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A Surrogate Wife For The Billionaire

A Surrogate Wife For The Billionaire



Olivia paused and look straight into his eyes, “Some day, you are going to crawl on your knees, begging to have me back, this is a promise” She stated in a concise and confident way without minicing her threat filled words. Gotten her heart broken and sacked from work on the same day, Olivia was trying so hard to hold on tightly to the broken fragment of her life the day had offered her when she got a call that her mother was rushed to the hospital and was further diagnose with stage two Ovarian Cancer. How will she navigate through all this pain all alone?

Chapter 1 Olivia Campbell

She slowly raised her head from the chair she had fallen asleep on, her eyes blurring as she pushed them apart, her throat sore and her joints weak and weary.

Looking around the dark hall that had different colors of flashy light bouncing all over the place, it took the confused Olivia some seconds, before she remembered where she was.

She used both of her hands to support her head as she tried sitting properly upright, her head banging loudly in pain with every move she made, and the music blaring from speakers placed at strategic corners of the club, coupled with the cheers and jeers from the clubbers were not helping the situation at all.

Sweeping her eyes through the table in front of her and seeing the empty bottles of alcoholic substances with disposable cups that were littered on them brought back flashes of the event that happened before she passed out.

Seeing that she was a bit stable, “Can I help you with anything ma’am” A young chap lad, probably in his early twenties asked, a cheerful smile on his face as he looked up at Olivia from where he was standing at the base of stairs leading to the first table of the VIP section where she was seated?

“No, I… I am fine” Olivia stammered, her eyes all over the place, “Where is Mia?” She asked.

“I would be right around the corner ma’am, if you need anything don't hesitate to reach out to me” He replied, ignoring Olivia’s question, a smile still on his face.

Before leaving, he beckoned to one of the girls walking around the club holding silver trays filled with liquor shots to clear the mess on the table Oliver was on.

As the girl carried out what she was instructed to do, Olivia sluggishly picked up her back purse that probably fell off her lap when she passed out. She rummaged through the lip gloss, a chocolate bar, a face towel, and other girlie things to get her phone.

Olivia dialed Mia’s number countless times as her eyes restlessly searched through the happy crowd, vibing to the loud music.

“Damien” She whispered, “How can I forget I came out with him?” She asked tiredly as she started putting a call through to him, but she also got no response from him.

Cursing under her breath on why her boyfriend and her best friend dragged her out of her house on this hot Friday night, until to ended up ghosting her, Olivia allowed her head freely fall on her laps that were tightly closed together, and she remained in that position for a while, blaming herself for giving in to their plans.

When the girl who was clearing her table came back to pick up the remaining things left, “Sorry, please can you excuse me for a minute?” Olivia asked, raising her head.

“Is there any problem ma'am?” The girl asked, moving her gaze from the empty drink bottle she was about to put on her tray to Olivia.

“There is none, I just wanted to ask you if by any chance you saw the people I was hanging out with around?”

“Uhm… the last time I caught sight of them on the dance floor ma’am” the girl replied and went straight back to what she was doing, leaving a bewildered look on Olivia’s face.

“On the dance floor? Were they both intoxicated?” Olivia questioned herself as she brewed on the reasons why Damien and Mia would hit the dance floor alone with her.

“Passing out isn’t an excuse for them to leave me” She went on when one of the voices in her head was trying to make excuses for them.

“I mean, why on earth were they dancing together?” Olivia went on to ask, getting more confused by the situation as each second passed by, “Could it be that they left after exhausting their strength on the dance floor, forgetting me?”

After waiting for a while to see if they would pop out from any corner of the club, and they didn’t, seeing that it was past midnight already, Olivia decided to go home and try to reach out to them the following morning.

As she stood up to take her leave, her eyes swirled and her weary knees gave way, making her collapse back on the soft cushion tiredly.

She wiped her eyes with a palm for a while, then moved on to supporting her head with her hand as she felt an exploding pain as if something were driving into her brain, with the pain getting worse as she tried standing up, making it feel like her head was going to fall off from her body at any point.

Olivia sat back down for a longer while before trying to get on her feet again. She still felt the sharp piercing pain at one side of her head, but it wasn’t as bad as the first that sent her crashing back to her seat.

As she pushed through the sweaty crowd that were throwing their hands up in the air and swaying their hips tiredly to the rhyme of the music, jeering excitedly, and as loud as they could with some sucking different liquors directly from the bottles like their lives depended on it

And some were so intoxicated that they sprayed out the drinks from their mouth in the form of a shower, Olivia suddenly had a pressing urge to use the restroom.

She swirled around immediately and started heading back into the club in the direction she was coming from, but instead of taking the mini stairs that led to the VIP section, she took the corridor aside it and traced her way to where the female restroom was located.

When she got into the hallway, she met a waitress and asked for directions to the restroom, which the waitress pointed out to her. As she headed toward the direction she was shown in hasty steps, Olivia started hearing soft giggles that were accompanied by shrieking moaning sounds from the direction she was headed.

She laughed quietly to herself, knowing that it was normal practice to see people making out in the restroom of places like this.

Not wanting to hold back from using the restroom until she gets home because of what was likely going on in there currently, Olivia quickly rehearses a short apology speech she was going to say to whoever was having another level of fun in there before moving on to do her business.

She knew being able to quickly dish out apologies in a drinking space like this, not minding whether you are mistaken or not was a virtue everyone just had because getting on a drunken person's toe was like signing a fight warrant, a fight will always break out.

And she knew making out shamelessly in a public toilet is one of the side effects of being high and horny at the same time without being able to control yourself.

As she pushed the large wooden door of the bathroom with the moaning sound now louder than ever, ready to pour out a heartfelt apology, the sight she saw behind the door was one she had never thought of, throwing her unbalanced, making her mouth fall apart in shock and her eyes shine in horror.

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