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Criminal Intrigue

Chapter 9 (9)

Word Count: 1326    |    Released on: 12/04/2024

bit thin on her figure. She bowed her head and hesitantly looked at the leather shoes on her feet, looking a bit like she was lost. The place

n the contrary, there are a lot of comments on the screen. # Oh... the host of the livestream seems to be this lolita, so cute, I really want to rub her face. # Livestream owner, this uncle clearly has a dishonest heart! This is seducing loli! # Above the ID card number # Say, isn't this a criminal livestream? Is the image of the uncle seducing lolit in front of you a livestream? # Livestream owner quickly look at us! # Tell me, this place looks like it was ancient thousands of years ago, the clothes the livestream host wears are also old, now they are only seen in museums! So exciting! I didn't expect to see it in the livestream room! I wonder if there will be a chance to see the legendary golden cake. # Up front, you're off topic, we're discussing the story of the livestream host about to be seduced by an evil uncle! …. 114 life has no regrets, if it exists then... As a highly intelligent system of the future, it now sees Cam Bach's actions and vaguely guesses something... At this time, it only feels a little sad, it may be able to move on the path. unwarranted during the livestream, and unable to stop its host. Cam Bach saw everything, curled his lips, then looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, blinked and nodded. "Uncle, is that okay? Can I delay... your time..." Her reserved appearance makes her look even more harmless and adorable, her pupils are wet, making people want to trample her. "No, I like to do good things, it's convenient to do it, don't bother, there's no one who doesn't need someone else's help sometimes..." The middle-aged man nodded, his eyes lit up, his face still had a gentle look, expressing that he didn't mind. "So, uncle, I'm sorry..." Cam Bach suddenly smiled brilliantly. The bottom of the middle-aged man's eyes flashed with infatuation and lust. As for 114, he shuddered, looking at the screen, all the comments were screaming and crying for the white rabbit being taken away by the gray wolf, haha... As expected, they were all too naive, the more their host smiled, the brighter they were. proves that someone is about to have bad luck... The middle-aged man was planning in his heart, the places he led Cam Bach through were dead angles of the camera, and this was also Cam Bach's will, she follow

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