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Love's Awakening

Love's Awakening

Nora Stewart


Megan Pham's life takes a drastic turn when she is forced to marry Leo Moyer, a man in a coma, to save her brother's life. But on their wedding night, Megan discovers that her husband is not actually in a coma and is quite capable of physical activity. Unfortunately, Megan's happiness is short-lived as she is pushed into a fire by Leo's jealous ex-lover while pregnant with his child. Years later, Megan has risen from the ashes and become a successful caterer with her popular cookbook, "The Cuisine Recipe." When she and Leo cross paths again, he realizes that he still has feelings for his ex-wife. As they struggle to navigate their complicated past, their two children come to their rescue with an unexpected proposal. "Daddy, do you need us to do some undercover work?" their little ones ask, offering a glimmer of hope for Leo and Megan's rekindled romance.

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 pregnant with Leo Moyer's child.

In Portland, there were dark clouds and heavy rain.

Megan Pham, dressed in a black dress and white flowers, knelt on a futon in the mourning hall.

From the room separated by a curtain came mother Lola's plea in a low voice, "brother, I beg you to let Megan go and cancel the marriage with the Moyer family. That Leo Moyer has been lying in bed for half a year and hasn't woken up yet, just like the living dead. If you insist on letting Megan marry, you will push her into the fire pit." Megan's father has just passed away, and her brother is not out of danger. Our family has been killed and injured. It's bad enough. Please let us go!

"Sister, you made a mistake. I didn't force Megan to marry. She wanted to marry herself. She wanted to take the bride price to keep The Modern and save your precious son."

"No, big brother, she is also forced, I beg you."

Lola still wanted to beg, but the curtain of the mourning hall was lifted. Megan Pham came over with a plain face. She looked at her uncle Krew Pham and said calmly, "Mom, don't say anything. I want to marry myself!"

Krew Pham sneers, "Look, Megan is still concerned about the overall situation."

"I take the overall situation into consideration, and I also hope that my uncle will keep his word and not play The Modern again. Otherwise, I will tell the the Moyer family that you have made false promises and cheated."


A week later, just after her father Kian Pham's first seven days, Megan Pham married Portland's richest man, the Moyer family.

The wedding ceremony was full of guests, but Leo Moyer, the groom, did not attend. Because Leo Moyer had an accident when he went to sea on a yacht half a year ago. The yacht exploded. After he was rescued, he became a vegetable and lay in bed for half a year without waking up.

Leo Moyer's grandmother, old Mrs. The Moyer family. Moyer has always loved this little grandson very much. After Leo Moyer's accident, she visited many famous doctors for her grandson, burning incense and worshipping Buddha. Finally, she got the advice of an expert, saying that she could wake up with joy!

The old man had already lost all hope, but suddenly got a glimmer of hope, and immediately rushed to choose a granddaughter-in-law among the famous ladies in Portland.

It was very unlucky to be chosen by the the Moyer family to marry a vegetable, and what's more, every granddaughter-in-law chosen by an old lady would have an accident in the end, either breaking her leg or breaking her hand. The daughters of each family were even more evasive about the marriage.

Finally, old Mrs. Jin. At a party, Moyer chose the Pham family Joy Pham, who has outstanding appearance and figure. But Joy Pham grew up in the hands of her parents, how could she be willing to take the risk of marrying a vegetable?

She refused to eat for three days.

Krew Pham was reluctant to give up his daughter and dared not offend the the Moyer family. After thinking about it, he bribed the doctor to issue a medical examination report, falsely claiming that Joy Pham had a malformed uterus and could not bear children for life. Krew Pham is at the Jin old Mrs. With the medical report. Moyer burst into tears in front of him, crying that he wanted to marry the Moyer family very much, but did not dare to delay the great event of carrying on the family line in the Moyer family. The old lady was a little touched by what he said.

In the end, he came up with a compromise and asked his niece Megan Pham to marry instead.

Old Mrs. Jin. As soon as Moyer looked at Megan Pham's photo, she dumped Joy Pham for a few blocks and immediately agreed to change her granddaughter-in-law.

When Megan Pham learned the news, her father had just died, his father's The Modern was in a precarious situation, and her brother's life was uncertain. She needed money urgently, and there was no room to refuse. The only lucky thing was that the evil things did not find her, and she made it to the wedding with sound hands and feet.

Today, Megan Pham completed the ceremony alone. After the ceremony, she was sent to Woodforest, Leo Moyer's villa.

“Ms. Pham is good. Ms. Woodforest, the housekeeper. Lang, a woman in her late fifties, is cold and distant.

What about Leo Moyer? I want to meet him.

“Mr. Moyer's on the second floor, Ms. Klein is with him.

“Ms. Klein?”

“Ms. Klein is Mr. Moyer's lover! Another servant on one side said, listening to the tone of Ms. A loyal fan of Klein.

Megan Pham probably knows about this Ms. Who is Klein? After she promised to marry Leo Moyer, she did her homework and knew that Leo Moyer had a confidante named Jenny Klein.

It is said that Jenny Klein used to be a counter sister at a luxury goods counter in a shopping mall. She met Leo Moyer by chance. Leo Moyer, who was originally cool and self-restrained and not close to women, fell in love with her at first sight. She was a Cinderella. Before Leo Moyer's accident, the two were very close to each other, and it was once rumored that a good thing was coming, but it was Leo Moyer's grandmother, Jin old Mrs. Moyer doesn't like Jenny Klein, who has no background.

After Leo Moyer became a vegetable, Jenny Klein came to the hospital bed every day in an attempt to move the old Mrs. With her sincerity. Moyer, but old Mrs. Moyer turned around and arranged Leo Moyer's marriage to Megan Pham, ignoring her.

"Take me up." Megan Pham said.

The Woodforest is as big as a maze, and Megan Pham doesn't know which room Leo Moyer is in on the second floor.

The servants winked at each other and stood still.

In the end, only the young Ivory stood up and said, "Mrs.". Moyer, I'll take you up.


Woodforest is elegantly decorated, the interior is elegant, and in the long corridor, every ornament is of great value.

Leo Moyer sleeps in the master bedroom on the second floor. At the door of the master bedroom, there are two rows of bodyguards. These bodyguards are all tall and imposing.

Ivory took Megan Pham to the door and whispered, "Mrs.". Moyer,Mr. Moyer's in there. You be careful, this Ms.. Klein is very sophisticated. She bribed the people downstairs and made everyone call her Mrs. in private. Where's Moyer?

Megan Pham thought to herself that she was not sophisticated enough to come and swear sovereignty on their wedding night.

"Then why didn't I buy you off?"

I'm young, and she's afraid I'll hit Mr. It was Moyer's idea. She thought I was a threat to her here, so she tried to get me out again and again.

"Did you hit Mr.?". Moyer's idea?

Ivory immediately admitted, "How dare I climb up to Mr.?". Moyer. Besides, I have a boyfriend. I just want to work hard here to make money. After all, the salary here is high.

An honest girl, yes.

Megan Pham patted Ivory on the shoulder and pushed the door into the bedroom.

The bedroom was spacious and bright. The first thing she saw when she entered the door was the woman standing beside the big bed. The woman was wearing a white dress with long hair and beautiful features. She held Leo Moyer's hand tightly for fear that others would not know her relationship with Leo Moyer.

"You're Leo's new wife?" Jenny Klein looks at Megan Pham.

Megan Pham didn't speak. She looked at the man on the bed.

The man wore a dark suit with excellent texture and a corsage on the suit. Although he did not go to the wedding scene, he changed into the groom's costume with a sense of ceremony. He lay upright, tall and long-legged, his skin glazed by the cold white light, his features angular, especially at the root of his nose. In this world, there are many people with skin appearance and few people with superior bone appearance. What is rare is that the man in front of us has both skin appearance and bone appearance.

I heard that he was a decisive and extremely cruel man before the accident, but he didn't look like him at all.

Jenny Klein saw that Megan Pham ignored her, and her self-esteem was frustrated. In an instant, she raised her voice, "What are you putting on Mrs.?". Moyer's spectrum? Don't think you're really his wife if you marry Leo. He doesn't know about this marriage. If he were awake, he would never marry you. You're just a happy man. The one he really loves is me.

The servants downstairs heard the noise and quietly ran to the door to watch the scene of bustle, waiting for Ms. Klein, give this new Mrs. Moyer is a blow.

Megan Pham wanted to save some face for Jenny Klein. After all, from a love point of view, Jenny Klein did come to Leo Moyer before her, but she didn't expect Jenny Klein to be so aggressive. She knew she had to fight back, or else Jenny Klein and the crowd at the door would think she was a soft touch, and she would have a harder time in the Moyer family.

"How do you know he won't marry me?" Megan Pham smiled warmly, revealing the pear vortex at the corner of her lips. "Am I not long enough to make a man move?"

Megan Pham has never been a beauty without knowing it. She knows too well how dominant her face is. When his father was still alive, the son of a famous family who asked for marriage almost broke the threshold of the Pham family.

Jenny Klein was shaken by Megan Pham's smile. As a woman, she had to admit that Megan Pham was really beautiful.

So what if you are good-looking? Leo is not a person who is interested in women. He pays attention to the connotation of women. You, on the other hand, are greedy and have no filial piety. Your father has only been dead for a week, and you are in a hurry to get married. Isn't it just for his money? When Leo wakes up, he will divorce you and kick you out!

The servants outside all think that Jenny Klein has a point, Mr. Klein. Moyer hates gold-diggers. In the past, if such a woman wanted to get close to him, he would mercilessly shatter their illusions.

Then wait until he wakes up! Anyway, I'm a real Mrs. now. Moyer,Ms. If Klein doesn't want to be labeled as a mistress, please stay away from my husband! Now, please leave the Woodforest! ". Megan Pham said, glancing at the servants at the door, "and you, if you don't like me, you can pay your salary and follow Ms.". Klein left together, so as not to make your work unhappy in the future!

"Why should you drive us away?" Housekeeper Ms. Lang is not convinced.

“Mr. Moyer is unconscious now. I am his wife, the mistress of this house. A mistress can't decide how many servants to stay or not?

The crowd was startled and immediately kept silent. They know in their hearts that Jenny Klein is not Mr. after all. Mrs. Moyer, who is being married by the Ming media. Moyer, she herself is just an ordinary worker, although she usually gives a lot of small favors, but those are not valuable, really go with her, where can she afford so many servants?

You.. You Jenny Klein was too angry to speak when she saw that the situation was not good. She thought Megan Pham was just a down-and-out daughter, but she didn't think she was a tough one. "I'm not leaving. I want to accompany Leo."

"Do you want me to ask the bodyguard to ask you out?"

"Who dares to touch me?" Jenny Klein stepped back to protect her lower abdomen. "I'm pregnant with Leo Moyer's child. I'll see who dares to touch me!"

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