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Imperfect love

Imperfect love



Michelle Anderson is a 23 years old girl living in NYC and trying to figure out her life. Mr. Anderson her dad is not a father to boast about. Rachel her mom is a hardworking wife and mom. Being the first child is weighing heavily on Michelle because she has a brother that must go to school. The family income is not just enough. Jayden Smith is the CEO of Smith Group (SG) of the powerful Smith family. He is a bad boy and at the same time a good boy. He isn't a playboy but he doesn't forbid the opposite gender. Smith Group (SG) are business morguls in the business world climbing the ladder to the top on a daily basis. Life brings Michelle to SG as a secretary to Jayden. They then get acquainted with themselves and later they fall in love. Their love is not accepted by some people so they need to make sacrifices. FOR LOVE........

Chapter 1 Another run

The sun was just setting down in the busy street of NYC. Michelle was still in the the boutique although putting finishing touches for the day's work, the time was 05:45 pm. Michelle's phone rang and with a hand she answered and put the phone on loud speaker.

Hey Chelle, her mom Rachel said.

Hi mom, Michelle replied.

Michelle am sorry for disturbing you but could you please stop at the supermarket to get us veggies? I'm about cooking pasta and the veggies won't be enough, her mom said.

Ok mom but I'm still at the boutique although I'm rounding up now, Michelle said.

Ok,another thing. I'm sorry but I don't have money to give you for the veggies. I gave the last money on me to Liam this morning for buying school materials ., her mom said.

It's fine, I'll be on my way soon, Michelle said to her mom.

Alright bye, Rachel said on the phone.

Bye mom, see you at home.

Michelle finally finished rounding up her business and made her way out of the office. She works at May boutique as a sales representative.

Working out of the boutique she came face to face with Lawson,the boyfriend to May, the owner of the boutique and Michelle's boss.

Urg! This damn jerk, Michelle said in her head.

Good evening sir, she greeted him politely and tired walking away but the stupid jerk wouldn't want to let her pass with out showing his jerky nature.

Good evening beautiful Michelle, Lawson said with a smirk.

Okay do not judge Michelle because Lawson is handsome and rich but only Michelle know the reason why she's trying to run away from him.

Lawson has been making sexual advances towards Michelle and apart from loosing her job, she is not the promiscuous type of girl or the type that wants to live off a man. Especially not her boss's boyfriend which could cost her her job. There was a day May almost saw them together with Lawson holding her waist forcefully. They were near the toilet as Michelle was just coming from the bathroom where she went to do her business and Lawson being the flirt followed. May was already begging him to let her go before May's voice stopped him.

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