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Fated Mates but Rejected

Fated Mates but Rejected

Rachael Okah


Elara has always wanted to escape the moonstone pack, she succeeds but after finding her mate, her soulmate, the man bonded for life to her, the future alpha of the moonstone pack, the same pack she hates, because she has been treated like an omega for as long as she could remember, beaten, ridiculed at every turn, a lap dog to her father and step family, she escapes and fights of rouges where she finds the ridge pack, they accept her and take care of her, she finally starts to live a happy life when she finds out she is pregnant, the one night stand she had with her mate didn't go unnoticed, now she has to decide if she wants to stay back in the ridge pack and raise her child, help him become the best werewolf there is, or take him to his birthright? Being the future alpha of the moonstone pack, and allow herself fall in love with the same man who rejected her as his mate.

Chapter 1 ELARA POV

Any werewolf would tell you, the powers that came with being one, it's insane, the power shift, it's like you move from becoming this completely fragile being to something more, you could do more, I mean I could do more, except I couldn't.

I was stuck being an omega wolf to my father, Atticus Nightshade; fastened under his belt, pressed underneath his thumb and that of my stepmother Lyra, his one true mate.

My mother? She wasn't his mate, she was a hit and run and the gods saw it fit to bless them with me, that didn't seat well with my father, but he went ahead with her and she died giving birth to me, and then he found his mate and they had three lovely kids together, Grace, Rowan and Hannah, forgetting me, kicking me to the side, making sure I remained their slave forever.

I remember the first day I shifted, they made sure I never fully completed my shift, keeping me in a dark room, breaking my shifts, I had my wolf but somehow, I couldn't shift, making me more of a loner and a laughing stock in the Moonstone pack.

The Moonstone pack? The third most dangerous pack in the world, we had taken over much smaller packs around the globe and increased our territory, that's how my dad met my mom, they attacked a pack and took her captive, they integrated them into the pack, although they were serving as omegas, the pack slaves, he fell for her and slept with her and then there's me.

Elara Nightshade.

"Elara!!! What is this mistake?" I hear the loud shrill voice of my step mother calling from upstairs.

I immediately rush to see the "mistake", before I can reach her I'm grabbed by the head, by nobody else but Rowan, he does this every morning, torment me, drag my hair, beat me if he's feeling up for it, and then make me walk all the way to school even though he's meant to drive all three of us.

"Rowan not today, you don't want to hurt your fingers, what if you meet your mate today? what will happen? she will think you rough, Lyra my step mother says with a tone in her voice that you would think she's speaking to a baby

"True", he nods, "I don't want her feeling uncomfortable, he drops my brown hair down my back, turning to the dining table and ignoring me like he was not about to probably punch the life out of me.

"Now Elera, what is this?" she turns to the food on the table, I told you to cut Hannah's Pancakes as unicorns but you cut it as what?

"A horse?" I reply, of course I should know that reply would come with a slap.

.... whack.... I feel the slap before I hear it, I don't know how I've not lost my hearing by now, but I guess perks of being a werewolf, healing quickly.

"how dare you speak to me that way!!!" she screams, grabbing the plate and smashing it against the side of my face.

I stand there and take it, I'm used to it, it's been 19 years, at this point in my life, I realize, there's nothing I can do about it, the moonstone pack are filled with the most vile and horrendous people, there are several omegas in the school I attend, we stay in different seats, we have our food in separate halls, they treat people who are not pureblood from the moonstone pack like slaves like we don't deserve the same lives as them.

"Re-do the pancake for Hannah, I need them done in ten minutes." She huffs walking away.

I walk towards the side of the kitchen to grab the vacuum cleaner, when my eyes meet with mine, my reflection stares back at me, my hair is oily and lays flat against my back, my blue eyes are not as bright as they used to be under the moonlight, my pink lips are permanently cast down in sadness, my nose stained with dark sooth from cleaning the chimney, early this morning, my body is covered by old thorn clothes in black and a large grey t-shirt and rubber slippers covering my feet, what a life.

While I clean, Grace comes in, grace is the first born of Atticus, my father and Lyra, she was treated like a princess growing up, I was not treated as a maid then, but it showed who the favorite child was.

She would get gifts on holidays, she was carried around to all the parties, she was an angel, people used to say when they come over, and I was treated like a doormat, I got all her leftovers, food, clothes, everything, till they decided I didn't need them anymore.

"Ewwww, move away looser," she walks past me, staring down at me in disgust, and she takes her place on the table, her bright blonde hair in a pony tail, pearls wrapped around her neck, probably real, the Nightshade family is one of the most richest and popular family in the pack, just not up there with royalty yet, so they go out of their way to look great.

Tears fill my eyes, nobody should be treated this way, if I can just escape, I know the nearest pack is the Ridge pack, if I would not die in the hands of rouges before I get there, but I would do it, to escape this horrible place.

"Today the palace is having a party, so everyone can find their mate, it is a full moon tonight, if anything, I think today is the day Zane finally sees me as his mate" Grace says, picking up a mirror and staring at her reflection like a doll

"That's if he ever finds a mate", she says, pity in her voice, "this is his 3rd year, I heard he has gone to over 200 packs and nothing yet, maybe he doesn't have a mate because he's meant for me," she smiles, the pity gone.

"You also fail to mention, this is your 2nd year and no mate yet" mom and dad better speed up on him signing that betrothal contract" Rowan replies her, laughing under his breath, like it would be an impossible thing

They continue to squabble while I make the pancake, finishing with cutting off a triangle for the unicorn

"Elara, can I get my pancakes please?" I hear a small voice say from beside me, I look down, my eyes meeting with baby blue eyes like mine, her blonde hair flat around her neck, she smiles at me.

The only one who smiles at me and treats me like I am more, Hannah.

She is the last of the Nightshade family, not yet corrupted at age ten.

"Right away dear," I grab her hand moving her to the dining table, I settle her into her seat, "you look like a fairy princess today," I whisper to her.

"Very pretty," she nods

I grab the pancakes placing it in front of her, I would happily serve her whenever.

Soon they all finish and I'm left to clean up and then try and join Rowan's car but he always ends up leaving me after making me run a distance.

Lyra steps into the kitchen as I finish cleaning up and I see it as an opportunity to ask her to let me attend the party at the palace, after all they let other omegas attend in a separate hall and I heard they do find their mates, "Mam, I would like to ask something please?" I stop procrastinating and turn to look up at her

"And what would that be? She places her hand on her hip, a bag slung in the space, "well speak up, I don't have all day" she stares down at me in disgust

"May I go to the mates full moon party at the palace tonight?" I say my eyes immediately set downcast

"hmmmm..." she turns her eyes to me, staring at me from top to bottom, "How old are you Elara?"

"19 Mam,"

"exactly, do you think at the age of 19 you would still find a mate? The mate smell will be so weak and small by now, and I can assure you, you won't find a mate in this pack" she laughs to herself "unless it's another Omega, of course" she laughs to herself again like it some inside joke.

"well it won't hurt for you attend once before you're permanently off the market", she waves her hands around as she speaks," you may go, but no association, no embarrassment" she looks down on my clothes, frowning her face in disgust.

"I almost smile, freedom, is this you? "Thank you, mam, thank you," I bend on my knees, bowing in thanks.

"urghhhh... enough of the theatrics, no need cooking lunch, the family will be having lunch with the royal family today, she almost flies off her heels and we will be having dinner at the party, now go to school, she waves me away, walking out of the kitchen"

My father while all this I happening? Somewhere in the pack town, either sleeping in some hotel or in his company, we hardly see him, and when we do, the house is as silent as a graveyard, he is a very scary man that loves to keep too himself.

I don't mind that, "I'm going to escape from the moonstone pack today".

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