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His past Her future

His past Her future

Gloria writes


A one night stand with a stranger wasn't Raymond's plan that night to get wasted to chase away his nightmares, but he had it anyway. Walking up to his office the next morning as the new CEO and meeting the face he had an affair with, threw him off. At a final decision he decided to marry her and divorce her later just to save his face. Emily later discovering Raymond's biggest secret and the fact that she was also a victim was in despair seeking ways to escape his husband. What happens when Raymond finds himself falling for his wife? Will his love be enough to quell the fire burning in Emily's heart? Read on to find out!

Chapter 1   William's POV

I walk silently like a predator stalking its prey. I need not make noise, otherwise, my movement will be detected by the guards and the mission will be canceled. This promotion means everything to me. I can't afford to remain in my rank forever.

I slowly slid into an open room, the dark envelope and I appeared invisible for a while. My heart beats fast. Maybe, I am afraid. I steady my breathing by inhaling and exhaling.

I peep through the keyhole, I can see my target in the room. She is a beautiful woman with a bright smile which reminds me of my mother. She seems so full of life, so happy and carefree. As I watch her, the feeling of sadness envelops my mind.

Suddenly the buzzing of my phone interrupts the peaceful atmosphere.

"Holy shit!" I curse under my breath as I fumble to answer the phone.

"Located the target? " the voice at the other end of the phone asks.

" Target, located boss," I reply.

"Excellent. Remember, you know what to do," he says, his voice cold and calculating."Whatever you do, do not miss your target. You know the punishment that will follow, if you miss your target, right? "

" Yes, boss," I reply, my voice barely audible.

Failure to eliminate the target will result in death. I am aware of that. I inhale deeply and point my gun through the keyhole in her direction.

"A pity how this beautiful soul will join the fallen ranks of her ancestors this night, " I whisper remorsefully."What a shame." a sly smile spread across my face.

I bite my lips and pull the trigger.


The blast of the gun reverberates through my bones and I hear a sickening thud as the bullet hits its target.

The woman drops the vase she is holding on the floor, shattering the ceramic item into pieces. She falls on the floor, blood pooling around her. Her body goes limp and she's gone.

The door swings open, revealing a shocked and terrified lady. If I'm not mistaken, she should be in my age bracket.

"Help!" she let out a blood-curdling scream. Her scream alerts the guards and I can hear them marching towards the building. I have to get away fast. I lung forward and strike across her face with my fist. She rumples to the ground, unconscious as the sound of feet approaches my direction. I have no option but to run. I have to get out of here alive and fast.

I slide through the window and find myself outside the building. The night is pitch black and I can hear the sounds of guards and dogs running towards me. The dogs are barking and snarling, closing in on me as I run as fast as my leg can carry me. Bullets whizz past me, embedding themselves in the ground and missing me by mere inches. It is only a matter of time before the bullet strikes me.

My breathing comes in short gasps as I reach the fence. Like an expert, I pull over the top of the fence and I am about to jump down.

"Fuck!" I exclaim as a bullet hits my leg and I drop to the other side of the fence.

I tried to stand up but the pains I felt couldn't let me. I groan and roll on the floor in pain, clutching my leg with my hand. The guards are coming close to me and I know what they are planning. I am defenseless and at their mercy.

I know it was considered cowardly to plead but I have to do it. I open my mouth to plead for my life but all that comes out of my mouth is groans.

The guards point their guns at my head. I can feel my world closing in. My fate is sealed and I'm going to embrace eternity. I close my eyes and accept my fate.


The shrill ringing of the alarm jolts me up from my sleep. I sit upright, my heart pounding like I ran a marathon.

"I am no fucking killer. I have changed." I say repeatedly, trying hard to catch my breath.

Why do my nightmares keep on haunting me? I have dropped my past behind me, yet I keep on having this repeated dream. I have been in regret since I joined the Assassin League.

" I can't forgive myself for the harm I caused other people all in the name of revenge," I mutter bitterly.

My eyes dart around the room and my gaze falls on the clock. The clock seems to taunt me with its steady ticking, reminding me that I have little time to prepare for the appointment.

I drag myself out of the bed and to the bathroom. My tired reflection stares at me through the mirror and I hiss a sigh.

I turn the showerhead, and the warm liquid cascades down my body, washing away guilt and depression.

I hastily put on some clothes and grab a snack at the kitchen counter. I rush out of the door, into my car, and weave through the streets. As I drive, the thoughts of my late dreams keep coming into my head. I can't help but wonder; why my life is built differently. The assassin creed brought nothing to me other than pain. I am tired of running from my dreams, I'm going to do what is right. I hiss as I pull up at the curb.

" Congratulations William. You're the new CEO of Prime Creation." a warm smile appears on the secretary's face as she hands me the necessary documents. I return her smile and sign the documents before leaving. The news is good news but I feel no excitement in me. It is just like I am dead. I have no feelings for anything and everything, just depression, and sadness as my best friends. Well, that is what the league turned me to.

As I weave through traffic, I can see a hotel a few kilometers from me. It is bustling with different activities. The lights are on and I can hear the loud music and laughter drifting from their open window.

Something about the lights and the sound of people laughing is inviting me. I can't help but wonder what it'll be like to let loose and join the party. Perhaps a few drinks will be just what I need to forget about the nightmare and relax.

I pull up at the curb and walk into the party.

"Another one!" I call out to the bartender.

"Sir, I'm not sure if that's a good idea. You have taken much," she replies, her voice containing a twinge of concern.

"I pay my fucking money for the drink. Do what you're asked to do and quit disturbing me with your caring attitude, asshole." I answer rudely.

The last thing I want is someone to care for me. I need no mercy, sympathy, or love. I just want to be invincible and exist. Can't people understand? I don't need their sympathy!

I gulp in the mixture, close my eyes, and enjoy the peace of mind I crave. I know it is temporary but I don't mind. All I have to do is to enjoy the peace while it lasts.

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