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I'm Trapped Into His Arms

I'm Trapped Into His Arms



"Uncle?" Hashana was shocked when someone suddenly grabbed her arm. He looked at his arm which was now tightly held by Clifton. He tries to struggle to get out of it but the grip is tight. very strict cause it did not succeed in doing. He is weak. Why doesn't he want to see her? "Please, uncle. Let me go, please . . ." It was almost begged for her. He is losing strength. The sharp gaze of her boyfriend's father makes Hashana nervous. he never thought he would come to this point. I hope she doesn't agree to meet her boyfriend's father. He kept repenting. Very sorry. "Why aren't you breaking up with Rheo yet, Hashana." He closed his eyes. knees shaking with head bowed. Clifton's gaze was sharp on her. He knew, he was angry. Furious. "Do you want me to tell him that we have a child?" The two circles in Hashana's eyes grew. he looked up quickly as the abundant tears that he had been holding back came out. He shook his head and stared at the man. The eyes were pleading but the man in front of her was emotionless. His chest was tight at this time. bit his lower lip because of how hard he feels. He is afraid. Afraid to admit the truth to her boyfriend. He loves it very much. He could not divorce the child of the person he was facing now. "Please, don't say it." It moaned. luckily no one was passing their place in the farthest aisle. Maybe by chance there will be a big mess here at the hospital where she works as a nurse. The man in front of him now has a wife. When someone sees them in this position. they will definitely be kicked out of the hospital. Wrong, he was the only one because Clifton had a high rank in the hospital as a doctor. He catches his breath before we settle down. The man's golden eyes looked pleadingly. He opened his mouth to speak but hesitated. The girl's throat hurts from trying to stop crying. It dries up. "I-I'll tell him. Please, don't tell Rheo . . ." it was very difficult for him to speak. why did he end up in this situation? Why is her boyfriend's father the father of her child? Hashana bit the inside of her cheek. He sighed several times at the thought. Clifton's face was calm when it turned again, but it was still accompanied by strictness. One of the things that makes him wonder is why the man doesn't seem concerned about their current situation. What makes it even more difficult is that he is Rheo's father. he is married and then when he found out that they had a child, the man didn't seem to have a problem at all. Instead, he wants her to divorce the child. It's confusing. He was confused. He doesn't want to do the things the man says to break up with Rheo. but he knows . . she knows that the moment she tells her boyfriend that she has a child, he will hate her. It is even possible for the man himself to break up with her. Tears flowed at that thought. "Good. I just want us to be clear, Hashana. I will wait a week. if you can't still say it to him. I'll tell myself." The doctor passed him completely. He was left staring at the white wall. He blinked and sat there hugging his knees. There he poured out the pain. He moaned as he leaned his back against the cold concrete. she cursed the man in her mind. I hope he doesn't end up in the hospital. Why did Clifton find out that he had a child? That he has a son here.

Chapter 1 1

chapter 1

It does not mean that if you lie you are bad. We just have to do it for the good of everyone. So you don't hurt anyone. So that they don't grow angry with you.

Hashana watched her lover full of love. they just finished dinner and he dropped her off at a friend's house.

Rheo opened the door for him before planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Good night, love. Think again about my offer."

Hashana smiled widely. "Thank you. Good night too. Be careful driving." the girl reached up to touch the boyfriend's cheek before giving him a kiss.

Rheo grinned then got back in the car. His head looked out the window.

"I have to go. I love you."

"Love you too. Take care."

The man winked at the girl before starting the car. Hashana took a deep breath and followed the young man's car as he drove away, then opened the small red gate to his friend's house.

Hashana caught up with Cathy there. He was sitting comfortably on the yellow sofa holding a bowl full of popcorn. he lost his attention on what he was watching when he saw her.

"Aunt called earlier. She said Jelrex was looking for you."

Hashana sat next to her friend and took the throw pillow before placing it on her thigh. He focused his eyes on the tv and took a bite of popcorn.

"My phone was off earlier. mom did have a missed call. What did he say?"

"They say they will visit next week. Jelrex is always crying. Looking for you."

Hashana nodded. He raised his eyebrows when he noticed that his friend was looking at him intently.


"Tita, does aunty know about you and Rheo?"

"Mom knows.I told him."

"How is your son? Did you tell Rheo about Jelrex?"

The girl looked away from her friend. It just focused its eyes on the movie that was on tv.

"Oh, Hashana ha. That's your silence."

Cathy threatened her friend and glared at her.

"You've been together for a year. You've said several times that you'll find an opportunity to tell Rheo about your child, but so far there hasn't been any. What if he finds out that you have a child before you can tell him the true? Settle down, Hashana."

The girl silently bit her lip. He has tried to find a good time several times, but until now he has not been able to tell the young man. He was afraid that he might hate her. He even remembered that he did not prioritize having a family and a child. she is afraid that if she tells her boyfriend about Jelrex, he might break up with her.

There was silence between the two women. That was only stopped by Cathy's unexpected question.

"Jelrex's father? Don't you plan to find him?"

Hashana gave it a look and took a bite of popcorn. He had no intention of ever looking for it. And how will he find it if he doesn't know who he had sex with before? Also, it's been too long. Jelrex's father probably has a family. why is he still attending a birthday party at a bar?

"Weren't you wearing his polo shirt when you left the bar because you said your dress was torn? Did you hide it? Can you—"

"What the hell, Cathy, shut up. I have no intention of looking for him, okay? I'm happy with my life now, and I'm sure he is too."

Cathy suffered as she surrendered to her friend. "Okay, okay. As long as you tell Rheo about my child while it's still early. that's good so he can accept Jelrex and you won't have any trouble explaining your situation to the child."

He nodded understandingly. Hashana later informed her that she would be the first to go to the room because she was early tomorrow. He will try to go to the girlfriend's alleged hospital. according to this, they are hiring nurses there. If only there were no anomalies in the hospital where he used to work. He would not have quit his job. He has been searching the internet for a few days to apply.

Hashana tried to contact the parents to talk to the child but he was already asleep. He just decided to call again tomorrow to talk to the boy.

As the new day dawns, Hashana rises full of hope. He was talking to the mother on the other line while Chenechecked the documents to be brought to the interview later.

"Mom, is Jelrex?"

"Your dad is still getting dressed. He just finished taking a bath. Wait, I'll call."

Hashana heard the mother calling her son's name. the girl smiled when she saw her son approaching. His hair was wet and his father was still wiping it.

Hashana observed the son's snoring. You're grabbing too much attention because her son is just more attractive to look at. The child is as white as his complexion. he also has a sharp nose that he also inherited from him. But his golden eyes he knew were not his. The shape of its face is also the same. His thick eyebrows and eyelashes he was sure were not his.

the woman sighed secretly then the son smiled widely.

"Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, mom. I miss you."

It was as if something touched Hashana's heart when she heard Jelrex's soft voice.

"I miss you too, baby. Didn't you scold Grandma and Grandpa?"

"No, mom, I'm a good boy."

He laughed softly at what his son said. The same goes for the lady.

"Really? Grandma said you were crying. Don't good boys and big boys stop crying?"

Jelrex snorted. He laughed again.

"Hey, that's right. I'm going to hang up, because we're going to have breakfast. Next week we will visit there."

"Alright, please. Be careful there." It turned the son. "Jelrex, don't scold grandma and grandpa. Mama loves you."

Hashana continued checking the requirements before leaving the room. Cathy was at the dining room when he caught up, having coffee.

"You have an interview?"

"Yes, I will try to go to the hospital that Rheo said."

He took some bread and ate it. good and Cathy had coffee prepared for him so he sipped that. Hashana also said goodbye to the friend who was leaving. It's still seven thirty so he can still commute. He has to chase the time because there is sure to be traffic again.

Hashana positively looked up at the wide and large hospital in front. He read the address Rheo had given again. This is it. If you look at it, it is bigger compared to the first one he worked on. He looked at the mobile phone for a moment when it rang. there is a message from Rheo.

From: My Love

—Good luck, love. You can do it! Fighting!

He laughed quietly and shook his head. He replied before going inside and asked the information desk where the hospital's HR management office was. that was pointed out to him so Hashana immediately went there. While making his way to the office, he couldn't help but admire the surroundings. The place is very clean. The room facilities were being taken care of. The fragrant smell of the hospital's air conditioning is also dominant. their equipment looks like everything is new. The employees also look very neat.

"Hashana Romero?"

Hashana was surprised because the lady knew him.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Can I see your resume?"

He quickly handed it the resume. The lady read it and faced him with a smile.

"In fact that Dr. Auxilio recommended you. Your background was also excellent. I am pleasant to say that you are hired, miss Romero. You can start tomorrow. Tomorrow you will also get your schedule for your designated assignment."

He frowned but was happy to shake hands with the HR manager. just that fast? He couldn't believe it but he was happy. So happy. But recommended? Dr. Auxilio recommended her? He doesn't know any doctor whose last name is Auxilio.

He broke the good news to Cathy and the parents. she also called her boyfriend to have lunch together.

Today, she is waiting for Rheo at a fast food chain with a wide smile.

They will eat there. She knew that her boyfriend would take a long time so Hashana distracted herself by fiddling with her cell phone.

Rheo was an engineer. as far as he knows, this is the one that manages the under construction hotel that is also owned by the man's family. Therefore, that hotel is close to where he used to work. There they met a young man. That's where her love affair with the man started. he is a year older here. But as they say, age doesn't matter. It is responsible and they love each other very much.


He raised his face when he heard Rheo's voice. She greeted him with a wide smile and kissed her boyfriend.

"Sorry, did you wait long?"

"It's fine. You're just right."

Rheo pulled the girl over with a chair. Hashana sat there and the man in the opposite empty seat did the same.

"Guess what? I got hired."

The young man smiled at the news of the bride.

"I know you can do it. congratulations, love."

"Thank you, love. That's why someone recommended me. Dr. Auxilio recommended me—wait!"

Hashana's eyes narrowed as she looked at Rheo when she realized something. Auxiliary? Well, its last name is also Auxilio.

An amused laugh came out of the young man's mouth. "Alright, it was dad. I told him about you. I said my girlfriend was looking for a job. He had a big share to that hospital, so maybe he can help you. That's it."

Hashana snorted. "You cheated. That's why it was so fast earlier."

Rheo laughed softly then kissed his palm. "I'm sorry, love. I'm just trying to help."

The conversation between the two was interrupted because a waiter came. It also left immediately after they ordered.

"By the way, mom and dad want to meet you. Are you free this Friday night?"

Hashana stopped eating. He was studying whether the man was serious. That's why Rheo is so serious. He swallowed in no time.

"I don't know my sched yet. I'll check tomorrow." He bit his lower lip as he looked at the young man with apprehension. "Do you think they will like me?"

"Of course, especially mom. No worries, love. Don't pressure yourself. I'm here."

Hashana readily agrees with Rheo. But inside he was nervous. He has never met his parents. What if its parents are strict? the man's family is still rich. Even until now, he has not even been able to tell here that he has a child.

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