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A young 18 year old teenager falls head over heals for a middle age doctor who was assigned to her temporarily and only a day. She discovers a safe place with him and feels as though the world will end if she didn't end up with him. The twists, the betrayals, the lies and all the deception. Does she live on with it, forgive it or the world actually comes to an end?


Marie Malan sat in her cramped dorm room at the University of Jos, her textbooks spread open in front of her. The soft hum of conversation drifted in from the hallway as her friends gathered for their evening study session. But Marie couldn't focus. Not with the persistent ache in her abdomen gnawing away at her concentration.

She traced her fingers over the pages of her anatomy textbook, trying to absorb the words, but her mind kept drifting back to her own body, to the strange symptoms that had been plaguing her for weeks now.

Abdominal bloating, congestion, prolonged menstrual flow-symptoms she couldn't ignore any longer. Yet, she pushed them to the back of her mind, hoping they would disappear if she simply pretended they weren't there.

"Marie, are you okay?" Janice's voice broke through her thoughts, drawing her back to the present.

Marie forced a smile and nodded, but the concern in Janice's eyes told her she hadn't fooled anyone.

"I'm fine, just a little tired," Marie replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Janice frowned, but didn't press further. Marie was grateful for her friend's discretion, but a part of her wished she could confide in someone, share the burden that weighed heavy on her heart.

As the evening wore on, Marie excused herself from the study session, citing exhaustion. Alone in her room, she curled up on her bed, staring at the ceiling as the shadows danced across the walls. She couldn't keep ignoring the signs any longer. Tomorrow, she would seek answers, even if it meant facing the truth she had been desperately trying to avoid.

With a heavy sigh, Marie drifted off to sleep, the weight of her unspoken concerns following her into the realm of dreams.

Marie Malan juggled her textbooks and notebooks as she hurried across the university campus, the weight of her backpack pressing against her shoulders. The morning sun bathed the grounds of the University of Jos in a warm glow, but Marie barely noticed the beauty around her. Her mind was consumed by the persistent ache in her abdomen that seemed to intensify with each step.

Despite the discomfort, Marie forced herself to focus on the day ahead. She had classes to attend, exams to prepare for-no time to dwell on her own health concerns. With a determined stride, she made her way to her first lecture of the day: History of Diplomacy.

As she settled into her seat in the lecture hall, Marie tried to push aside the nagging pain, burying herself in her notes and textbooks. But the words blurred before her eyes, and the voices of her classmates faded into the background as the ache in her abdomen demanded her attention.

With a sinking feeling, Marie realized that she couldn't ignore her symptoms any longer. How could she focus on her studies when every movement sent waves of discomfort coursing through her body?

As the morning wore on, Marie's resolve wavered. She excused herself from her second class, unable to bear the thought of sitting through another hour of lectures while her mind was consumed by worry.

Alone in the quiet sanctuary of her dorm room, Marie sank onto her bed, her textbooks forgotten. The weight of her unspoken concerns pressed down on her, threatening to suffocate her hopes and dreams.

With each passing hour, the reality of her situation became harder to ignore. How could she hope to excel in her studies when her own body seemed to be betraying her? And with exams looming on the horizon, the pressure only intensified.

But amidst the turmoil, a flicker of determination sparked within Marie's heart. She wouldn't let this obstacle derail her dreams. Tomorrow, she would seek answers, no matter the cost. For now, she would rest, gathering her strength for the challenges that lay ahead.

With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, Marie made her way to the university clinic, hoping against hope that they would offer some relief from the relentless pain that had become her constant companion. The clinic, nestled in a quiet corner of the campus, was bustling with activity as students sought treatment for various ailments.

Marie hesitated at the entrance, a knot of apprehension forming in her stomach. What if they couldn't help her? What if her symptoms were more serious than she had dared to imagine?

Taking a deep breath, Marie pushed open the door and stepped inside. The air was filled with the scent of antiseptic and the murmur of hushed voices as patients waited patiently for their turn to be seen.

After what felt like an eternity, Marie was ushered into a small examination room, where a kindly nurse took her vital signs and listened attentively as she described her symptoms. The nurse's brow furrowed with concern as Marie recounted the persistent abdominal pain, bloating, and prolonged menstrual flow that had plagued her for weeks.

After a brief consultation with the attending physician, the nurse returned with a prescription for medication to alleviate Marie's symptoms. They also provided her with a medical permit, allowing her to go home after her exams for a thorough medical checkup.

Relief flooded through Marie as she clutched the prescription in her hand. At least now she had something to ease the pain, if only temporarily. And with the promise of a thorough medical examination waiting for her after her exams, she felt a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that clouded her mind.

With renewed determination, Marie vowed to push through the upcoming exams, using the knowledge that help was on the horizon to bolster her spirits. And as she left the clinic and made her way back to her dorm room, she resolved to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resilience. For she was not alone in her struggles, and with the support of her friends and the guidance of her doctors, she knew she would find the strength to over come.

In the days leading up to her exams, Marie navigated the maze of university buildings in search of quiet places to study. From the hushed aisles of the library to the secluded corners of different class blocks, she sought solace amidst the towering stacks of books and the echoes of whispered conversations.

But even in the stillness of the chapel's upper rooms or the dimly lit basement corridors, Marie couldn't escape the relentless grip of her symptoms. The pain had subsided, thanks to the medication from the clinic, but the heavy bleeding left her feeling weak and drained, like a candle flickering in the wind.

Some days were better than others. On her good days, Marie was able to focus on her studies, immersing herself in the intricacies of history and international relations with a clarity of mind that belied her physical discomfort. But on her bad days, when the fatigue threatened to overwhelm her and the blood flow seemed unrelenting, she struggled to even lift her head from her textbooks.

Despite the challenges, Marie persevered. She refused to let her health issues derail her academic aspirations, pushing through the pain and the exhaustion with a stubborn determination that bordered on defiance. With each passing day, she counted down the hours until the end of her exams, when she could finally return home and seek the medical attention she so desperately needed.

And as the examination period drew to a close, Marie felt a sense of relief wash over her. She had made it through, against all odds, her strength and resilience shining through the darkness of uncertainty. But even as she handed in her final paper and bid farewell to her classmates, a lingering sense of apprehension gnawed at her conscience.

For the bleeding may have stopped within the confines of the examination period, but the memory of those days of embarrassment and humiliation would linger on, a silent reminder of the struggles she had endured in silence. And as she prepared to embark on the next chapter of her journey, Marie knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but she would face them head-on, armed with the courage of a warrior and the determination of a survivor.

The day after her final exam, Marie found herself surrounded by her friends in the cozy confines of their favorite hangout spot on campus. They lounged on mismatched sofas, their voices rising and falling as they discussed everything from the upcoming school party to the latest Grammy awards, where Davido had narrowly missed out on a win.

As the conversation flowed, Marie's mind drifted, her thoughts consumed by the events of the past few weeks. She listened with half-hearted interest as her friends debated the outcome of the Africa Cup matches and shared updates on their ever-evolving relationship statuses.

But her reverie was shattered when Collin, ever the observant one, turned to her with a furrowed brow and asked, "Hey, Marie, I couldn't help but notice... there were days during the exams where you seemed, well, soaked in blood. Are you okay?"

Marie's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, suddenly feeling exposed under the scrutiny of her friends' concerned gazes. How could she possibly explain the truth without revealing the secret she had guarded so carefully?

Before she could muster a response, Janice, ever the loyal friend, came to her rescue. With a gentle smile and a subtle change of subject, she deftly diverted the conversation away from Marie's discomfort, sparing her from having to confront the truth in front of their friends.

Marie breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Janice's quick thinking and unwavering support. In that moment, she realized just how lucky she was to have friends who cared for her well-being, even when she couldn't find the words to articulate her own struggles.

As the afternoon stretched into evening and the sun dipped below the horizon, Marie felt a renewed sense of gratitude for the bonds of friendship that bound them together. And as they laughed and joked late into the night, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that still lingered in her heart. For with her friends by her side, she knew she could face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with the strength of their unwavering support.

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