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In Another World With the Werewolf Prince's

In Another World With the Werewolf Prince's

Lucky writers


Athena Amora is an ordinary girl who initially lived a normal life, but everything changed when she suddenly found herself in another world known as the Leopard World. Athena was destined to be the mate of a Werewolf Prince named Ace Alaric. Although destined by the Moon goddess to be the werewolf Prince's mate, Athena's life in the world of Leopard is not easy. One moment a big problem happened, making Athena have to decide between returning to the human world or staying with Ace in the Leopard world. The love story of two very complicated worlds, there are many differences between them. Can ordinary humans and werewolf prince's from different worlds unite? Or Athena finally gives up and decides to return to the human world?

Chapter 1 Where am I

A woman is lying on a bed, closing her eyes, and drifting off into a dream. Yes, that girl was Athena Amora. A beautiful girl with long brown hair matches the color of her eyes. Her skin is pure white, and her beauty is like that of a goddess. But not too tall—around 165 cm—quite tall for a woman.

Athena Amora is a career woman who is dizzy with work in her office, so Athena chooses to sleep during the day to restore her spirit.

But it turns out that her calmness was disturbed again when she suddenly woke up from her sleep because of a dream. Athena suddenly opened her eyes, and a second later she changed her position to sitting.

"Oh my, that dream again. What does that mean?" mumbled Athena, ruffling her hair in frustration. Athena's life was already a headache with a lot of work every day, plus the past few days she often had strange dreams that made her have to think.

"Huh, I feel like disappearing from this world!" shouted Athena, catching her face with both palms. Athena was really frustrated at the moment.

Moments later, Athena realized something. Athena recalled all the strange dreams she had for a few days, and she began to realize that in every dream there must be a man dressed strangely and also a blue necklace.

"Who is this man who is always in my dreams? And the blue necklace—I think I've seen that necklace before." Athena thought hard; she stayed on the bed for a few minutes just to remember about the necklace.

"I remember!" said Athena excitedly. After remembering something, she got up from her bed. Walking to the dressing table in the corner of her room, she opened all the drawers and boxes on the dressing table. Yeah, Athena found a blue necklace. It was exactly the same necklace as the one in her dream; how could it be?

"This is the necklace that my father gave me back then. What's so special about this necklace that it's been in my dreams so many times?" Athena muttered while looking at the necklace. Not long after Athena decided to wear the beautiful blue necklace, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

"It's so beautiful; why did I just realize that this necklace is so beautiful?" Athena was still busy looking at herself in the mirror. Until the necklace suddenly emitted a blue light, which made Athena close her eyes due to the glare.

"What is this light?" shouted Athena, who was still closing her eyes because the light was too bright.


A gust of wind brushed the face of a girl who was closing her eyes, letting her messy hair fall in the wind. The sound of tree branches scraping was heard, making the girl's consciousness slowly return.

Her eyelids slowly opened, blinking a few times. Her brown irises stared confusedly at what she saw. The girl looked left and right, not understanding why there were so many trees around her.

"Where am I?" Holding her head, the girl muttered softly.

A few seconds later, the long-haired girl suddenly stood up. "Could it be that I was kidnapped from the apartment?" she said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, Athena, what was I thinking? How could there be a kidnapper? My apartment is upstairs," she continued, hitting her head slowly, her eyes still looking around. I hope there's someone to ask.

Yep, that girl's name is Athena Amora. A beautiful girl with long brown hair matches the color of her eyes. With her pure white skin, her beauty is like a goddess. Behind her beauty, she is a girl who is very talkative and cheerful, but very timid.

Like now, Athena stroked the nape of her neck. Her eyes didn't stop looking around. Athena was afraid that suddenly a wild animal would come and eat her.

"Hello! Is anyone here? Help me, I don't even know where I am!" shouted Athena with a shaky breath.

"Yeah... Come on! There must be someone around here. Please help me; I want to go home!" It didn't stop there; Athena continued to scream, annoyed, because no one answered. There was only the sound of trees blowing in the wind and birds flying here and there.

Athena was silent for a moment, straining her ears, when she heard the sound of running water. Athena started to walk, following the sound of the water. She stepped cautiously. The forest was very quiet, and the cold made Athena hug herself with both hands.

"Huh, annoying. Why haven't I found a river or lake yet? Even though the sound of the water is already close," Athena muttered, getting annoyed; her feet were not used to walking. feels heavy and painful.

The sound of birds chirping above made Athena look up. She saw two bluebirds chasing each other. Unknowingly, the corners of her lips lifted, and a sweet smile appeared on Athena's face.

"They must be lovers who are fighting," said Athena, ending with a small laugh. The girl thought it was ridiculous.

In the middle of her journey, following the sound of running water, Athena paused for a moment. Athena's eyes blinked a few times, then turned to the right. Athena seemed to forget her goal of finding the source of the sound of the water when she heard a noise behind the tree she was looking at.

Athena steps towards the source of the noise; she stands right in front of a large tree. Athena slowly peeked behind the tree, her heart beating faster when she saw something.

There, a few meters behind the tree that covered her, was a strange creature. The number cannot be said to be small; its body is large, like a hairy giant. Its skin is jet black, with long fangs and red eyes. It looks like a... monster.

Athena's reflex took a few steps back, her heart rate getting faster. Athena continued to back away until she unconsciously bumped into something behind her. She slowly turned her head, and suddenly her eyes widened.

How not? Behind him was now the terrifying figure she had just seen—a terrifying monster that might be ready to eat Athena at any moment.

"Hah!" Athena backed away, sweat dripping from her temples down her cheeks. Athena swallowed hard as the monster stared at her with a hungry look.

"Food!" The monster's huge voice gave Athena goosebumps instantly.

Athena quickly ran without knowing any direction; her only goal at this time was to escape from that terrible monster. Athena turned her head, her eyes wide, as she saw the three monsters chasing her. Not just one! Athena's history is over.

The monster ran faster, jumping to catch Athena. Luckily, the girl was able to avoid it, and now her eyes are welled up with tears. Athena couldn't imagine if she was caught and made food by the monsters.

"Aaaa, help me! Go, ugly monster! My meat is not good!" shouted Athena, running fast in no direction.

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