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YOU BELONG TO ME: A night to remember

YOU BELONG TO ME: A night to remember



After getting fired, Amelia falls for a mysterious stranger at a bar, only to have him disappear the next morning. Two years later, they meet again, but he denies knowing her while engaged to her rich cousin. when her cousin asked her to be her maid in honor, she agreed, being close to this man again, she found out the feelings she thought had died a long time ago has resurfaced. will the wedding continue or will they succumb to their feelings for one another and end the engagement? what happens when a woman found out that her fiance is sleeping with her cousin and he's ending their engagement?

Chapter 1 The bar

"Miss Williams, come in, please." My boss, Ms. Moore, waved a hand at the two chairs facing her desk.

" Have a seat, Amelia.''

Ms. Moore slid into her modern black leather desk chair and then unbuttoned her dress, revealing her breasts a little.

" Yes. Of course. ''

I said sitting down. She cleared her throat. " Well, Miss Williams. I'll cut right to the chase.We're letting you go, I'm afraid. It's

nothing to do with you it's simply that we're streamlining our workflow, and as the newest member of our team...well, your services have become somewhat not needed.

"I'm...what. I don't understand ma'am. just a week ago, I was promised a permanent Job if I continue providing great service for our company. I mean, who can argue with that? We've been waiting forever for someone new to come in, and I thought I'd finally be able to show off my skills to the customers-"I began.

Ms. Moore raised her hands in the air cutting me off. "Don't say another word! Your work here is done. We'll send you, your final check. And you'll clear your desk and leave immediately."

"ma'am, please I need this job."

" we all do, I suggest you go back to your temp agency and talk to them. Or we can arrange something?"" She said standing up and coming and stand behind me, her hands on my shoulders and trailing to my breasts.

What is she gay?

That came out as a murmur. I quickly stood up. " What are you doing? I asked as she reached around to undo the last button of her dress and pulled her breasts into view. They were larger than mine, which made me feel a little more uncomfortable. "You've seen me naked before, why not now?" she whispered, her hands moving to my neckline. Well, I once did see her naked, but that is the story for another day. I could smell her perfume from behind me. She pressed herself against me from behind. I pushed her away and quickly stood up. " I'll clear my desk immediately. "

What the hell just happened.

" I thought you wanted this job '' ms Moore said behind me, but I was already out of the office. I thought these things happen only with men boss. But a woman boss asking for a pleasure, well that's new. I walked over to my desk and quickly cleared my stuff and threw my bag and coat over my shoulder and headed out the door.

I drove for twenty minutes until I arrived at my apartment. Parked the car and got inside. I'm already 2 months behind with rent, and I know what my landlord will say when she sees me. I had been hoping to avoid eviction to be able to catch up with the past due amount. But that isn't going to happen now, is it? I'd just been fired. So I tiptoed into the building and took the elevator up. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my coat on the couch, and then headed into my kitchen. Likewise, I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and sat down at my dining room table. It was the only thing in the fridge. As I don't even have money to buy groceries. I pulled out my phone and dialed the temp agency. After three rings, an older man answered. "Hmm hello," he asked sounding like he had fallen asleep while eating pizza. "This is Amelia Williams. I was asking if you've got any available job right now."

"Wait a sec, he said. I hear a loud noise like he was falling over, and I assume he fell off his bed. Not only that, but I heard him swear under his breath. I assumed he was still lying on his stomach. After a moment, he replied. " No, I'm sorry we just don't have anything right now, I'll let you know if anything comes up. "

"That's alright sir. I'll call back later." I said and hung up. It felt as if the world has just come down on me.

beep beep beep

my phone reported a message. I opened my inbox. It was from Jameson College, reminding me of my brother's tuition fees. I quickly closed my phone and looked over my microwave to be met by so many mails. It's my habit to collect them and put them over the microwave to go through them later. This time I couldn't stop myself and started reading through each one slowly. There were about ten. Most were bills and my brother and sister's tuition fees. One caught my eye, it was from my father telling me he thinks of donating my mother's clothes, and if I want something from them. It's been almost a year since my mother's death, I haven't gone home to see my father since her funeral. In fact, I can't bring myself to visits that place, it brings back painful memories. Maybe it's got something to do with how she died.

beep beep

my phone reported another message this time from the bank. It was my last payment. I took one glance at the notification and realizing where this money will probably go.(Layla and Chris tuition fees.) But it won't hurt just to take 100 bucks and go drown my sorrows. If I stay in this apartment, I'll probably go insane. So I'll have to get out of here, and see where the night takes me. It was already 6 in the evening, so I went to my bedroom to change my clothes.

after changing into a pair of black heels and silver mini dress, I grabbed my purse and keys and also grabbed a few things from the bathroom and headed out the door, locking the door behind me. I got into the Honda and backed out of my parking space and hit the gas. I left my apartment complex and drove to the nearest bar. As I pulled into the parking lot I noticed this place is packed as usual, what can you expect. Friday nights are one of my favorite nights of the week. I love how everyone's there and everyone's having a good time, laughing and smiling and enjoying themselves. I'm lucky enough to be in the minority that doesn't have to go home tonight and face the demons of reality.

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