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Your Pretty Author


"Mommy Daddy! where are you? You said you'd bring me back" I promised sobbing There was trouble at the mansion earlier, I just wanted to play with Mom Even though Mom asked me to wait for them here in front of the big tree, I preferred to go back to the mansion I entered the garden and didn't notice the stone because I was so scared I was about to cry when I heard someone approaching where I was I tried to hide in the garden even though I was holding my painful leg when I heard Mom's voice I quickly opened the leaves a little to see what was happening "You're really a *p Ricardo! Why don't you want to stop us?!" Mom shouted as the two men held her in both hands "Oh come on Athena you know why, you know the reason why! It's because of this man!" the man shouted and stomped on Dad who was in a wheelchair Dad just got out of the hospital because he was involved in an accident and he is not well yet "Ahh! you still haven't changed, Ricardo, you're still the devil, why don't you fight me fairly, you know I'm weak now, so rush in!" Dad said angrily "HAHAHAHA that's life Carlos, there's no fairness in the world! now that you have nothing to do why don't I give you a show" said the man and approached Mom "You're still really beautiful, Athena, even if the edge of your lips is bleeding, if you had chosen me, I hope you wouldn't have been hurt like this" the man said and suddenly kissed Mom Mom kicked between the two legs of the man causing him to kneel "You're rude! Damn you!" Mom shouted Not long after, the man immediately stood up and punched Mom, causing her to lose consciousness then he did his evil plan to my mother, he took my Mom in front of Dad Dad struggled while being held by two men but he couldn't do anything because he was carrying something Dad shouts for the man to stop what he is doing to Mom the punches of the two men accompanied Dad's shouting Soon the man stopped and adjusted his clothes Then he turned to Dad and smiled mischievously "Now we're fair Carlos, your wife is delicious HAHAHAHA" the man said and he and his staff laughed The man returned to where Mom was and pulled out his katana "I know that no matter what I do, you will never be mine, it's better to disappear from the world!" said the man then cut off Mom's head He turned to Dad and sneered at him "I'm going to take you to impy*rno Carlos with your wife!" said the man and without a word Dad's head was also cut off I was about to scream when someone covered my mouth The man turned to where I was, what struck me when he walked towards me I just closed my eyes and held the hand covering my mouth I just calmed down when I heard him walk away from us "Boys! Congratulations we are successful!" the man said happily and finally they all left I slowly looked at the person who covered my mouth, Dad's bodyguard "P-I'm sorry little madame w-I didn't do anything but p-I'm begging you p-try to live l-safely until your l-grandfather finds you" he said before losing consciousness "W-wake up p-po" I said and shook him slightly, I was surprised by a red liquid that flowed from his side I approached my parents and suddenly ................. "Keith! Keith! what the hell is giving you nightmares again!" Aiki said while shaking me I got up while catching my breath "Is it that dream again?" Regie asked I took a deep breath and nodded in response "Here drink this" said Aiki as he held out a glass of water " Are you sure you don't know the people you dream about? Since we were little, you always dreamed of that, isn't it connected to your personality?" asked Regie "I don't know either, I don't know anything" was my only answer while calming myself down Why do I always have nightmares? Who are those people? why do I call them Mom and Dad as far as I know I don't have parents How long should I dream about it?

Chapter 1 1



"Damn it Keith!" Alice shouted from the attic door where I was sleeping

"B-Why Ali-- Sir!

I was holding my cheek because of Alice's slap to my cousin

"D*mn you b*tch I told you to wash my clothes I didn't say destroy them at any time you b*bo!!" he shouted and reached for my face again

He didn't stop me until he got fed up with teasing, scratching slaps and punches

"You're probably getting old by then you bwis*t!" he promised and stomped on me before leaving

I just held my stomach because of the pain

"Iha! A-Are you okay? Oh jusko" Mother Belen said to the maid at Tita's house

I just nodded and immediately sat down so he wouldn't worry

"You have a scratch on your face again, come let's treat it" said Nay Belen

We were about to go to his room when Aunt Margo appeared at the door

"Oh, where are you going and dirtying the house, you're just here?!" Tita was angry

"I just called her Madam so we can clean up" replied Nay Belen

"You're a girl, do you have to be called that all the time?!" Tita promised

And pulled my hair with such force that I almost fell down

"Just swallow it, you're still destroying things!!" he said then pulled my hair and turned my head

"I-I didn't mean to, Ti-Tita, it's okay," I said crying

"What's right?! You're ordering me?! ha?! ha!!" he shouted and pulled my hair more and more, some of my hair was falling out because of what he was doing

"Madam, it's true that the child is hurting," Nay Belen begged

"Hey sign! don't interfere here or I'll embarrass you" said Tita

"Oh what's going on there" Tito Marc interrupted Tita's boyfriend

"This girl only knows how to do things like her mother's b*ba" Tita answered and still didn't let go of my hair

"That's right, come on, let's go somewhere soon!" said Tito Marc

Then Tita was pulled away from me

"I'm not done with that girl yet!!" Tita was shocked

"Can you Margo! Come on we're going to be more important than that!" Tito Marc's stubbornness

"We're not done yet, I'll erase your face!" Tita shouted as Tito pulled her away

I just sat down because I feel so much pain

Nay Belen helped me to her room and started to treat me

My whole body hurts, there isn't a day that I don't taste hurtful words or mistreatment since I came to this house

Nay Belen is the only one who is kind to me, she is the only one who cares about all the wounds and bumps that I get, she is the only one who heals me

"N-Nay Belen, is committing suicide a sin against God?" I asked as he treated me

"What are you talking about? That's a big sin against God, don't ever do that even if you think it's forbidden," answered Nay Belen

"I'm so tired" I said sobbing

"I do everything they order me in our house, even though they don't feed me right, I still do it, but why is that?" I promised

"W-If only my parents hadn't abandoned me, if only they hadn't disappeared, if only my parents had loved me, I wouldn't be like this" I added.

Mother Belen's eyes widened when she heard what I said

"Abandoned? Abandoned? you're wrong, your parents didn't abandon you" he said which surprised me

"Aunt told me that I don't have parents because they don't love me. They just left me in their trash, Aunt. I owe her why I'm still breathing today," I promised again.

"That's not true, listen to me, your parents didn't abandon you, your parents love you very much, I know that" said Nay Belen

"What do you mean?" I said confused

"Don't you really remember anything?" he promised seriously

"Remember which one?" frowned when I promised he stood up and immediately locked the door of his room

"You have to listen to me Iha I know you don't understand anything but the truth is that your parents didn't leave you because they didn't love you but..." said Nay Belen and stopped speaking

"But what?" I said surprised

"Hmm I'm not the right person to tell you but remember this, your parents have not abandoned you from now on no matter what your aunt tells you, don't believe it especially if it's about your parents" he said

I would have asked many more questions but I know that Naay Belen will not answer me either

Even if I don't understand anything, I will follow his advice, he is the one I believe in

Because he is the only one who treats me well in this hellish house

he finished treating me and we cleaned the whole house he told me to just rest

But I chose to help him more than when they beat me Aunt

I just got used to the pain of the body


Nay Belen ordered me to take a shower after we finished cleaning

Until now I wonder why Tita had to lie to me

I don't understand why they seem to know something that I don't know about my own life

while I was getting dressed, the necklace with a cross pendant fell from what I was wearing earlier

I quickly picked it up and looked at the back of the pendant, it says Xaria, who is Xaria?

I don't even know why I have it, I'm sure it's not from Tita

I showed it to Nay Belen and she said not to show Auntie the necklace and not to lose it

So it's always in my pocket no matter where I go

I had just finished getting ready and dressed when I heard that Tita had come home

I'm afraid to show them but I'm sure they'll still find me

"Keith!" Tita shouted from below, I'm telling you

I hurried downstairs and went to the living room

"B-Why Aunt?" I will ask

"Keith, nephew, come here, I bought you clothes and shoes and a bag so you can use something for studying," Tita said calmly, which surprised me.

"P-Po?" I can't believe it I promise

"Oh, don't be surprised, Keith, your Aunt took you shopping," Tito Marc said

"What are you doing kiss, measure these clothes and shoes, they fit you quickly" Tita said excitedly

I was confused and looked at Nay Belen, she signaled me to just go along with what they wanted

"What the?! What is that Mommy?! What does it mean?! Did I hear correctly that you took that girl shopping?!" Alice said angrily as she just came from her room

"Yes darling why?" Tita said and handed me the paper bags

"Are you getting dirty Mommy?! Didn't he ruin my clothes why the h*ll is she getting fancy clothes instead of me?!" Alice said as she stormed closer to us

"Give it to me!" he shouted while grabbing paper bags from me

"Alice give it back to her right now!" Tita shouted

"No!" she was stubborn and was about to leave but Tita immediately pulled her and grabbed the paper bags and Alice sat on the floor

"Here Keith come on measure in your room first when you wear it show us ok" said Tita while smiling

I immediately followed what Tita said, I could feel the edge of Alice's eyes on me as I went up

What happened when the wind blew differently, Tita was kind to me

should I be happy or nervous about what he is doing?

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