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The Rise of an Ordinary Security

The Rise of an Ordinary Security

Elliot Gardner


Returning from the hail of bullets, Dominic Crawford became a night shift security guard in an upscale community. He originally only wanted to live an ordinary life, but that night when he sent the drunk female community resident home, his ordinary life became turbulent again... Since he couldn't go with the flow, he could only take the initiative to fight against his fate, covering the sea and moving mountains like a dragon!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Dream Woman's Bed

The bed was in a mess, but the red plum-shaped blood stain blossomed in the middle was extraordinarily coquettish.

"Stop crying!"

Dominic Crawford was a little annoyed by her crying. He sent this resident, who was drunk and came back late, to her place last night and got pushed down by her. What the hell was this situation?

Sophia Sullivan seemed to have accepted this fact, and her crying gradually stopped. "Why are you so fierce?"

Dominic sighed, "Don't worry. I will be responsible for you."

Sophia wiped her tears. "Be responsible for me? How are you going to be responsible?"

Those eyes that should have been clear now shone with a frightening cold light.

She had kept her virginity for more than twenty years, but it was taken away by a security guard on the night before her engagement.

She even wanted to die, but what problem could death solve?

Dominic said seriously, "Any way you want!"

Sophia replied mockingly, "Anyway I want? I'm the president of the Sullivan Group. With your monthly salary plus bonus, even if you don't eat or drink, you can't even afford a single lipstick for me!"

She thought it was ridiculous.

"Be responsible for me?"

"How are you going to be responsible?"

"What can you do to be responsible?"

She was just domineering, but she was not a mean woman.

But seeing Dominic reminded her of the madness of last night.

She was like a flat boat in the sea, being beaten wildly by the ruthless waves.

Regret, despair, and even humiliation!

Dominic was taken aback by her questions and then laughed at himself.

It was understandable. He was just a night shift security guard in the community.

If it weren't for the absurdity of last night, there would be no intersection with the woman in front of him at all.

He was afraid that, in her eyes, there was no difference between him and the street cats and dogs.

Sophia didn't wait for his answer at all.

Picking up the shirt on the bed and putting it on, when she tied the third button, a burst of burning pain came through the clothes as if reminding her of the madness of last night.

She got out of bed while talking, "Get out of my house. If anyone knows what happened yesterday, you will be in trouble!"

Because of the pain, even her steps were a little shaky.

Dominic put on his clothes first and was about to reach out to help her, but she slammed him away.

Sophia glared at him, "Go away. Don't touch me with your dirty hands!"

Dominic felt a little unhappy, grabbed his coat, and turned around to leave.

Sophia was stunned for a moment and then suddenly shouted, "Where are you going?"

Dominic said with a sense of self-mockery, "Go to work! I'm not like you, Miss rich girl, who can live well even without working!"

Sophia ordered unreasonably, "Don't leave!"

Seeing that he ignored her, she grabbed something from the bedside table and threw it out.

"Son of a bitch, I told you to stop!"

Dominic was hit by her underwear, and his heart was full of anger.

But when he saw the tooth marks and hickey marks on her neck, he held back what he was about to say.

"What I just said is still valid. If you figure out how you want me to be responsible, you can come to me at any time."

Sophia's brief astonishment was replaced by a sneer, "You wish I could let you take responsibility, don't you?"

Dominic didn't bother to explain. "It's up to you."

It was true that Sophia was beautiful and rich, but he was not the kind of wimp who would give up his dignity for money.

The door slammed shut.

Sophia staggered to the mirror, seeing her body with red marks all over, and the room filled with a strange smell. Her stockings on her legs were torn before she could take them off.

She suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have let him go so easily just now.

This bastard had been wreaking havoc on her body all night, so it would be too easy for him if she let him go like this.

No way!

On the other side.

As soon as Dominic returned to the security room, he heard someone scold him, "Dominic, where did you go last night?"

The fat man who spoke was the security captain of the Royal Garden, called Chad Strong, and he always disliked Dominic.

Dominic didn't want to be caught by Chad, but how should he explain it?

He couldn't just say that he adhered to the service spirit of residents come first and spent a whole night in bed with the resident of building 5.

Even if he dared to say this, no one would believe it!

"What? You got nothing to say?"

Dominic didn't bother to explain. Even if he explained, it was useless.

Chad sneered again, "You were absent, so your bonus will be gone. In addition, there will be a 40-dollar penalty. If you do it again, you will be fired. Others should take it as a warning!"

While talking, a white Porsche drove into the community.

The minds of all the security guards also flew over, including Chad.

Royal Garden was a well-known rich community, and most of them were female residents.

Among those who came here to work as security guards, none of them was counting on the salaries. They all expected one day to climb into a rich woman's bed, so they could get a shortcut to success.

Just like the one in the car, Julia Mills, who lived in the ninth building, was rich, beautiful, and single.

Chad stepped forward to please her. "Miss Mills just came back from work?"

The car window was lowered, revealing a charming side face. She said softly, "Mr. Strong, please send a bottle of water to my house."

Chad said courteously, "I'll do it. I'm free now anyway."

Julia waved her hand, "How can I trouble you? Let Domi do it."

That charming smile had captured the souls of countless people.

Everyone sighed. There were others called Dominic in the security department, but they all knew that the Domi Julia was talking about could only be Dominic Crawford.

Delivering water to Building 9 once every three days had almost become Dominic's routine.

Chad gritted his teeth angrily, "Did you hear that? Hurry up!"

He didn't say anything, but he was thinking about finding an excuse to fire Dominic one day.

How could Dominic not be able to see through his mind? But right now, he was in urgent need of money.

The surgical matching for his mother had already been done. The operation fee would cost more than one hundred thousand. It was not even including the fee for recuperation and rehabilitation.

The monthly salary here at Royal Garden was one thousand, which was not much, but it was not too little either, but if he really lost this job, where would he get the money to give to the hospital?

Sometimes, he regretted his uselessness. He had been in the army for five years, and he had a lot of abilities, but unfortunately, there were not many places where he could use them.

Now that his mother was seriously ill, it was ridiculous to think about how he couldn't get a penny.

Just as he was thinking, he heard the phone in the duty room ring.

When Chad saw the caller ID, he perked up. "Miss Sullivan, how can I help you?"

Others also listened.

There was a ranking of the women in the Royal Garden, and Sophia was at the top of the list. Even so, no one dared to think of her.

Sophia was going to be engaged to Mr. Damian Warwick of the Warwick family today, and almost everyone in Skyville City knew about it.

And Mr. Warwick was a well-known ruthless character in Skyville City. He was the kind who had connections to all different levels of people.

If anyone dared to touch his woman, the person would be doomed!

Sophia's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Ask Dominic to bring me a bottle of water."

"Miss Sullivan, what did you say?"

Chad was a little depressed, thinking why the hell was Dominic again?

"Do you need me to repeat it?"

Sophia's voice was icy cold, and she really didn't want to mention that name again.

Chad wiped his sweat, "No need. I heard you clearly."

"Twenty bottles. Send them here now!"

After finishing speaking, Sophia hung up the phone impatiently.

Chad was stunned. Twenty bottles?

He gloated a little and ordered, "Dominic, building 9 is not in a hurry. Send the water to Miss Sullivan in building 5 first. Remember, she needs twenty bottles!"

Everyone was taken aback. They didn't hear the content of the phone call and thought Chad was taking the opportunity to retaliate.

Dominic vaguely understood what was going on, thinking it was probably Sophia who wanted to mess with him!

Damn, he didn't know what this woman was planning?


Dominic knocked on the door, and a cold and pretty face appeared behind the door.

Sophia stepped aside as if she didn't know him. "Take it to the third floor!"

Holy crap, the third floor?

Although Dominic was unhappy, there was no other way.

No matter what purpose he came to be the security guard for, it was his duty to serve the residents since he was paid by Royal Garden.

Besides, it was Sophia. After what happened last night, he couldn't just leave and pretend nothing had happened, could he?

Besides, it was not his style to act cowardly when things happened.

Dominic carried two bottles of water on his shoulders each time, and he was still sweating even if he wasn't that tired.

In fact, Royal Garden was full of detached villas, and each villa had a private elevator, but he didn't ask at all. Judging from this woman's character, it would be useless to ask.

Standing on the balcony on the third floor, Sophia watched Dominic come in and out, and seeing his clothes gradually drenched in sweat, she finally felt a sense of revenge.

To her surprise, Dominic's figure was very muscular, not like other security guards who put on airs, especially the eight-pack abs on the lower abdomen, which were very eye-catching.

Dominic wiped his sweat and said, "Done."

Sophia said blankly, "Pour the water into the bathtub."

Dominic was stunned. This kind of bottled water was from volcanic mineral springs. A bottle cost more than 40 dollars, and these 20 bottles would eight hundred for her to pour down.

Would she take a bath with this water?

It didn't matter if she wanted to mess with him, but why would she make trouble with her wallet?

"What are you doing? Do you think I can't afford it?"

Sophia took out her wallet, took out a handful of money, and threw it on the ground without looking at it.

Dominic couldn't help asking, "Sophia, are you out of your mind?"

"I'm not! I just want to let you know what a rich person's life is. You couldn't get this much money even after you worked so hard for a month, right?"

"It's not even enough for me to take a bath! Don't you feel that you are very useless? Like a wimp?"

Sophia stared at his expression, trying to find a trace of humiliated anger in it.

"I think you're childish."

Without further ado, Dominic poured twenty bottles of water into it.

Sophia's teeth were itchy in anger, and she felt she didn't get the reaction she wanted like she had packed up a punch and hit the cotton.

Dominic turned around to leave, "You don't need to give me the money. It will be included in the property management fee at that time."

Sophia scolded, "Wait!"

Dominic asked helplessly, "What else do you want?"

Sophia said again, "Send another twenty bottles!"

Dominic frowned, "It won't fit anymore."

Sophia stepped forward, opened the drain of the bathroom, and eight hundred flowed away in the blink of an eye.

She proudly said, "Now it can fit!"

Dominic sighed, "You're really fucking crazy! Seriously!"

Sophia was furious, "Dominic, how dare you curse me? Believe it or not, I will report you!"


Dominic stared into her eyes and continued to ask, "If you want to take revenge on me, there are many ways. Why are you just wasting your money? Do you know how much you can do with eight hundred in a poor area?"

Sophia's heart trembled when he looked at her, and the feeling of guilt had just risen before being choked out by her!



She pointed out the window, "Okay, I won't waste money. You jump off here!"

Although this was the third floor, the height of the villa was already equivalent to the fifth floor of a normal building.

If he really jumped from here, even if he didn't die, he would be disabled!

Dominic felt a little annoyed, "Really? As long as I jump off, you won't bother me anymore?"

Sophia crossed her arms and said, "That's right! As long as you jump off from here, we'll even!"

Her tone was full of provocation as if she wanted to expose his hypocritical act.

Without saying anything, Dominic turned around, trotted, and jumped off the balcony with one hand.

The whole set of movements was so smooth that Sophia didn't realize what had happened for a while.

Did he actually jump off?

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