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The Returning Godfather

The Returning Godfather

Zachary Bentley


Ryan Stark, who is incomparable in medicine and martial arts, has spread across the world and has power all over the world. He is respected as the godfather. He was conspired to lose his memory, and after living on the street, he married into a family and became a live-in son-in-law, and suffered all kinds of humiliation and ridicule. Once the memory is restored, let's see how he slaps the face with a backhand, wins the heart of his beautiful wife, and returns to the top of the world with beauty!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The Angry Brother-in-law

As the sun set, Ryan Stark walked home with heavy steps.

The whole family had already finished their meal, and there were only leftovers left on the table. No one cared about him as a visiting son-in-law.

Father-in-law Sean Jefferson asked sullenly, "Did you get the money?"

My brother-in-law, Timothy Jefferson, talked about a woman who asked to buy a house and a car in her name.

For a house of 100 square meters, according to the house price in Florida, the down payment is 300,000.

The Jefferson family only had 150,000 savings, and there was still a big gap, so Sean Jefferson asked Ryan Stark to go to the unit to advance a year's salary.

Mother-in-law Mina Rose frowned and said: "If you can't get the money, get out, our family doesn't want to raise such a waste like you again."

Ryan Stark smiled wryly, his heart filled with bitterness.

Timothy Jefferson, who was immersed in playing LOL, curled his lips and said, "My sister marrying you, a wretch, is a blessing you have cultivated in your previous life. You can sell your kidney to repay it."

At this time, his wife Karina Jefferson came downstairs.

She has long hair flowing down her shoulders like a waterfall, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her face is beautiful.

Ryan Stark looked at Karina Jefferson, his eyes became tender instantly.

If he didn't love Karina Jefferson so much, he wouldn't be able to stay in this family for a day.

Two years ago, Ryan Stark appeared on Florida Custom Street. He didn't know who he was, where he came from, and only knew that his name was Ryan Stark.

The kind-hearted Karina Jefferson saw that he was pitiful, so she brought him some food from her stall every day, so that he, who was lost and helpless, could feel the rare warmth.

Karina Jefferson's every frown and smile slowly imprinted into his heart.

He is deeply in love with Karina Jefferson!

Since then, Ryan Stark has settled in a bridge hole not far from Custom Street.

Every day after the Jefferson family's Pizza Hut opened, he would watch Karina Jefferson from a distance. After the Jefferson family closed the stall, he would come forward to help clean up.

A little leftover food can be exchanged for free labor. This business is not a loss, so Sean Jefferson and his wife never stop it.

Later, the urban village where the Jefferson family was located was relocated collectively, and housing was divided into households.

None of the children got married. According to regulations, the Jefferson family can only be allocated one apartment. This made Sean Jefferson and his wife feel that they had suffered a big loss. They began to urge Karina Jefferson, who had reached the legal age of marriage, to find someone to marry quickly.

The troubled Karina Jefferson came up with an idea to marry Ryan Stark and help her parents get the house before they separated.

Although she doesn't know the background, but after a period of contact, she believes that Ryan Stark is not a bad person.

Moreover, apart from Ryan Stark, she couldn't find a more suitable person to cooperate with her plan, because it was impossible for others to be at her mercy.

After Karina Jefferson told Ryan Stark her thoughts, Ryan Stark agreed without even thinking about it.

How could he refuse to be able to get along with the person he likes day and night without having to eat and sleep in the open.

Although Sean Jefferson and his wife felt that it would be embarrassing for their daughter to marry a beggar, but thinking of the house worth hundreds of thousands, they reluctantly agreed.

The Jefferson family entrusted Ryan Stark with a Florida household registration, got him and Karina Jefferson a marriage certificate, and found him a job as a nurse.

Although Sean Jefferson and his wife sneered at Ryan Stark every day and had a bad attitude, and Karina Jefferson was lukewarm to him, Ryan Stark was still very content.

Karina Jefferson pursed her lips, "Timothy's marriage is the most important thing in the family right now. If possible, I still hope you can try to find a way."

Ryan Stark hurriedly said: "I've been begging the finance department for a long time, but they don't allow salary advances..."

Before Ryan Stark could finish speaking, Mina Rose interrupted with a sneer, "Trash!"

Timothy Jefferson scoffed: "I feel so bad for my sister, a flower stuck in cow dung."

Karina Jefferson glared at Timothy Jefferson, and said to Ryan Stark, "There's still soup in the kitchen, I'll warm it up for you."

Ryan Stark hurriedly said, "No, I'll just eat whatever I want."

He went to the kitchen to serve a bowl of bortsch, and started to eat dinner with the steamed buns and leftovers that had cooled down.

He didn't take a few bites, and Sean Jefferson snorted coldly: "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat in a day. You have been working for more than a year anyway, and you don't have any savings?"

Ryan Stark took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, met Mina Rose's disgusted eyes, and hurriedly stubbed out the cigarette, said with a wry smile, "My monthly salary is more than two thousand, and I give Timothy one thousand pocket money, and the rest It's barely enough for our family's daily expenses, so how can we have any savings."

"You have the nerve to smoke five yuan a pack of cigarettes if you don't have money? Hurry up and quit, you can save some money."

Timothy Jefferson taught Ryan Stark a lesson. He took out a box of 20 yuan Marlboro from his pocket, lit one, and said, "My girlfriend said that a house is as important as a car."

He has an expression that you can figure out.

Sean Jefferson looked sad, "What can I do?"

Mina Rose frowned and sighed.

After a while, her eyes fell on Ryan Stark, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she said, "Give me that bead you wear around your neck."

Ryan Stark was taken aback for a moment.

Karina Jefferson raised her eyebrows, "Mom, why do you want other people's beads?"

Mina Rose said: "That bead seems to be jade, it should be worth some money, let's sell it."

Ryan Stark's eyes widened, and he hurriedly said, "I can't sell it!"

He woke up in Florida two years ago and lost all memory of his past, except for the clothes he was wearing, only this bead around his neck.

Mina Rose snapped: "Is it a piece of broken jade that matters? Or Timothy's life event?"

Ryan Stark explained in a harsh voice, "I'm not stingy, but this bead is the only thing I have that is related to the past, and I still want to use it to figure out my origin and identity..."

Mina Rose interrupted with a look of disdain, "You are just a beggar, what status do you have?"

"Feed the unfamiliar white-eyed wolf." Sean Jefferson snorted coldly: "If it weren't for us, you would still be fighting wild dogs for food on the street. We didn't mention any conditions and married our daughter to you, and you even broke the pearl." I can't bear it."

Ryan Stark sighed, "I can give you everything except this bead."

Sean Jefferson said with a disdainful expression: "What else do you have, tell me."

Karina Jefferson frowned, "Dad, Mom, don't force him, this bead is very important to him."

Mina Rose gave Karina Jefferson a hard look, "Is Timothy's marriage not important?"

"I'm going to order this bead today!"

Timothy Jefferson strode forward, reaching for the beads around Ryan Stark's neck.

Ryan Stark stepped back subconsciously, "I can't give you the beads."

"Shame on you? Believe it or not, I'll kill you?"

Timothy Jefferson snarled and punched Ryan Stark hard in the face.

Ryan Stark was punched by Timothy Jefferson so that he staggered to the side and threw his head hard against the corner of the table, making a muffled "boom".

Severe pain struck, Ryan Stark's vision went dark, he passed out, and fell to the ground with a "plop", unconscious.

Suddenly, pictures flashed through his mind like a movie.

Ryan Stark regains his memory because of a blow to the head!

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The Returning Godfather

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The Angry Brother-in-law



Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Standing on top of the world



Chapter 3 Chapter 3 You are not qualified to interfere



Chapter 4 Chapter 4 I Didn't Expect You To Be So Dirty



Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Get Out



Chapter 6 Chapter 6 It's Impossible



Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Blue Card



Chapter 8 Chapter 8



Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Who's True and Who's False



Chapter 10 Chapter 10 What Are You



Chapter 11 Chapter 11 What Nonsense Are You Saying



Chapter 12 Chapter 12 made a small change I can really see.



Chapter 13 Chapter 14



Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Class Reunion



Chapter 15 Chapter 16



Chapter 16 Chapter 17 I'm Her Husband



Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Wilson Kneeled



Chapter 18 Chapter 19 It's Just a Plaything



Chapter 19 Chapter 20 The Catering Association Invitation



Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Did You Steal the Jefferson Family's Card



Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Who is Excessive



Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Wife please get in the car



Chapter 23 Chapter 24 What kind of attitude None of your business!



Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Tit for Tat



Chapter 25 Chapter 26 What a shame



Chapter 26 Chapter 27



Chapter 27 Chapter 28



Chapter 28 Chapter 29



Chapter 29 Chapter 30 The lobby manager who underestimates people



Chapter 30 Chapter 31



Chapter 31 Chapter 32 They Are My Friends



Chapter 32 Chapter 34



Chapter 33 Chapter 35



Chapter 34 Chapter 36 Threatening Me



Chapter 35 Chapter 37 The Old Fox



Chapter 36 Chapter 38



Chapter 37 Chapter 39



Chapter 38 Chapter 41 onwards is one of your dogs



Chapter 39 Chapter 42 Misunderstanding



Chapter 40 Chapter 43
