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Mated To My Enemy Alpha.

Mated To My Enemy Alpha.

Isla Sullivan


In Amanda's previous life, she had been waiting for Roger to care about her. However, Roger never paid attention to her, even when she died. After her rebirth, Amanda decided that she would divorce Roger. However, Roger, her shameless ex-husband, was not willing to divorce, and he began to protect and pamper Amanda as much as he could. "My ex-wife is weak and cannot take care of herself. You are not allowed to bully her." Then Roger personally saw how his weak ex-wife, who could not take care of herself, taught the bitch a lesson. "My ex-wife has no ability. She can only rely on me." Then Roger personally saw how his ex-wife, who had no ability, had let his arch-enemies suffer a lot. Everyone thought that Amanda was the one that deeply loved Roger and couldn't leave him. However, they saw Roger kneel in front of Amanda and beg to remarry her.

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

Sun Pack


Albert Griffith woke to sunlight streaming through his windows and birds chirping in the early morning. Today was going to be a good morning, he thought. It's the first day of school and he is now a junior and tomorrow is his 17th birthday. Why is he excited about turning 17? Getting his mate of course! Oh ya did I mention Albert is a werewolf? Well he is, and so is his family and friends. Actually most of the town is werewolf. But back to the mate thing. Basically when a male werewolf turns 17 they find their mate, the one person they are destined for. He is sure his girlfriend of two years, Carrie, is his mate. She is also a werewolf like most people in town. The Walters family is the Alpha family of the pack. Luckily Albert's best friends, Nate and Percy Landers, were the Betas of the pack though Nate more so than Percy. Their pack was called the 'Sun Pack' because back in the beginning of the packs existence, everyday the sun will come out wherever the pack would move so they decided to name it the 'Sun Pack'.

He got up, got dressed and walked down the stairs of his two story house, to the kitchen. As he got there he saw his older brother by one year, Alex. They said their 'morning's to each other and went back to their own business. They might be brothers but they had nothing in common. Albert had short blonde curly hair, pale blue eyes, outgoing and popular and a love of sports that he had acquired from his mother, who was also a sports nut. While Alex was more like his father, medium long black hair, green eyes, very reserved, but a rebel all the same.

Albert was too excited to eat so he just grabbed a granola bar, his backpack and headed out the door saying 'bye' to his brother only because his parents were out dealing with pack things.

He jumped in his car, a blue Chevrolet truck, and sped off to Percy and Nate's place then they would all head over to Carrie's.

After five minutes, he was already at their house and honked his horn 3 times, the signal that he was there.

Albert waited and waited. Looking at the clock it said, 6:57. Damn, I hope they hurry up, Albert thought to himself. He perked up when he heard the door open and close. He looked out the window and saw who was coming.

Suddenly his perkiness ended when he saw the one person he didn't want to see.

The person was Alanna Floris, the devil herself, Albert thought. She was the sister of Nate and Percy. They were all triplets but they did not look like it. She had long black hair with pink ends at the bottom and brown eyes. She had caramel skin that looked like she tanned a good amount, an athletic body that you knew she took care of as well as a face full of soft and small features with a few piercings he had just noticed for some reason. I was all a great combo, in Albert's point of view but he knew the real her. You could some what call her a busy body when it came to men and you could definitely call her a player. She dated or hooked up with them, whatever floats your boat, almost all the juniors from last year. Since they were triplets, she was the same age as her brothers. Albert and her are enemies for multiple reasons. One, being that he believes that people should wait until they find there mate before they have sex. Two, Alanna and Carrie used to be best friends but then, according to Carrie, Alanna slept with Carrie's first boyfriend, before Albert.

He scowled at what she was wearing, which consisted of a some shorts that would most likely make a stripper blush with their length, a cropped band Allie which looked like it was far past its days of use and some black shoes that only made sense since she wrote a motorcycle to school. Even though the shirt was modest, the fact she was a DD still somehow made it look just a bit out there for school.

He did have to admit though, she did look in a way...cute. The shorts accented her hips and buttocks and still showed off her smooth legs..

Wait, he seemed to snap back to reality and shook his head scowling. It was on the more modest side for her but he knew who she really was. She thinks she can pretend.

Good luck with that Alanna.

Alanna looked over where he was sitting in his car, scowling at her choice of clothing and smirked at him then walked over to her blue and black motorcycle, put on her helmet, revved the engine just to show off and sped off to the school.

Finally after 5 minutes after Alanna left the guys came out of the house.

Percy was first out. He had short red hair with green eyes, an unusual mix for a werewolf. He also had many freckles that blended in with his pale skin that contrasted to his tan brother and sister. He had the 'sweet boy' look to him but he was far from it. He was a prankster that will never quit. He loved to do pranks on his little sister, Alanna. They were closer than she was with Nate. Mainly because he was the middle child so she came after him and he made it his job to make her happy when she was sad. He was not a player like his brother and sister. In his point of view, he was not hot or handsome, he was average. Most girls didn't faun over him like they did his brother but he didn't mind.

Then came Nate. He was the total opposite of his twins. Nate had skater style brown hair and grey eyes. He was basically the leader of his family since his father died four years ago and it was his responsibility to be Beta since his brother and sister weren't old enough.

They were all still 16 and Nate and Percy couldn't wait to have a mate unlike Alanna. Their birthday was on August 25th. They got their licenses early due to them having leverage in a werewolf populated area. And both brothers, thanks to werewolf genes, were ripped, like Bert.

They said their 'hellos' and 'how was summer?'s and then they were off to pick up Carrie.

"Dudes, what took you so long?" Albert asked. The twins exchanged a look and grinned.

"It takes time to look this damn good, Bert." The twins said together in sync. It went silent and then they all busted up laughing. Man, I missed my friends, Bert thought.

"So, how was your summer without Carrie?" Nate asked Albert, with distaste in his voice. But Bert didn't seem to notice it and smiled at him.

"It was hard, you know? I missed her. It felt weird not being able to see her everyday." Bert said in a dreamy voice. Percy and Nate looked at each other and started gagging.

"Whatever, you guys will understand when you fall in love." Bert scowled at the brothers. The twins exchanged a look but Albert was too busy swooning to notice it.

The ride was silent the rest of the way.

Carrie sat looking at her vanity mirror making sure everything was perfect for Albert. She loved him and everything but 'no sex till we are mates'? I mean really, she thought as she picked up the clothes that were strewn all over last night and put them back to wear they were. She got did another smooth down of her hair and clothes to make sure nothing looked off. She looked over at the man laying in her bed. Who was he? She shrugged with little care. It didn't matter anyways. She'd never see him again. He was just there to satiate her appetite.

She cocked her head to the side and looked at him again. Wow, he was a lot cuter in his basketball uniform. She had trouble remembering his name. Seth? Connor? Oh it didn't matter, he'd be gone by the time she or anyone got home and be back in his town which was an hour away. She made sure to keep her blinds closed and shut her door when she left.

I mean she couldn't have Albert know that she was having wild sex with a random stranger, now could she? She heard a snort and she had thought the guy on her bed had woken but to her relief, he hadn't. Thankfully, Albert could never smell the men since they weren't werewolves.

She left the guy a note saying she was leaving for school and to never come back and she was off. Her parents wouldn't care, they were not even home right now. Carrie rolled her eyes to herself, whatever, she thought, I dont need them anyways

She couldn't bother eating, because I mean, she only allowed herself one meal a day and maybe a snack if she was good. She felt a pit in her stomach, she knew it was not smart to fast like that but she couldn't be bothered to care.

She heard a horn honk outside and grabbed her things and went outside to greet her clueless boyfriend.

As soon as he saw her walk out that door, Albert couldn't help but think how gorgeous she looked.

Her platinum long blonde hair went perfectly with her chocolate brown eyes and her body, well let's just say it was smoking! She was wearing a skirt that Albert thought was a little too high for her but shrugged it off, it made her legs look amazing.

The thought came back though when he saw her shirt made her boobs pop out like they were on display for the whole world and he couldn't help but think, that's odd.

Had she always worn this stuff..?

He plastered on a fake smile though when she got to the car. She got in and kissed his cheek and winked.

"Hey babe. I missed you all summer!" Carrie was in France all summer and Albert couldn't help but think if she dressed like this in France...He shook his head of those thoughts. She was not his property but he did worry at times about how she acted.

"Yeah sweetie. I missed you too. I couldn't wait to see you though." He smiled and she gave him a sincere smile back. Well there's the real Carrie, Albert thought. He pushed all thoughts on her wardrobe choice and France away and concentrated on getting to school on time since they were already behind on time.

It was 7:36. Wow time passes quickly, he thought.

Five minutes later, they had arrived at school, West Side High, and they all got out, bracing themselves for a new, amazing, eventful year and little did they know that's exactly what they would get...

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