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Seduced By The CEO

Seduced By The CEO



Sophia, a powerful CEO and her new secretary, Andre started off hating each other but things get heated fast, leading to a secret romance. Is there more totheir connection than just physical attraction

Chapter 1 SOPHIA: Morning Encounter

I slumped into my leather chair, exhausted before the day even began. The weight of responsibility felt heavier than ever, demanding more of my energy than i had to give. My curls disheveled and my mind already weary fromthe day ahead.

With heavy sigh, i lifted my phone to my ear, eagar to vent my frustrations to my best friend, Lisa. "i swear, Lisa, if one one thing goes wrong today, i might just lose my mind," i grumbled, my voice tinted with exhaustion.

Before she could respond, a sharp knock echoed through my spacious office, jolting me from my conversation. irritation surged within me at the intrusion. Couldn't i have just one moment of peace?

I quickly ended the call with lisa and tossed my phone onto the desk. "Come in," i called out, trying to sound composed despite my growing annoyance.

The door swung open, revealing the most annoying person ever, Andre, my newly appointed secretary. his presence alone was enough to fuel my frustration. tall, impeccably dressed, with an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. Andre seemed determined to disrupt my already chaotic morning.

"What is it now, Andre?" I snapped, unable to mask my irritation. He hesitated for a moment, his gaze lingering on my disheveled appearance before stepping forward. "Ms. Sophia, i apologize for the interruption, but i havee some urgent documents that require your signature," he explained, his voice calm and professional.

i sighed inwardly, cursing my luck. of course, there was something else demanding my attention. pushing aside my frustrations, i motioned for him to approach , resigned to the inevitable disruption to my morning routine. "Fine, bring them here," i muttered, attempting to smooth down my unruly curls as Andre approached.

As he handed me the documents, a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "Let's keep this professional, Ms. Sophia. No need to drool over me," he quipped, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Heat rose to my cheeks as embarrassment flooded through me. How could he be so brazen, mocking me in my own office? With a scowl, i shot him a sharp look. "Shut up, it's too early for your jokes." i retorted, my voice laced with irritation.

Ignoring shis comment, i quickly scanned the papers and signed in the required places. As i handed him the documents, his fingers brushed against mine, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through me. A shiver ran down my spine, and i felt a sudden heat pooling between my thighs. I couldn't believe how his simple touch had ignited such a powerful response within me.

I quickly withdrew my hand, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. how could i be affected by amere touch? But deep down, i knew there was something undeniably magnetic about Andre, something that drew me to him despite our mutual animosity.

He left my office and i was happy to be done with this encounter. Little did i know, this unexpected interruption would mark the beginning of a dangerous game of seduction that neither of us could resist.

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