” He smooths her hair back and steadies her chin on his knuckles. “Now, are you prepared to accept the consequences of coming to me?”

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