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SILVER WOLF: Alpha's Rejected Mate

SILVER WOLF: Alpha's Rejected Mate

Bernice. G.


“I… Logan Adrian Westwood, reject you, Amber Selina Walton as my mate and my Luna." I gasped as the excruciating pain ripped through my heart. I clutched my chest, feeling the pain burn my heart. I've heard of rejection, but I didn't know it hurts like hell, it's fucking painful especially from someone you love. It's tearing my heart apart. My wolf whimpered in pain. “Please don't do this Logan. We have been together for more than one year. We are meant to be, Logan, that's why Selene chose me as your mate," my voice cracked as tears rushed down my cheeks. “I know we have been together for more than one year, but I can't accept you as my mate Amber. You are weak, you can't be my Luna," Logan said without even sparing me a glance. It was as if I now repulse him. I stood, staring unbelievably at him, as tears wet my cheeks. …. After the rejection, Amber picked up her pieces and started living her life. Months later, she accidentally met the man that broke her. She thought the man would ignore her, but he put himself in every business that concerns her. The Alpha who rejected her wants her back. The cocky Alpha will think that he can get her easily. Nah, the game is played by her rules. .. When prophecies are made, secrets are revealed, and enemies appear from different angles. Will their love stand the test or does fate have anything else installed for them. Will Logan be able to protect Amber or will everything clash together?

Chapter 1 Amber


“I… Logan Adrian Westwood, reject you, Amber Selina Walton as my mate and my Luna."

I gasped as the excruciating pain ripped through my heart. I clutched my chest, feeling the pain burn my heart. I've heard of rejection, but I didn't know it hurts like hell, it's fucking painful especially from someone you love. It's tearing my heart apart. My wolf whimpered in pain. It's breaking her too.

“Please don't do this Logan. We have been together for more than one year. We are meant to be Logan, that's why Selene chose me as your mate," my voice cracked as tears rushed down my cheeks.

“I know we have been together for more than one year, but I can't accept you as my mate Amber. You are weak, you can't be my Luna," Logan said without even sparing me a glance. It was as if I now repulse him. I stood, staring unbelievably at him, as tears wet my cheeks.

I can't believe that this was the same man that claimed to love me for more than a year now. He treated me as if I am the most precious thing in this world. He made me fall in love with him, and I gave him my all. I was so happy when I found out that he was my mate. I never in my life thought he would reject me.

“Can you cut it off Amber," he suddenly said out of nowhere, as his blazing eyes glared at me. “Stop acting all innocent when you are nothing, but a cheater. You don't love me Amber, you only want me because I'm the future Alpha. You claim to love me, while you go around sleeping with all the male wolves in this pack."

What! Where did he get this idea from? I can't believe that Logan will say something like this. Logan was my first, and he's the only man that has ever touched me sexually.

“Don't act surprised. I've already found out your little dirty game. I can't accept a slut like you as my mate and Lu…."


I didn't know when my palm flew to his cheek. He widened his eyes in shock, he never thought I would have the nerve to slap him. Being the son of one of the strongest Alpha in the werewolf race, he's feared by many including me. But I don't give a dime at this moment.

“How dare you call me a slut." My words didn't come out well because they were clouded with tears. “You took my virginity Logan. You are the only man that has ever touched me sexually, and you dare call me a slut? This is just an excuse to reject me because I have a weak wolf. You are nothing but a coward Logan." I spat in anger.

“How dare you slap me?" He gritted in anger.

“Because you deserve it!" I blurted out. I won't be afraid of a man like him. A man like him doesn't deserve me. I stood firm and bold as I accepted his rejection. “I Amber Selina Walton accepts your rejection."

That was it, another pain ripped through my heart. Why is it so fucking painful, I should have expected it. He never loved me, he only used me. What was I even thinking? That he would accept someone like me as his Luna? He only took advantage of my vulnerability, and made me think he loves me.

I can't believe I allowed myself to be used by him. He used and discarded me like trash. He made me believe in his fake promises. He made me believe that he loves me, and will be with me forever. I was such a fool, and I won't allow myself to remain as one.


Immediately I left the pack house, I let my wolf out. Both of us are in pain, and I hate it that she was blaming herself for the rejection. She thinks that if she's not weak, Logan wouldn't have rejected us. We love Logan so much, he is our first love and it hurts so much that he rejected us. We didn't know for how long we ran in pain through the forest. Letting our emotions out kind of helped, but the pain was still there even after the run.

I shifted and entered my room through the back door. I feel so tired and devastated. I couldn't stop crying. My father knocked on my door, but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. He left when I refused to open the door, I guess he thought I'd fallen asleep.

I couldn't even sleep. I cried all through the night. I kept on wishing that Logan would call me and tell me that everything he said was a prank. I kept on wishing that it was all a dream, that Logan didn't reject me.

I was only able to sleep for two hours, and when I woke up my whole body was in pain, and my eyes were swollen. I thought I would be able to mask my emotions in front of my father, but when he called me down for breakfast, I realized that I was still crying. I tried so hard to stop crying, but I couldn't. I kept on wiping away the tears. I didn't want my father to see me this way, but the pain was breaking me. I just couldn't believe that Logan could do this to me.

“Amber… are you okay, dear?" My dad asked as I joined him for breakfast. I'm sure that I'm looking like a walking ghost right now. I don't even know why I came down for breakfast when I have no appetite at all, or the strength to answer my dad's question.

“I'm fine," I lied. I'm nothing, but fine. The cracking of my voice gave me away.

“Logan… is he not your mate?" He asked. I gulped down the lump on my throat as I tried not to cry in front of him. Everyone in the pack knows of my relationship with Logan. They all believed that we were mates. Luckily it's true, unfortunately Logan rejected me. I was so happy last night when I was going for the blood moon. I kept on praying that Logan was my mate. Now, I wish I never prayed such a prayer.

“Did he find his mate?" Dad asked again as he passed a cup of milk to me. He thinks I'm this way because Logan isn't my mate, and someone is.

“You can always talk to me dear," he said. Concerned.

I sip from the milk, not even getting the taste. “Logan and I are not meant to be. I will be fine. I just want to leave this pack. I will go to Katelyn, I will stay with her for some time."

I don't see any need to tell Dad that Logan is my mate, and he rejected me. I know who dad is. He loves me so much. He will definitely go and confront Logan for hurting me. I'm just not in for any drama, I want to heal in peace.

Dad gently touched my hand. He's worried, he doesn't like seeing me hurt. “I'm always here for you dear. If you think living with Katelyn will help you heal, I don't mind."

I smile faintly. I don't like keeping Dad in the dark, but this is the right thing to do now.

I hope leaving this pack will help me heal. I just can't stay here and watch Logan take another girl as his mate and Luna.

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