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True Heiress vs. Fake Heiress

True Heiress vs. Fake Heiress

Harper Sage


Maggie Norton used to be the worst real heiress in the world. Her parents didn't love her and her brothers didn’t coddle her. She was even killed by a fake heiress who robbed her of everything. One day when she was reborn and came back, facing her parents and brothers who were blind inside, she turned around and came to the paranoid boss who only spoiled her! Faced with doubts and ridicule from the outside world, and the dispute between true and fake heiress, Maggie Norton took them as a game. A direct disciple of a master of painting, the only successor of a master of embroidery designer, and an inheritor of various intangible cultural heritage... The secret identities were unveiled one by one, and everyone couldn't help admiring her. This is not only a heiress, but also a treasure house of walking culture! The fake heiress finally lost and the big brothers also knelt down, said, “ little sister, we will only spoil you from now on! Seeing this, the paranoid boss hugged his beloved woman into his arms, and sneered, “ I am the only one who can spoil her.”

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Rebirth!

The ferocious laughter resounded through the sky, accompanied by thunder. The lighter was lit. The gasoline on the ground exploded in an instant!

The fire roared in despair and painful, and the two vicious faces ...

No! She couldn't admit defeat like this!

Anger, unwillingness and regret were intertwined and burning in her soul. After the sharp pain, a white light flashed…

Maggie suddenly came to herself and found herself... On the spiraling mountain road where she died?

She widened her eyes in surprise. She was back. She was still alive. It was not too late!

Maggie braked hard, and the car behind her stopped. Soon, a pair of cold eyes stared at her.

Marshall Parker! She was going to marry him today, but Luna Norton, the foster daughter, and Larry Miller, her childhood sweetheart, instigated her to run away from the wedding.

She didn't expect that Marshall would end up in the sea of fire with her…

But she didn't know until she died that Luna had tried every means to harm her. And it was not until then that she realized that Larry wasn't the one who had saved her when she was a child, but that man was Marshall!

"Get off the car."

At this time, four words came out of Marshall’s pale lips. His handsome and gloomy face was expressionless, which made people tremble with fear.

His slender eyes were full of sharpness. He stared at Maggie and said, "I say, get off the car."

The man seemed to have run out of patience. If she didn't respond, he would use the most terrible method to deal with her.

"Then I’ll get out of the car... Why are you so angry?" Maggie was still a little afraid of his indifferent face, but when she thought of the past that she had misunderstood and the oath she had made before her death…

She opened the door. As soon as her feet touched the ground, her wrist was grabbed and she walked back.

Marshall’s fingertips were so hot that they almost burned her skin.

Maggie felt painful, and tenderly discussed with him gentle. "I'm not going to run away. Can we talk about it?"

The man paused, and suddenly pulled off the gray tie with one hand. He put Maggie's hands together, quickly twined around several circles and tied her up. He said in a dangerous tone, "Do you want to discuss it? It's okay now."

Maggie swallowed. It seemed to be an unprecedented challenge for her to repay his kindness.

When she was about to say something, she heard the roar of a car again…

Maggie's eyes changed. It was them!

This car was driving one hundred meters forward, which was a trap set by Luna and Larry in advance, which would make Maggie hit the car.

Maggie's car had been damaged for a long time. The gasoline would leak after the violent collision.

Marshall, who followed her closely, couldn't escape either. Kill two birds with one stone!

Their plan was so sinister that Maggie had no idea of it. What's more, she was even grateful to them for helping her escape from the wedding. It was really ridiculous and pathetic!

But now…

After getting off the car, Luna was stunned for a while, with disappointment and regret in her eyes, as if she felt a little pity that she failed to push Maggie into a trap.

But she quickly hid her anger and looked at Maggie worriedly, "Dear sister... I and Larry were too worried about you, so we came here."

Larry pretended to care about her, "Maggie, are you okay?"

When Marshall was about to put Maggie into the car, he rolled up his eyes and glanced at them, saying coldly, "Get out."

He had always been so indifferent and unpredictable. It was well-known in New York that it was difficult to provoke him.

The Parker Family also rose up under his decisive means.

If they could die together today…

Luna showed an innocent and natural expression, "My brother-in-law, since you have found my sister, hurry back to the wedding. The guests are waiting."

Maggie sneered in her heart and pretended to be confused. She asked loudly, "Luna, what did you say?"

"Dear sister... I'm doing this for your own good. You've escaped from the wedding and been caught by my brother-in-law. Don't struggle anymore."

She seemed to be kind and suggested, "The road on our way here has been blocked because of the collapse of the mountain. Brother-in-law, please take my sister to the front road."

Marshall squinted and sat in the driver's seat.

Maggie immediately grabbed his hand and shook her head at him. The woman's body temperature came, and Marshall's body was slightly stiff.

Maggie didn't notice and looked at Luna who was standing outside.

And there was also Larry.

These two people she hated most.

They lied to her, hurt her, killed her... She would never let them go!

A sharp light flashed and lit up Maggie's face. Her bright eyes were full of sneer and hatred, like a devil staring at Luna!

She was startled and took two steps back. "Sister..."

Hearing the thunderous sound, Luna looked at her again, but only saw the usual gentle expression on Maggie's face.

Did she make a mistake? She must have seen it wrong. This idiot was so gullible that she couldn't suspect her!

"Since you want to go back, my sister, please lead the way."

Maggie smiled and said, "Marshall and I will follow you."

"Oh, you don't have to do that, do you?"

Luna didn't dare to go. The whole road was temporarily closed, and the trap was left to Maggie. She didn't have the courage to touch it.

Larry was a little anxious, "Maggie, hurry up, or you won't be able to hold the wedding ceremony!"

Maggie chuckled, "Larry, you asked me to run away from the wedding this morning, and now are you urging me to go back?"

As soon as she finished her words, Marshall’s eyes were fixed on Larry. He said coldly, "Larry, it's you. Very good."

Cold sweat broke out on Larry's forehead. He was doomed to be targeted by this monster. If Marshall didn't die, he would be chased and tortured endlessly in the future!

He could only urge her anxiously, "Maggie, I'm doing this for your own good. Mr. Parker, please take her back as soon as possible and take the road ahead..."

Maggie tilted her head. "Marshall."

Her voice was clear and touching, with tenderness and sweetness. For the time being, Marshall suppressed the anger in his heart, and his Adam's apple rolled. "Hmm?"

"What do you think will happen on the road ahead? Is there any trap?"

With Marshall’s eyes darkened, he asked coldly, "Really?"

"Call the police," said Maggie, "I have a hunch that the road ahead is definitely not suitable for passing."

Luna's eyes widened and her voice trembled, but she didn't forget to sow dissension between them. "Sister, what are you talking about? Are you buying time just to escape from the wedding?"

Feeling the coldness and wantonness of the people around her, Maggie looked at Marshall with her clear and clean eyes and said, "I won't run away. Trust me once, okay?"

"Only once, Maggie," said Marshall in a hoarse voice.

Then he untied his tie.

"You are so kind!" a smile appeared on her face. Maggie called the police immediately, "Hello, this is..."

Luna and Larry's expressions changed dramatically. They had thought of many murder plans, but they never thought that Maggie would call the police?!

What should they do…

The two with a guilty conscience were almost scared to death. If they found that…

They were doomed!

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