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Seducing Miss Ceo

Seducing Miss Ceo

Red Ruby


Now that Selena Yard had accidentally fallen pregnant with triplets with their father being an unknown man, she was even betrayed by a scumbag and kicked out by her family. After all that she had experienced, she made a glamorous comeback with cute babies in tow and swore that she would fight to get back what she had once lost. She might have been a domineering president, but something unexpected suddenly happened. "Mommy, we want him as our father!" "Daddy, we'll help you to woo our rich mommy!" The triplets even went to extreme lengths to match-make her with the man of their dreams! Forced Love Weak to Strong/Poor to Rich Forgiveness/Second Chance Rich Cute Baby Independent Kickass Heroine Humorous Disguise

Chapter 1 The Two Boys Are Dead.

“Miss Yard, you’re pregnant with triplets, and the fetuses are all healthy.”

The doctor’s words were still echoing in Selena’s head as she held her waist with one hand and a 4D ultrasound report in the other. She was already seven months pregnant, and because there were triplets, she was bigger than other pregnant women. In fact, she was even bigger than those women who were about to give birth.

They didn’t manage to obtain good pictures of the three babies with the previous scans, but she finally had the pictures she wanted this time. I’m gonna show them to Finneas! He’ll definitely be very happy to see them.

After walking for a while, she grew tired and started panting, so she found a bench and sat down. Then, she stared at the examination report in her hands; the faces of the three babies were clearly visible.

“Who do you look like? Like your dad, or like your mom?”

Suddenly, a slender hand reached outand snatched the report away from her.When Selena looked up sharply,she saw a familiar and bewitching face .It was none other than her younger sister Megan Yard,her younger sister from another mother.Megan was only younger than her by about six months;she was convinced during an affair their father had when Selina's mother was pregnant.

“Give it back to me!” Selena stood up with difficulty. Holding her belly, she reached out to grab her own examination report.

However, the corner of Megan’s lips curved up and her eyebrows were raised as she said, “These b*stards are so ugly that I can tell they are not Finneas’ children.”

“What are you gibbering about?”

With a smooth move, Megan threw the report away, which floated down to the ground.

“Selena, do you really think you’re going to start a family for the Lake Family, huh? Dream on! The person you slept with that night was not Finneas at all.” Then, Megan suddenly approached Selena’s ear and whispered in it, “It was a random b*stard of a man I found for you.”

“You!” Selena looked at Megan in shock. How is this possible? That night, it was clearly Finneas…

suddenly, Megan fell to the ground and grabbed Selena's arms with both hands. “Selena, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do it! You can hit me and scold me as you like,but please don't hurt my child!"

Before Selena could react,a man came over suddenly pushed her away. Stumbling backward, her back hit the wall behind her and a dull pain spread through her.

"What the hell are you doing, Selena?"Finneas hurriedly helped Megan up. That caring and doting look in his eyes caused Selena's own eyes to sting.The two of them.......

"Finneas please apologize to Selena! It was me who snatched you from my sister and got pregnant with your baby. I’m sorry. It was all my fault."Instantly,tears rolled down from Megan's cheeks.

Finneas looked at Selena and asked Megan, “Do you feel any discomfort?Do you want to see a doctor?"

Throughout the seven months of her pregnancy, he had rarely taken care of Selena, for the number of times they met each other could be counted on one finger.

"No you should go and check on Selena. She’s later into pregnancy than I am.I'm fine."

Finneas supported Megan with his arms,and when he looked at Selena,his eyes immediately turned frosty.“Selena, the children in your womb are not mine. Only the child in Megan’s womb is mine.” His tone was not even willing to look at Selena's body for one more second.

"You.....She...."Selena could not get her words out at all.At the moment,she could only feel her body trembling terribly, as if a basin of ice water had been poured over her from head to foot, rendering her completely and utterly cold.

"Megan and I have been together for a long time.We didn't tell you because we're afraid to hurt you, so even when you got pregnant, we’ve been concealing it. But now that Megan is pregnant with my child,I don't want to distress her any further so let's break up."

Selena gripped at the wall behind her tightly.Right when she was already in her seventh month of pregnancy,and when she was already well-prepared to welcome three little lives into the world and to start a new life with Finneas. The man she loved so much had abandoned her. Ever since her mother died,Finneas was her world.She loved him,so she could give up everything she had for him,and even endure everything for him,but he abandoned her just like that.

Seeing that Selena had nothing to say,Finneas turned his head to look at Megan. “Megan, let’s go for a checkup to be safe.Didnt the doctor say that your pregnancy isn't stable yet?"


Then Finneas helped Megan turn around, and they both walked towards the other side.

Only then did Selena come back to her senses."Don't go You’ve got to give me an explanation!” Selena held her belly and caught up with Finneas with difficulty.

As soon as she pulled Finneas' arm, the man subconsciously flung it away."Ah!"That sudden movement caused Selena to fall backward into the stairwell that was just behind her.Toppling over,her bulky body started rolling down there stairs.

The world seemed to quite down all of a sudden Selena lifted lifted her eyelids with difficulty and saw that above her the man she had loved for seven years was holding the other pregnant woman instead of herself......

The pain in her body pervaded her senses;she felt fher eyelids getting heavier and heavier.In the next second,the world went black.

When she opened her eyes again,she realized that she had been woken by pain so intense that she felt as if her body had gone numb.Meanwhile,the transparent liquid in the IV bottles was steadily flowing into her body.

"You're awake!" the nurse looked at her and adjusted the speed of the infusion.Then,she continued,"Since it was a premature birth of triplets,you were given a cesarean section at the last minute.You gave birth to two boys and a girl."The nurse bit her lip,and she averted her gaze as she added,"Its a pity that the two boys....."

Selena turned her eyes to stare at her.In response,the nurse hurriedly turned her eyes the other side and bowed her head to gather her things.Then,she seemed to have made a decision before continuing to say,They're dead.The girl is in the incubator."After saying that,she left the ward in a hurry.

The two boys are dead.The two boys are dead.....

These were the only words that were left in Selena's head.

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