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Daring Writer


everyone, Carlson is that that husband who always beats his wife to a pop at every slightest chance. But what happens, when he comes back from the States and has sworn to take revenge on both his wife and his father in-law who had allegedly accused him of domestic violence , made him to sign some papers and then taking the only gem which his grandmother had blessed him with. Would he achieve his mission on taking a revenge.


Chapter 1


Booted feet walked down the stairs, creating awareness as Joselyn stood up, squared her shoulders and looked at her father in the eyes.

"Are you ready Josie?" he said in his usual playful tone, holding her elbow as they both walked out. "I've never been more ready dad, it'll finally go down and we'll be free,free of that__"

"You don't need to mention his name. He'll be forgotten in no time and we'll finally have the peace we desire." Mr Green said, assisting her into the car. They arrived at the court, Joselyn's eyes taking in the environment. Soon, Carlson would be led into this place and she'd be seeing him for the last time.

"What are you thinking about? You'll be free today and he'll face his punishment,you should be happy." Mr Jackson said, leading her into the huge building.

"I know dad, it's just__"

"Do not think of anything,just the way we forgot about your mom as soon as she left, that's how we're gonna forget about him, I'll help you." She nodded, forcing a smile.

They walked into the courtroom awaiting the arrival of the judge and Carlson.

"They're here." She heard a lady say as she turned to see Carlson walking into the room with his brother Carlos. "Dad, they're here."

"Do not look at them, they're not worth our time and glance."



"Court arise." They all arose and Jocelyn knew Carlson's eyes were pinned on her,she could feel the scrutiny and it didn't sit well with her.

"Dad I'm nervous."

"Why? He cannot touch you anymore, he won't do that to you again,I'm right here."

"What do you think he's telling her?" Carlos asked as Carlson shrugged.

"Probably cooking up another lie to tell the judge, lying about me abusing her sexually and mentally wasn't enough,they had my signature signed on a fraudulent document and now it's being used against me."

"Today is the final verdict and it'll__"

"Carlos,no matter what happens today, if i get convicted and taken to jail you must promise me one thing."

"Stop talking negatively, you'll be free, mother is sick and she might get worse if she hears about this, how long are we gonna hide this from her?"

"You'll hide it for as long as you can,tell her i went out of the country for business or something but Carlos,she must not find out.

"After previewing the evidences and the complaint from the plaintiff, I hereby sentence Mr Carlson Graham to ten years imprisonment with hard labor."

Joselyn buried her face in her palms, her eyes tearing up.

"You finally got what you deserve, now my daughter can live a free life." Mr Green said, looking scornfully at Carlson.

"You either leave peacefully or i make you__"

"Carlos, that's enough go home and meet mom."

"I really hope you rot in there." Joselyn said,her eyes not meeting Carlson's eyes.

"Is it difficult to look into my eyes? Is it?" He asked, shaking his head.

"I hope we meet one day and on that day,i won't be nice.......


8 years later....

"Bravo! You were so good out there." Mr Green said, kissing Joselyn on her cheek as she smiled and walked towards some group of men.

"Hello Mr Henson, i see you didn't come along with Sara." She said, looking behind the man.

"Oh yeah," he replied, moving closer to her. "You know i wouldn't." He whispered, pulling her closely.

"Not here Mr Henson, I'll see you around." She walked away, swaying her hips.

"Why's he late? He should be here already and__"

"Sorry I'm late." Jefferson Landon,the business associate they've all been waiting for said over the mic,his jet black hair positioned in a cool style and his tuxedo cost more than everyone's clothes put together.

"Dad can you see him screaming wealth?" Joselyn asked, biting her lips.

"Yeah of course,we must make sure we become good partners with him,we cannot lose this opportunity.

"Yes dad."

"I'm new in town but my personal assistant, Kendall has filled me in on the events and all that i need to know. Of course I'm gonna partner with everyone here but I've picked my favorite already." He said as Joselyn placed her drink on the tray of a waitress passing by.

The hall went silent.

"Miss Green? Can you come forward, join me right here." The hall went into an uproar of applause as she made her way towards the stage.

"I've seen her works and she's really impressive and very talented,i must commend her father." Everyone laughed.

"Thank you so much Mr__"

"Just call me Jeff, you look beautiful."

"Thanks Jeff and you look good too,we should meet up and discuss, what do you think?" She asked as he offered her a glass of tequila.

"Oh that'd be nice,my assistant will make a reservation for us and we can get to know each other."

"Excuse me me Mr Landon? Your ride is here." Kendall said,she was dressed like a man in an all black overall with a dark shade.

"Oh i really hate to cut our time together short, we'll talk properly when next we see."

"Dad!" Joselyn screamed softly, dancing on her toes as several men surrounded them.

"Congratulations Mr Green, she's a gem, you should be happy about having her as a daughter."

"Of course i am, she took after me."


"I hate her guts." Jeff said, turning to look at Kendall as she sat quietly next to him, her face was a shade of red and he knew she was angry.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

" It's nothing really, how did you feel meeting her again for the first time after eight years?" She asked and he shrugged.

"Hatred, nothing else but hatred, she'll wish she never came in contact with me, I'll make her life a living hell."

"When should your next meeting with her be?"

"Tomorrow,i want them to think I'm desperate,to think i want to be partners with them for real then I'll slowly take back what's mine and serve them their dishes."

Just then, a call came in and Kendall picked up.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kendall yelled into the phone, shaking her head.

"I have to be somewhere, I'll be back by morning." She said, stepping out of the car.

"Make the first attack." He said into his phone and smiled.

"By morning, I'll be the hero." He replied as he smirked.

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