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Veronica Harris is the daughter of billionaire Patrick Harris, living a life of luxury. But she's not content with just material things. What she really wants is true love, like in the stories she reads. When she meets Nico Wright, she's immediately drawn to him. Will Nico be her knight in shining armor or a devil who has come to hurt her Read to find out the story of the girl who loved the devil (Rated 18)

Chapter 1 1


The elevator bell dings as I reach the fifty-sixth floor, signaling my arrival. I step out, relieved to be away from the confined space. The hallway offers a stunning view of Manhattan. Clicking my heels, I head towards the conference room where my brother and father await. They're clearly impatient. "Veronica, finally. Did you bring it?" my brother demands, ignoring me as he turns back to my father.

I find myself sighing softly as I hand over the manila folder to Brady, my brother.

"You could've asked any one of your assistants, Brady," I remind him, trying to hide my irritation. My father, Patrick Harris, CEO of Harris Enterprises, shoots me a stern look. Brady shrugs, muttering something about confidentiality as he snatches the file from my hand. Ignoring me, he dives back into conversation with my father. Feeling dismissed, I take a seat at the enormous table, feeling their combined lack of interest in my presence.

As I sit down, they both shoot me annoyed looks. "What?" I ask, knowing the answer. They probably don't want me here. 'A pretty girl like you shouldn't be here,' my father would likely say, even though he's the one who pushed me to study and be involved in the company.

I place my bag on the table, feeling their disapproval, but I'm not sure why. After all, it was my father who pushed me to be involved in the company, not me.

Things weren't always like this. Brady used to be the slacker while I excelled. Parties, girls, disappearing acts – that was his life post-college. But on his twenty-sixth birthday, everything changed. Suddenly, he wanted in on the family business.

My father, who had groomed me for years to take over, quickly shifted his attention to Brady. All my hard work was tossed aside. Instead, Dad had other plans for me.

"Don't you have to get ready for the charity gala?" Dad raises his eyebrow, his real message clear: "Go home, get ready, and don't screw this up."

I bite my lip, holding back the retort bubbling inside. My gaze shifts between Dad and Brady, but Brady avoids eye contact, burying himself in papers. Our dynamic has shifted. Brady used to have my back, but now he's all about pleasing Dad.

In the last six months, since Brady decided he wanted what I'd worked for, our relationship crumbled. He was once my closest friend, but now? We barely talk about anything meaningful.

"Right, how could I forget?" I force a smile, shaking my head as if I'm the one losing it. Grabbing my bag, I make a swift exit, holding back the mix of anger and sadness brewing inside. I won't make a scene.

"Dad, seriously? You can't talk to her like that," I hear Brady's faint protest just before the door closes behind me. It's a relief to know he still has my back sometimes, but things have changed.

How could they not? Our lives aren't what they used to be, and there's no going back.


Checking my reflection, I smooth out the gloss on my lips. "Is he here yet?" Annalise, tall and stunning in her red ballgown, asks about my so called boyfriend as she washes her hands.

"I don't think so. You know him, always late," I shrug, wiping off excess gloss before adjusting my emerald green gown. Paired with heels, I feel taller than my 5'2".

"Let's go find our table?" Annalise suggests, and I nod as we head out of the restroom. Through the crowded hallway, we make our way to the banquet hall, filled with people chatting and drinking.

"We should be toward the front," I say over the noise, following Annalise into the vast hall where the evening's festivities will unfold.

Walking through the room, we avoid making conversation with the mostly business crowd. I've attended this charity gala since childhood, recognizing many faces.

"This one," Annalise points to a table near the dance floor. She settles in, leaving me to find my seat. Scanning the names, I stumble into someone and almost fell down, but a strong hands grab me, preventing a total disaster. My heart races as I look up into his hazel eyes.

"Sorry," I blurt out, cheeks flushing. He smiles, and I can't help but notice his features, styled brown hair, sharp jawline. Annalise's throat clearing reminds me of where we are. I straighten up, avoiding his gaze.

"You're fine...it's fine, don't worry about it," he responds, his deep voice taking me back slightly as he lets go of me. Wow, good looking, strong, and sexy? I couldn't help but shyly smile to myself as I tucked a strand of my dark brown hair behind my ear.

"Thanks...for catching me," I say with a small laugh, shaking my head as I think of what just happened, looking up at him to see that his eyes haven't left me.

He nods in acknowledgment, his gesture a silent 'you're welcome,' before straightening up. I bite my lip, noticing how impeccably he's dressed in his black suit and tie, paired with loafers. But beyond that, I can't help but admire his fit physique evident even through his clothing. He extends his hand to me.

"Nico. Nico Wright. Nice to meet you," he says with a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. Without hesitation, I shake his hand, feeling its strength and unexpected softness.

"Veronica...Harris. Nice to meet you too," I reply, returning his smile. His eyebrow raises slightly at my last name.

"You're Patrick's daughter?" he asks, almost teasingly, which confuses me. Was he making fun of me? I'm taken aback, not just because he knows my father, probably quite well since they're on a first-name basis, but also because he seems to find amusement in it.

"I didn't mean it that way. He's mentioned having a daughter, I just didn't expect you to be so beautiful," he clarifies, seeing my puzzled expression. Nico smiles warmly, shaking his head a little.6

My cheeks burn, and before I can respond, an arm wraps around my waist, diverting my attention to the man who's appeared beside me. His lips brush my cheek, whispering a soft hello in my ear. When I glance back at Nico, I find him focused on the newcomer.

"Good evening. Brian Jones," the man introduces himself, pressing his fingers into my waist as he extends his hand. I clench my jaw, resisting the urge to push him away.

"Nico Wright. Nice to finally meet you," Nico replies, smiling as he shakes Brian's hand. I notice Brian's grip on me loosening as he recognizes Nico, his demeanor relaxing.

"I hope my girlfriend here wasn't bothering you," Brian remarks, ignoring my scowl. Seriously? My eyes meet Nico's briefly, both of us taken aback by Brian's tone, but Nico's expression remains composed.

"Of course not. Just introducing myself," Nico responds gently. I sense his disapproval of Brian's attitude but know he won't say anything. I could handle it myself, but confronting Brian now would only lead to more trouble.

As if right on cue, the announcer steps up to the stage, asking all of us to take our seats. I quickly take mine, pulling myself out of Brian's grip. This was going to be a long night, considering I was sandwiched between Brady and Brian, with Nico sitting straight across from me, his eyes locked to mine, and Annalise seated right besides him, giving me a playing smirk.

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