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The Alpha's Fiery Addiction

The Alpha's Fiery Addiction

Isla Sullivan


When they first met, she was regarded as his "antidote". He didn't expect that he would be addicted to "antidote" and came to propose in person. Nicola was so scared that she trembled. "Hey, the person you are going to marry is my sister!" William pulled her into his arms and said, "marry me. I can give you anything!"

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

Kate’s POV

The bright morning sun’s rays shined through my curtains, today was my birthday. Great! Note the sarcasm. Everyone normally loves their birthday but not me, I hate it. It was today seven years ago my parents were murdered. The newspaper said it was a car accident but even the neighbours knew better but of course they are, there one of us. I rubbed my eyes and pushing myself up from the pillows. My tired muscles ached in protest as I slowly stood up.

My Mum and Dad were the Alpha's of the biggest Pack in America. The Wood Pack - they were out a run when pack of rouges caught their scents and set out for a surprise attack. My Dad was a magnificent fighter he used to tell us stories of rouges coming onto our land and how he used his 'special powers' to keep them off, whereas my mum wasn’t a fighter resulting in my dad died trying to protect her. They were mates they'd do anything, be anything for each other.

My brothers and I are now the only ones left in our family, we’re a very peculiar family but we all love, protect, and support each other. Let’s just say my brothers don’t let anyone hurt or upset me in any way without it ending in a trip to the hospital. I love my brothers - Nate, Jason and Shane. They’re triplets! As they’reall exactly the same age, they all decided to co-head the pack. So as their younger sister I was to become Beta. The Pack contained over 30 wolves, some mated some had not.

School was interesting as I grew up with my brothers, no boys ever got in within a mile radius of me without my brothers consent and my only girl friends had to belong to the pack. Sometimes I hated it when they wouldn’t let anyone near me without having a normal explanation like, do you have the math homework?

As I made my way down to the kitchen to make myself a bowl off Chocó-chunks, my favourite cereal; I noticed a letter on the table with my name on it; I wonder what this could say. I thought to myself sarcastically with an eye roll.

Katie, We’ve gone for a run, before school. All the windows and doors are locked so your safe and we' will be back soon and ______ BIRTHDAYYY. From US!!!!!

P.S. take a shower you smell!

They know I hate celebrating my birthday, so I tell them not to. And this year for the first time, they actually listened to me. I don’t like getting presents because I feel like I’m getting presents to celebrate my parent’s death not my birth. Now The sixthof September has a double meaning!

After I ate my bowl of cereal, I went up stairs to take a shower. It was nice and warm, making my tensed muscles relax. As I stepped out the shower I heard the front door opening. I froze until I heard Nate's voice coming from below, I have such paranoia. I let out a deep breath, -which I didn’t know I that I held - and waltzed over to my dresser.

Usually I straightened my hair. But today I felt different. Like I wanted to be different and act different. So, instead I curled it and even wore some makeup. This is unlike me!

Once I was happy with my appearance, I walked over to my wardrobe and stared at my clothes undecided. Then it clicked, I knew exactly what I wanted to wear. I grabbed my black jeans, my favourite red top, with a leather jacket that Jason once commented I looked ‘dangerous’ in.


I walked down stairs and into the kitchen where I saw Nate leaning against the counter, Shane at the table, and Jason making coffee. Their expressions went from casual, to whoa, to angry, as I walked into the kitchen with my head held high. Jason started to speak in a low death threat kind of voice.

“Go Change..." He said with a serious look on his face.

Then Nate added, “Now.”

Then lastly Shane “Before we make you."

I cringed slightly, I hated when they used the Alpha tone on me. I shook my head ignoring it.

"-but today is my birthday! I can; and will do. Whatever. I. Want" I stated as-a matter of fact.

They all looked at each other questioningly, and back at me. Even I was a bit shocked at my little outburst.

"Who’s the boy?" they said in unison.

I looked at them totally confused and taken aback, usually they would shout at me for talking back.

"What?" I asked.

"You heard us, who’s the boy our little sister has a crush on?"

Jason made kissy faces, teasing the hell out of me.

"I don’t have a crush, because if I did you'd 'crush' him." I smirked back, proud of my pun.

"So why are you dressed like that Kitty-Kat?" Asked Shane, again they all went back to accessing my outfit.

"I honestly don’t know, I just felt like it I suppose."

They all looked at each other with worried expressions.

What did I say?

"Sir, we have to talk" Shane trailed off.

"Yeah, you’re getting to a stage where you’re erm..." Nate trailed off.

I learned years ago that the boys only finish each other’s sentences when they all have the same emotion at the same time.

"What is it?" I asked completely confused.

"Well your body is changing and if you would want to become... Err, intimate with a boy-"

Wait! There aren’t doing what I think they’re doing are they? No! This cannot be happening! What brought this on? I’m turning sixteen not joining sex education classes! I had to stop him before I died of embarrassment.

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