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The story is about a young man who was forsaken by his country, state and tradition African setting. The elders failed him and his culture hasn't done enough to support his dreams. He has travelled but no sense of fulfillment and passion in what he does so he resulted to taking drugs and sleeping with women as an escape route for his predicament. He never found who to marry as marriage was only a fiery tale as those who came around him only needed the little capital he had and not his personality.

Chapter 1 Our country

It's a hot day in the land and everybody needed Joe to be on standby, his country never needed him and never called him for important functions and activities. His love for wanting to make it in life has clouded his mind into attaining a height of doubt. He has judged himself as a failure and certain elders in the land has labeled him as that in the past. He has always wanted to fill among and have a certain ego but when he thinks about how forsaken he is in his current state he goes to wonder what has he really done to deserve the hate.

He has gone from pillar to post just to look for food that could feed his family but no one wanted to help. Several times he has taken his plate outside to seek for help at least just to feed and get going for the day. He asked his friend what has our country done for us and why are we here in the first place. His friend replied: we are here by chance, let me explain, by chance I mean we are here for a small time as we are not choosen by our individual self to come to the world. Joe was lost by this chain of thought as this hasn't solved his financial status or even helped him mentally to deviate his mind from what his country has put him through.

The number of women as compared to men in this country is truly on a high side and jobs have been taken by those who have worked their ways into attaining a good height in school. Joe only had a primary school certificate but has gotten all the required knowledge as a plumber who went to train with Mr Steven. Mr Steven was an arrogant man who sometimes uses enough pride to talk to Joe and most times he uses a soft tune when he is happy and wants Joe to obey his instructions. When Joe finished learning as an apprentice Mr Steven promised to retain him but required Joe to have enough money in other to pick up a skill in his master class. Joe was worried as he didn't have any cash to offset the bills for his training and so decided to leave as that was the only thing he could do at the time.

After Joe left his boss he became disappointed with life in general and started taking drugs and womanising just to end his pain. He saw the country as a wicked place were men are not favoured as he sometimes asked realistic questions like if the country was well structured and organised he won't find himself in such mess. Joe was a man who wanted favours without considering the fact that life is not a bed of roses.

This was a time when men and women needed each other to grow. The men often needed consoling as the only job in town was plumbing and everyone has picked up at least one major master in this craft. Houses needed less plumbing as one house could have more than twenty plumbers trying to fix the house. It was said that ones a man finds a new job it's as a result of their travels and self exposure. Mary has travelled alot and many times Joe has tried approaching her just to realize his heart as skipped a bit for her. This is not common with Joe although he always wants to know extra. One day he spoke to Mary and she told him about her encounter with a foreign man who introduced her to baking. Baking was the most exciting thing she spoke about all through out their chat. She told him about how baking helped some couples live a life of their dreams. Baking never interested Joe because he had always looked down on the art of baking and he saw it as a womans thing.

After that day Joe spoke to Mary about his interest for her and how he wants to have her as a wife. Mary was confused as she never saw it coming and has always seen Joe as a brother from the same city. The city of Ashanz always loved to be in each others business

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