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Revenge of the Contract Bride

Revenge of the Contract Bride

Princess Honey


To pay off her dying mother's medical fee, Olivia enters into a marriage contract with the son of the devil himself, Mr. Harrington. Olivia lives her life less as a wife and member of the family and more like a servant in the Harrington mansion. To fulfill their utmost desire, Ethan agrees with his father to frame Olivia up with embezzlement, thereby sending her to jail for three years. Suddenly she gets released by a butler who not only claims to be her father's worker but also that Olivia is the heiress to the Rodriguez fortune, a secret fortune worth more than 7 billion dollars. Now fully endowed with wealth, Olivia decides to seek revenge from those who ever hurt her, most especially Ethan and his father Mr. Harrington.

Chapter 1 A marriage contract

“I'm sorry Miss Wright, we won't be able to continue her treatment”, Those words rang in her head, as she made her way toward the gate that stood right before her.

Olivia sped off from the hospital premises. looking confused and as random thoughts ran through her mind.

"What do I do now? I can't just let her die like that, there has to be a means to save her." She whispered to herself like a lady stripped off of his life without a course of direction.

Her thoughts were fixated on her mother who laid on her deathbed, the doctor was requesting for the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars before he was going to raise his fingers on her case.

Even if she was to save for five straight years, it would be most likely impossible for her to raise such an amount of money.

But again, she thought about the one person that could help him now and that the Harrington.

She had earlier saw a board placed outside and some plastered paper on the wall that states they were in need of a maid.

They were never going to consider a lowlife like her but she needed to give it a try at least.

What if she gets the job, she would request for some money and immediately pay for her mom’s hospital bills, just so her surgery can begin.

She just has to give this a try.


She was doing this, she had to do this. She placed a soft knock on the door.

Almost immediately, it was opened by a security man. "I'm here for Mr. Harrington", She smiled.

The security man carefully scrutinized her before stepping aside.

She held her completely faded bag tightly as she walked in.

She could feel her mouth watery at the sight of the interior decoration before her, it was just as it was described.

"What do you want?"" she heard a deep voice behind her.

"I'm... I'm Olivia, she bowed her head. " That doesn't answer my question" , A reply came in.

"I'm here to apply for the post of a maid," she replied. His eyes trailed down her body.

"We don't hire riffraffs here", He replied. "How did you get in here?" He asked.

“Through the door..." she drawled. "Are you also dumb apart from being wretched, and to think that you even stink, your body odor is killing and choking me!”, He yelled.

"I'm sorry sir”, She bowed, swallowing the lump that formed in her lungs. “Don't plead with me, Get out!!", He yelled.

Almost immediately she went down on her knees. “Please sir, please don't send me out.. I really need this job”, She was on the verge of crying.

Do you plan on suffocating me to death here, Mr.Harrington yelled. "I'm sorry sir.. Don't send me out sir..Give me the work sir", She pleaded.

" The job had been taken", She heard a deep voice from her back. She slowly tilted her head backwards to find a young man staring at her.

She could feel her heart skip a beat, he was a really handsome man, with his deep brown eyes, and his jet-like hair... “Get out!”, She heard a loud yell that seemed to jolt her back to reality.

"Please, don't send me out, I can do anything, just anything, I really need to pay for my mom's treatment”, She seemed really pathetic now.

“I sa…”, Mr.Harrington was suddenly cut off. "Anything?" The young man asked.

“Yes anything", She confirmed. "Fine then”, He walked towards her.

She swallowed hard, with him becoming closer and closer, he was becoming hotter and hotter.

He suddenly stretched out a document to her. "Read it carefully, He ordered.

Olivia slowly collected it, she swiped through the document, her eyes almost popping out of its socket.

She flipped through the passages it was a marriage contract, a contract that states he would be in total control of the marriage.

"A marriage contract?.." Her voice trailed off. "Yes, a marriage contract", He confirmed.

" And it is stated there that it would be for five years, and also being the party A, I would be in control”.

" So you have to obey every single word I say with no objection”. " And lastly you would live in this marriage more like a maid and less as a wife”, He said.

“Do you accept this?”, He scanned her, his face cringed in disgust. Olivia swallowed hard.

“I'll but on a condition" She said. "And who placed you in a place to pay down conditions”, The young man laughed out.

"Let's hear it" , He added. “Please pay up my mom's hospital bill and provide her with all necessary amenities that will sustain her as long as I'm gone”, She said.

“This might sound pathetic but I love this condition, So okay, it will be done”, He said, throwing a pen at her.

She gently took the pen from the floor it laid. "Will I be allowed to visit her?", She asked.

It depends on my mood, he said. She nodded briefly. She didn't want to annoy him and get him to change his mind.

Was she really ready to sign this, she always stayed away from guys and now she was going into marriage, she took her thoughts to her mother whose life machine beeping have her hope each and every day, what would happen if her treatment get cut short.

Is it really worth it?. Or maybe it was.

She was only doing this for her mom, she deserves better, she deserves to receive treatment, she deserves to live in luxury.

A tear slowly slipped out of her eye. She knew she was entering a contract that would get her life ruined, with one last glance, the signed the contract.


Wedding Hall.

"Yes I do" , Ethan said, a smirk dangling on his lips.

"Do you Olivia Wright take Mr. Ethan Harrington, to be your lovely wedded husband, to be together for better and for worse. for richer or for poorer, till death do you apart?”, The pastor asked.

Olivia took a deep breath, this was it. She was finally entering the commitment.

She always wanted her wedding to be grand, this wedding was grand but definitely not a marriage she imagined.

"I do", She replied. "I pronounce you husband and wife".

“You may kiss your bride", He announced. The part she drenched the most.

Ethan pulled her closer aiming for her lips. Her eyes shut close tightly waiting for his lips. But nothing happened.

"Open those eyes of yours", She suddenly heard his deep voice though low.

"Do you think I would kiss you, dream on?" He said.

"And do you think I wanted to kiss a scumbag like you, dream on!?”, She wished she could tell him this but instead, she kept quiet.


“Throw it.. Throw it!!!” The crowd of girls chanted. Olivia turned backward, slowly throwing the flower in the air.

It landed straight on one of the girl's hands. She smiled briefly, turning to the guy who stood right beside her.

She blushed hard, the guy also smiled back interwinning their hands.

Olivia was escorted to the car slowly with people chanting. She sat next to an already settled Ethan, and soon the car drove off.


The car suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Ethan pulled out a shopping bag which laid right beside him and handed it over to Olivia.

"Change into this?", He ordered. Oliva stared at the shopping bag and carefully nodded. The door opened, Ethan and the bodyguard getting down from the car.


“I'm done”, Olivia whispered, she was out of her wedding dress and was now dressed in a casual dress.

Ethan got into the car almost immediately, scrutinizing her.

“This looks good on you”, He said, making Olivia blush hard, it was the first time he was complimenting her.

"Do you know how much it cost to buy this?", He asked knowing well that he sent one of his workers to get it from a thrift store.

"I'm sorry" , Olivia mouthed, the stupid idea she had in her head was gone immediately.

He left out a deep sigh, "Get out!" He said, "Huh?" she raised her brows. " I said Get out !" He yelled, pushing her out of the car.

Olivia obeyed and immediately came down. "Meet me at home in 20 minutes" , He said, slamming the door shut.

"But my wallet...",. “The doors are closed already, I can't seem to open them, Find your way home”, He said.

" I..”, Before she could complete her statement, the car had already sped off.

She was left on the road, completely stranded with no wallet or money on, with a timer, on her wedding day. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. What was she going to do now?.

"Meet at home in 20 minutes", His words rang in her head.

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