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crazy about the CEO

crazy about the CEO

mary leterman


Erotic novels didn't used to be something for Cissa to be ashamed of, at least until she started working as an assistant to a powerful CEO. Oliver Prado Albuquerque and Guimarães, even his name made her shudder. As cliché as it used to happen in the books she read, Cissa fell in love with her boss, a seemingly unreachable billionaire with a panty-melting smile. As if having eight cats and being about to become an “auntie” wasn't enough, the young assistant lives mixing fantasy with reality and, even without meaning to, ends up interpreting a request from her boss in a distorted and... somewhat perverted way. ! Upon noticing the first signs of interest from the handsome CEO, Cissa is no longer sure if she is real or a fanfic that she created in her fertile mind, not knowing how to deal with the overwhelming feelings that Oliver awakens in her. During a work trip, she decides to take the test and find out if she is going crazy or if the CEO is really falling in love. Is her dream as a reader about to come true, or does she risk being the youngest unemployed member of the family? “I'm sorry for the unusual people on duty, but good love is cliché love! Don’t try to understand, surrender and let yourself live!” Author Unknown Maktub. The word of Arabic origin that means "it was already written" came to mind at the exact moment she entered my room. Although young, I had already lived enough to understand — and realize — that there are moments that change everything. And that term fit like a glove, because I understood what destiny wanted to tell me while looking at the shy woman in front of me. I took longer than usual — or polite — observing the beauty with a delicate structure, with exuberant and tempting curves, a mythical, almost celestial being, who seemed to have come floating to me like a gift. Dark blonde hair, falling loose and wavy in the middle of her back, contrasting with her fair skin and perfect face. She was beautiful. Almost like a porcelain doll. A pair of almost honey-colored eyes, beautiful. Pure and innocent. Confident, but at the same time so sweet, it made me swallow hard. — Please, come in — I asked, my tone coming out a little tighter because of the way it hit me without warning. She didn't move immediately and that made me angry, because I didn't want any distance and when I was about to go to her, she finally started walking towards me, still hesitantly. - What is your name? Although I knew, because of the resume I had just had in my hands, I needed to hear her speak, to hear the tone of the voice of the shy goddess who aroused my interest like no other before

Chapter 1 everything very

conventionally, she didn't dare stretch out her hand in greeting. Normally I wouldn't mind, especially when it's someone female with some kind of connection to work. She preferred to avoid any confusion on the part of an employee, putting a purposeful distance as the boss, who could not say he wanted the same when it came to her. I didn't want any distance. No damn distance. And she seemed to purposely avoid touching me, so I had to take the initiative in greeting. — Oliver Prado Albuquerque e Guimarães — I introduced myself, although I doubted he didn't know who I was.

The small hand came to mine, as if it still feared the contact, even though the wide eyes remained fixed on mine. I almost found her effort to remain distant funny, but any humor disappeared the moment our skin touched and a kind of electric shock went through my body immediately. — Ce-cecília — she stammered, although she tried to maintain a confident pose. — Nice to meet you, Cecília — I let go of her hand after a while, even though it was really nice to have her in mine and I wanted to pull her towards me. — The pleasure is mine, Mr. Oliver. My blood flowed hot, my body alight with recognition, my heart beating like crazy in my chest. And if I could guess, she wasn't as indifferent to me as I was to her. — Please, sit down — I indicated the chair positioned in front of the table and that was when everything happened. Apparently, she was so nervous, not paying much attention to what was happening in front of her, that the natural phenomenon moved quickly and she ended up tripping over her own feet. In the blink of an eye, I was in front of her and with her delicious body in my arms, I prevented an accident bigger than what I felt from happening. Cecília shivered, her hands clinging to my forearms, our bodies responding in unexpected ways to the proximity. Without letting go of her, I found myself mesmerized by the beautiful woman who was in no hurry to move away. And although she knew she wasn't the only one to experience that electric current when touching us, I could also see the nervousness in her expression. In fact, she was more panicked and not just because she feared not being hired in that interview, but because of the unknown feeling that she had infringed on us without asking for permission. When I saw her moistening her lower lip with the tip of her tongue, I couldn't control the desire that spread throughout my body. A primitive sensation, one of those shocking, difficult to hold in your own skin and yet I forced myself to keep it under control. The mouth painted with light pink lipstick was even more tempting and I knew that those lips would be synonymous with problems. I knew myself well enough to know that I couldn't look at her without trying to kiss her, bite her, suck her... whatever I had the right to. And they still had eyes. Those expressive almonds, adorned by long eyelashes, made her look even more striking and beautiful. I was used to having relationships with beautiful women, but this one would be capable of making even a saint lose his mind. — S-sorry... And um... thank you for helping — she stammered and only then was I able to return to reality, leaving her on her own two feet. — You don't need to thank me, Cecília — I managed to say, taking a step back and focusing on what I had to do and not the overwhelming attraction that awakened me. The eyes that captivated me, almost locked on mine like some kind of spell, changed to shy ones and quickly looked away, as if they couldn't maintain contact. - Please sit down. Let's talk — I headed towards my own chair, but before I could notice the confused look and the flushed cheeks. — Thank you — Her tone was polite, but still hesitant when she answered me again. Needing a few seconds to keep myself under control, I moved the papers on my desk and, not for the first time, analyzed her resume. She was still a little inexperienced compared to the other candidates, but she had good qualifications and that was what really mattered. — So, Cecília Magalhães, tell me about yourself. I ran my hand through her hair and she followed the movement of my arm, seeming distracted. When she looked at me again, her cheeks took on an even redder tone. I thought she would remain unsure about continuing with the interview, however, after taking a deep breath, she began to speak. At first, she stuttered a little, probably due to nervousness, but soon she seemed to regain some control and said everything very slowly, as if she wanted to assure me and herself that regardless of her lack of experience, she would be the best choice. as my assistant. What she didn't know yet was that regardless of what I had on my resume, I had already made the decision from the moment she walked through my door. Still, I allowed her to speak, sporadically asking questions related to the position, even if she wanted to get personal. I did all of that without taking my eyes off her, almost drooling, an avid spectator and listener, wanting more and more of her. However, it still wasn't enough. I wanted more. A lot more. I've always been a perceptive guy and so I focused on her, trying to guess what she was hiding behind her beauty that could bring me to my knees and that captivating shyness. — I think that was enough — I heard myself say, when the phone on my desk rang and when I excused myself to answer it, the secretary reminded me that I was late for a meeting. He hadn't even noticed that he had spent so much time on the interview, since he was loving having her there. And as tempted as I was to continue being in her presence, I couldn't afford that luxury. Not yet, at least. Looking a little mortified at the interruption, she quickly got to her feet and, holding her bag like a shield, faced me somewhat awkwardly. — Mr. Oliver, thank you... — Oliver just — I insisted on correcting and she nodded, trying to hide her blush a little. — Alright... Oliver... Er... T-thank you for your time and sorry for anything. — Her tone was gentle, yet she couldn't disguise how nervous she still was. — There's no need to thank her or apologize — I smiled, trying to make her more comfortable and she nodded, without looking at me directly. — We'll talk soon. — She agreed again, before slinging her bag over her shoulder and hurrying to the door, as if I were stealing the air from her lungs. I smiled, several thoughts of how I could actually do that playing out like a movie in my head. — You can cancel the appointment with the other candidates — that's what I told the human resources manager on the phone, as soon as the blonde left. — I've already found the perfect candidate. Cecília Magalhaes left certainly believing that she had not done well and that she had lost the opportunity to work for me. However, she couldn't be more wrong. I didn't just find the assistant I needed. I still wasn't sure, but I had also just found the one who would be the

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