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ENTANGLED DESTINIES: Billionaire's Vendetta

ENTANGLED DESTINIES: Billionaire's Vendetta

Liy Lah


ALAN- "Love? A facade, nonexistent in my world. Power is my sole pursuit. It's audacious for any young woman to challenge me, Alan Hadderson, heir to the Hadderson empire, ruler of both business and the underground. I must clip her wings, teach her a lesson to humble her lofty aspirations. What better method than to wed her to the man she detests most: me. I vow to make her existence a living hell until she pleads for mercy, finding none. My plan was clear until I encountered karma herself-Hazel. Never before have I been weakened by a woman, especially not as I was by her. In her eyes, only hatred burns, fueling her every action. I know she seeks revenge, and she shall have it, even if it means causing me pain." Hazel- "The mere mention of Alan Hadderson's name fills me with dread-it's a symbol of the misfortune that has plagued my life since encountering him. Fate has cruelly tethered me to him, forcing me into a marriage I never desired. I seethe with hatred for him, wondering how someone so heartless and vile could wield such power over others. He has stripped me of everything I hold dear, and I vow to be his downfall. I will shatter his arrogance and dismantle the empire he claims to have built. For every tear shed and drop of blood spilled, I will exact revenge twofold. Despite his claims of invincibility, his weakness shall be my love, which he will never receive. With tears streaming down my face, I defiantly sign the wedding document, knowing that my love will ultimately be his undoing.

Chapter 1 HAZEL'S POV


'"I can't do this!"

"This is where I have to draw the line!"

"I can't have sex with him!"

"You know how much I hate that arrogant fool!"

"He acts so tall and pompous. Acting all mighty like he owns the world."

"I won't do this!"

Hazel, think about it. He might be your last and only choice. Sex isn't a big deal. It is just about putting the P into a V, some loud moans, and a few rounds of pleasure, and you're done. Moreover, it is more like a nightstand. He won't get to see your face. You could have a mask on. Hazel, this isn't the time to be picky.

Stop acting all stubborn, c'mon girlll. We both know you badly need the money, and I really wish I had to lend it to you, but we both know only heaven can make such an amount possible.

"My dad restricted my account since I refused to let him control how I wanted to live my life, just like he's doing to my indecisive siblings. And even if I succumbed to his demands, he wouldn't lend me such an amount ever. I know that man. He's just so wicked and selfish. All he thinks of is himself and nobody else." Mai hisses in disappointment.

He wants the best for you, MIA! You don't know how lucky you are to have a father who really cares. He's just trying to be a perfect dad. He's trying so hard to make things right. Cut that man some slack, babes.

Oh please! I can't be a perfect daughter like you. All goody, smart, down to earth, disciplined, and beautiful, which of course i know I am. She playfully tries to lighten the atmosphere.

MIAAAAAAA! I scolded.

Jokes aside, you're the perfect hazel, the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect employee, and the perfect friend. You're super smart, crafty, caring, talented, godfearing, hardworking, industrious, polite-you name it. You're what my dad wants me to be, which I cannot. Since my mother died of cancer, he keeps putting up this fake ''caring dad'' act, which I definitely cannot stand. It irritates me so much. The thought of him alone drives me nuts.

Anytime I see him, I get triggered. Like, where was he when Mom was battling?? Where was he when we needed him the most as kids? Where was he during Father's Day and school programs when we needed both parents?? Or when I needed my dad to confide in. Where was he when Dell was attacked or during my first heartbreak? Huh? He was all busy with his company, so invested in being at its peak and so money-driven that he neglected his family.

It's too late, Hazel, too late to make amends, too late for the fake parental care and fatherly affections, and definitely too late to bring my mom back. He might have been able to fool my siblings into forgiving and accepting him back, but not me! I don't need a father's figure! NOT NOW! NOT EVER! Mia stated, looking clearly upset.

"I shouldn't have brought that up. I know how sensitive the topic of Mia's father is to her." I thought.

Forget all that she said with a smile, but then, you can't deny Mr. Arrogant is a good-looking asffff girl. He's tall with a nice physique. He has those dreamy hazel eyes that are irresistible, and his voice-I could kill to be underneath his wrath. Mia's eyes bloomed with lust as I watched with disgust.

MIA has always been like this since childhood: a wildflower enthusiastic about men, boyromance, sex magazines, and everything that would take her to cloud nine and beyond.

I really wish she could channel this energy for her studies; she's smart and has all it takes to be the best graduating student, but then she cares less about school and more about being the life of the party; alcohol, men, sex, and highlife were all she was interested in. At least, she isn't doing drugs or anything illegal. At least not yet.

Mia has been my best friend, more like a sister, since God knows. I recollect meeting her back then at a girl's hangout I was invited to. She noticed I was so out of place, like a fragile dove thrown in the lion's den.

"Hi! I'm MIA, and I hope you don't mind me sitting close to you." She said ever bubbling.

"Yeah! No problem. You don't need to ask for permission to sit anywhere." I responded Clearly unbothered by her presence,.

"You're cool! I like you already." She whispered, placing a hand across my neck like we had been buddies for ages. i looked at her with a dispproving look, makng it ppobvious that i wasn't into girls.

"oh no! tha's not what i mean. i was just trying to say, i would like us to be friends, that's if you don't mind." she clarified immediately, not wanting to suggest otherwise.

"I see you don't have a drink here! Have mine"

"I don't drink, Mia."

WHATTTT! How old are you?? Twelve?? She burst out sarcastically. realizing she got no response from me, she apologized, thinking I was offended.

Pardon me! I don't mean to sound demeaning or question your personal values, but it is quite admirable to find someone our age in this modern city who doesn't drink. I guess you're still a virgin. She predicted while we both laughed out as she continued chattering on and on like tomorrow ever existed.

Ever since, Mia has been a significant figure in my life. She has been with me through thick, thin, and even rough times. Although we are quite opposite, we compliment each other quite well.

"HAZEL‌!" The snap of her finger drags me back to reality.

"You're lost." Are you fine?? Or maybe you're considering giving Mr. Arrogaant some of your tasty V; who knows, he might invest his whole life savings in you and come back pleading for more. She teases

Ewwwwwww MIAAAAAA! That's a disgusting thing to say.

Ewwwwwww! Ewwwwwww! Ewwwwwwwwww! Neverrrrr! That's so cringe-worthy. I threw the pillow at her, clearly disgusted. Hazel's pillow slightly hits Mia's face after a failed attempt at dodging it.

Picture this on paper, hazel. "HAZEL BARDOT, a mere intern, is caught warming the bed of her boss, Mr. Arrogant, the famous CEO billionaire," she blurted out, leading to an uncontrollable laugh escapade to a joke I didn't find funny.

"Oh, come on, lighten up! It's just a joke." Mia said, grinning mischievously.

I rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I kw how much of a handful my friend, Mia, can be. "If you're not helping with my project, you could help by keeping quiet," I said, trying to get her to end the topic because I knew she could go on forever.

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