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When She Sees the Love

When She Sees the Love

Lyanna Nichols


In a car accident, Teresa went blind and her family was broken up. Her life fell into the abyss of darkness since then. On a snowy day, she was kicked out of the house with her seriously ill mother in her arms. When she was desperate and helpless, Kelton lent a helping hand to her. She put all her trust in him and married him without hesitation. After living in his lies for three years, she realized what he took her to was not paradise, but the abyss of h*ll. Teresa came to realize the truth and filed for divorce. Kelton didn't take it seriously and signed the divorce agreement. He said firmly, "You will come back and beg me someday." In his view, Teresa was weak and blind. Anyone could step on her. She couldn't live without him. He allowed others to mistreat her, watched her being bullied, and finally drove her into despair. A year later, when he looked at the woman who surprised everyone at the reception, his eyes were red. He hugged her frantically. He choked with sobs and said in a hoarse voice, "Teresa, you're still alive?" When looking at the haggard man in front of her, Teresa's eyes were full of indifference. "Mr. Kelton, please behave yourself. My husband will misunderstand us!"

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Let's Divorce

"You blind. You tie down my son for three years. Why don't you just die!"

When a sharp and mean voice came from the phone, Teresa Lewis' eyelashes trembled. There was no gleam in her beautiful eyes.

She was blind and had been married to Kelton Wilson for three years. Kelton's mother, Alaina Wilson, had always disliked her and regarded her as a thorn in her side. Even if they moved out of the Wilson family, Kelton's mother still called her every day to abuse her.

As she was Kelton's mother, Teresa endured it for three years no matter what harsh words she said. But today, Teresa didn't want to bear it anymore.

Teresa sneered, "Mrs. Wilson, it was your son who proposed to me. Go tell your son. As long as he agrees to the divorce, I will pack up my things immediately. I know you have no guts to speak to him. So you can only walk all over me as I'm blind?"

Alaina didn't expect Teresa would say these words after being tolerant for three years. Her face was livid with anger.

When she was about to scold Teresa, Teresa hung up the phone quickly after hearing the sound of a car outside the door.

Just as Teresa put away the phone, the door was pushed open and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes rushed in.

Teresa shrank from the cold and looked at the door with empty eyes. "Kelton, is that you?"

The tall figure walked towards her. Kelton pursed his lips. His handsome face seemed to be condensed with ice, cold and heartless. "Why did you ask me back? I'm busy with the company. Be brief."

His tone was full of impatience. Teresa felt stifled and uncomfortable as if her chest was stuffed with something. He didn't love her obviously. Why didn't she notice it before?

She bit her lower lip hard and finally said after a long time, "Kelton, let's get a divorce!"

Kelton didn't expect that. He suddenly looked at her with a serious look.

"Teresa, don't be silly. I'll give you a chance to take back your word."

His casual words made Teresa's heart surge with anger. "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

She looked furious and stretched out her arms from the blanket.

Teresa had fair skin. When her arms were exposed to coldness, they turned blue in an instant. The dense pinholes on them were conspicuous and dreadful.

"In the past three years, you took me to the hospital to draw blood every several months. I thought you did this because you care about me and you love me. I didn't expect you were lying to me all the time just because I can't see anything. You gave my blood to your old lover for three years."

When Teresa spoke, her lips and her voice were trembling. "For the whole three years! Is that woman called Sarah so important to you?"

When Kelton saw her arms full of spots, his heart throbbed violently for some reason. But the feeling was quickly suppressed by a wave of disgust. He turned his eyes away and asked, "How did you know it? Who told you?"

"It doesn't matter." Teresa took out a document from her arms and slapped it on the coffee table. "This is the divorce agreement. Sign it!"

Kelton stepped forward and flipped through it. It said that as long as he was willing to divorce, she would leave the house without any possessions.

In order to divorce him, she gave up anything. Kelton sneered, "I wanted to hide it from you before. Since you found it, I'll tell you the truth."

As he spoke, he rushed forward and grabbed her chin hard. His gaze drifted from her delicate face to her empty eyes finally.

"Three years ago, your father collided with Sarah for drunk driving. She became a vegetable and had been lying in the hospital for three years. You owe her this."

Hearing this, Teresa's mind went blank. She retorted subconsciously, "No! My father didn't drink while driving. No!"

She said in a sobbing tone because of excitement. Her slender body kept shaking constantly and her face was as pale as a ghost.

Kelton glared at her and said sternly, "Why are you still lying? If he didn't drink, how could the alcohol be found in his blood? The evidence is solid and you are still defending that drunkard. You stupid blind!"

"If it weren't for your blood type being the same as Sarah's, I would feel disgusted even by looking at you. It's just revenge. I can't believe you took it seriously. Ridiculous!"

These words made Teresa's face completely pale.

She took a few steps back in a daze. As she couldn't see anything, she tripped over the stool and fell to the ground. She struggled like a dying fish and couldn't get up for a long time.

Kelton looked at her coldly, without any intention of helping her up. He said sarcastically, "You have no right to ask for a divorce. You have to pay off the debt for your father. And you will transfuse the blood to Sarah until she wakes up."

Teresa's eye circles turned red all of a sudden. She realized Kelton was much more ruthless than she thought.

She slowly got up by groping for the chair. Her body was covered with dirt. Even if she couldn't see it, she knew she was in a mess.

Her face was covered with tears. But she was still stubborn and unyielding.

"Kelton, I can transfuse my blood to her as long as you divorce me."

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