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Criminal Intrigue

Criminal Intrigue

Lu Yao


In her previous life, she was imprisoned for eight years in a hospital, forced to have her chest cut open, and died holding a grudge. Returning to rebirth, bringing with her a mysterious system, she will leave all of them devastated and dead. From that moment on, in front of others, she was a kind, lovely, talented girl with superior forensic skills. But behind her back, she is the queen who turned black and sick, a perverted criminal with a high IQ who is most wanted by the police. He: "You're a pervert, I'm also a pervert, so why don't we form a couple and together bring disaster to others?" She: "..." You're the pervert, your whole family is a pervert. After being reborn, what should I do if I get caught by a pervert? I'm waiting online, it's urgent.

Chapter 1 (1)

In the capital city, just entering February, white snow flutters in the air, dyeing the sky and earth a gloomy and lonely gray color. This year, it seems colder than usual. In the mental hospital, Cam Bach was wearing a loose blue and white striped hospital gown, as if due to a long-term lack of nutrients, she looked unusually small and thin, with bruises on the corners of her mouth that were not yet visible. The bleeding stopped, and at this moment it slightly curled up, a bit strange.

Her eyes were tinged with dark red, long and beautiful, blood stained her bright red lips, looking like a blooming poppy, her body was covered in wounds, giving others a strange look. beautiful, desolate, lazy. This is an operating room equipped with extremely modern tools. All four of her limbs are chained to the operating bed, unable to move. Because her limbs have not been moved for a long time, her muscles are soft. The hands and feet still have traces left from the long time spent shackled in iron chains. Doctors wearing white coats and nurses came in carrying patient records. They roughly squeezed Cam Bach's mouth, poured unknown medicine in, and the nurse took a syringe and poked her into her blood vessels. “Cam Bach, please be a little more obedient to me, your family is coming to visit.” The doctor's eyes glanced at Cam Bach as if looking at a dead person. The doctor smiled coldly, then walked out, then, a woman walked in the door…………. "Long time no see……" Cam Bach seemed to feel like a normal person again. She raised her head and laughed, her voice was hoarse and hard to hear, her smile was extremely beautiful, but it carried a cold gloom. Standing in front of Cam Bach is a young woman, she is wearing a beautiful, clear silk dress, her appearance is similar in seven parts to Cam Bach's, the young woman has a special youthful and touching temperament, like sunshine. bright. However, her face was a bit pale, almost transparent, her long curled eyelashes moved slightly, a few tears remained, weakly making others feel sad. “You're still fine, you still miss me, right?” She stepped up and grabbed Cam Bach's hand, her face was filled with excitement and concern. I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. She touched the bleeding wound on Cam Bach's mouth. "You're not dead yet, how dare I forget you, Cam Nguyet." Cam Bach opened his mouth and spoke in a hoarse voice. "You must not talk rudely to Nguyet Nhi." Father Cam stepped forward and slapped Cam Bach in the face. Soon, Cam Bach's face was swollen, fresh blood continuously flowed from her mouth, but she did not feel the slightest bit of pain, she only gently spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with phlegm, then smiled a beautiful smile. beautiful as before. "Huh..." Cam Bach excitedly raised the corner of his mouth, glanced at the three people in front of him, all of them were her blood relatives, one was her father, one was her mother, and the other one was... Her sister is one year older than her, Cam Nguyet. All of them were always looking forward to one thing, which was to see her death. Because Cam Nguyet had a heart disease, they gave birth to another daughter, her, with the desire to rip out her heart on Cam Nguyet's behalf. When she learned about this, she finally understood why, from childhood to adulthood, they never paid any attention to her, even looking at her once. There was a time when she was kidnapped, sold by others, beaten by others. If it weren't for her heart being given to their daughter, I'm afraid she would have suffered so much and would have died on the streets. , they didn't save her either. But the man she thought she loved her dearly turned out to be Cam Nguyet from the very beginning. Knowing her escape plan, he forced her into a mental hospital, imprisoned for eight years, because he wanted to drive her to madness, waiting for the right opportunity to take out her heart. "Cam Bach, why are you so cruel? Your sister needs your heart but you don't give it to her. Is this trying to put your sister to death?" These were the words of the man she thought loved her deeply. "Cam Bach, you should clearly know your identity, that you are nothing, your only existence value is to give that heart to your sister." “Cam Bach, no matter what, if your sister wants it, you must obey. As for your sister's things, you can't touch them, and don't even dream about them, you don't have that right." "We gave you life and told you to die, so why are you still resentful?" …… These are the words of her biological parents. Everything is like a comedy. Obviously she is their daughter, she still thinks she still has many shortcomings, so she always tries her best, tries to study, inherit their career, become an excellent forensic scientist, become their hope. their pride. But it's hopeless, since then they have never paid attention to her. Every time, she was greeted with disgusted eyes, because for them, she was just a place that nurtured their hearts and helped their daughters. Cam Nguyet took everything from her, until now she only had her life that she wanted to take away. "Are you planning on cutting out my heart and transplanting it to her today?" His eyes glanced faintly at Cam Nguyet, Cam Bach's tone was extremely calm, as if he was chatting about whether the weather was good or bad, suddenly making people tremble in their hearts. Being looked at like that, Cam Nguyet naturally felt goosebumps all over her body. She tried to hold back the uncomfortable feeling and shivered. Cam Nguyet raised her eyes, with a bit of unwillingness in her beauty, holding her hand. took her hand, his body trembled, his eyelids drooped, in a place that no one could see, his eyes were filled with excitement, and the corner of his mouth involuntarily raised. "All the preparations are done." A few people walked in the door, wearing neat surgical clothes, beckoning to Cam and Cam Nguyet's mother. Soon, Cam Nguyet understood the idea of changing her clothes and lying on the operating table next to her. Cam Bach smiled brightly and innocently, looking at the man holding a knife to cut her chest, that was the person she thought loved her very much. He used his doting eyes to comfort Cam Nguyet, then turned to her. looked at her with eyes of disgust and disgust. Haha…… Cam Bach closed her eyes, they did not inject her with anesthesia. So when the knife slowly cut into her skin, the feeling of having her chest cut open was painful to the core. She could even feel her heart being ripped out, her biological parents standing there. on one side, worriedly looking at Cam Nguyet who was in a coma, having never looked at this side once. It was so cold, and so painful, this torment made her mind regain consciousness, then gradually disintegrate, she wanted to die. But really, she was still unwilling, a strong hatred choked in her chest... When the last ray of consciousness disappeared, Cam Bach felt a sound appear in his head. "Ting ting ting……. Host found, compatibility one hundred percent." “Soul binding in progress, binding over……” "The host is near death, looking for a compatible body…." “Tingling…… Found the body, binding is in progress……” …… “Tell you what, don't pretend to be dead with your grandfather, stand up for me.” It was as if someone used a whip to whip her body, the burning feeling was extremely painful, Cam Bach opened her eyes wide, trying to endure the pain, looking at the strange scene around her.

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