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Cursed With Having Two Mates

Cursed With Having Two Mates

Esme Parker


Loretta Thiel, who was left in the countryside by her father for 18 years, was suddenly taken back to the Thiel family. Loretta's stepmother found fault with her, her sister framed her, and her fiancé cheated on her. Loretta's father even declared she was adopted by the Thiel family. Everyone mocked her and said she was just a poor and stupid village girl. However, a big shot sneered. She was a straight-A student and an international hacker. She even excelled at medicine and divination as the leader of a major company. Who was she? Christian Avery came from one of the top families in the country. One day, he announced to the public that his cute wife was a bit wild, and if she caused any trouble, he would bear all the consequences. Everyone was curious about who Christian's mysterious wife was. Christian mentioned Loretta online. "Wifey, just tell everyone I'm your husband!" One day, her identity was exposed. Then all the trending topics were all about her!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

Pain is all I've ever known, all I've ever seen, and all I'll ever get. The same things happen everyday, I get pushed around daily, insults are thrown at me and I never say a word or else everything will get worse. My pack is against me, they hate me and refuse to love and protect me like a pack should do. Pack?

I'm a werewolf, or at least that’s what I keep saying to myself. Sometimes I don't feel like one because my pack makes me feel as if I'm not.

I continue to look out my window watching the rain hit against it. I try to keep my tears from spilling, but they always manage to in the end. Because as I'm alone and remain in the eerie silence I think of how it all happened.

Before my life was burned to the ground, I was the happiest girl in the world. Everyday there was always a smile on my face. I had a brother who protected me from all the people that wanted to tear me down. And a sister who thought I was a hero. No one ever made fun of me or laid a finger on me. After all I was the Beta's daughter, one of the most important werewolves in the pack.

My brother and sister, Kevin and Kelly, my triplet sister and brother actually, were always there for me. My parents were there for me too; they cared and loved me just like any pair of parents would. But that all changed when it was our birthday. Kevin, Kelly, and I.

It has been said that on your twelfth birthday you change into your wolf. And they always said that the first change was the most painful one. Well Kevin, Kelly and I were so excited to change into our inner wolfs and we were happy to do it together. That night Kevin and Kelly changed and I was there with them every step of the way. They cried in pain for what seemed like forever but when they were finally their wolves it was like they were breathing for the first time. Their fur was brown and black; they got it from my dad who was a black wolf and my mom who was brown. I automatically imagined myself being the same as them and therefore I was ecstatic to change that night. But only I hadn't changed that night or the next day or the next year.

No one understood what happened. We went to several doctors and therapists thinking that maybe there was something wrong with me or something that was preventing me from changing. But the doctors and therapists found nothing. They said I was perfectly fine. They had no answers and no explanations as to what was wrong with me. We finally gave up and just began to wait for something. But that something never came.

Quickly over time, my parents soon weren't loving towards me, they thought I was a shame to the family because I hadn't changed, my brother and sister abandoned me, now that I wasn't "normal" in their eyes. I was completely alone. That's when insults were thrown at me and soon enough violence. I was pushed against lockers, beaten for no apparent reason. I was the puppet and they controlled the strings.

I became weak and fragile, no longer the strong girl I once was.

But on my 15th birthday I finally changed. I screamed in pain and my parents, Kevin, and Kelly came into my room and were finally smiling at me instead of the same look of disgust that they showed me everyday. They were happy that I was changing and I was happy that we could finally be a whole family again. But to my surprise I wasn't getting any of those things in the end.

When I finally changed, I expected to change to a brownish blackish color just like Kevin and Kelly had but I didn't. Instead I was an all white wolf and on my neck lie a black printing of a gardenia flower.

I was mortified when my family took my full image in, and the same look of disgust and hatred towards me was alive again.

One word echoed through my head: freak.

The bullying got worse. My mother would slap me, her nails digging in my skin. My father would try to choke me and it stored fear in my mind. My brother and sister the ones who were supposed to be connected to me because we were triplets no longer loved me; instead hatred took its place. My pack was just like them. All the same. No one showed sympathy to me, no one helped me, I had no one.

I was alone and that was an unwanted feeling. Everyday I would ask God why me? But I never got my answer instead I would cry myself to sleep.

My mother replaced me with Kelly and gave her a family heirloom, that was supposed to go to me not her. My father always stood by Kevin but not once did he hold my hand or comfort me ever again.

I was shattered when they did that.

I always thought that my future Alpha, Gordon, would make all of it stop but he just joined in. My crush was against me and would suck my sister’s face off. They were "together" whatever that meant. They never stopped; it was as if it was their personal brand of some kind of drug.

I continue to wish that my mate would show up soon so that way he would take me away from it all. I know he would rescue me from this wretched prison. I just know it.

Or do I?

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