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Boyfriend Pretending To Have Amnesia

Boyfriend Pretending To Have Amnesia



I was stunned while looking at the pregnancy test with two lines drawn on it. My heart beat faster. I don't know what to feel. I took a pregnancy test again and again and the result was the same. POSITIVE I AM PREGNANT. "SELENA? WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? ARE YOU OKAY?" I heard Lucas call me from outside. I took a deep breath then slowly stood up. "I'm going out!" I shouted back. I hid the pregnancy test in my mouth. Should I tell him? I sighed before I went out. Lucas immediately appeared to me with a phone number. I frowned. I took another deep breath when I decided to say it. "Lucas? I'm pre-" "I'm sorry Selena, I need to go back to America. Aunt Jhon called ma just now and he told me about Olivia's condition, it's taking her life, her illness is getting worse and she needs me so bad" What I should say is up in the air. I was surprised by what he said but eventually I returned to my trance. I couldn't speak after that. My throat is blocked. My chest was tight as I looked at him as if he was about to pack just to go to see Olivia. "I'm sorry...I try to ca--" "No.. it's ok... don't bother. Just focus on him first and please also look at him....he" I tried to make my voice normal and I succeeded even though it felt like my heart was breaking I. How about me Lucas? I need you too? I bowed down at the same time as a drop of tears fell and I just caught it with my palm. "I will..." I nodded slowly. I didn't look lucas in the eyes and I was afraid to see the contents of my eyes. The tightness in the chest while watching him get restless because he is so worried about Olivia.

Chapter 1 His Ex Girlfriend

Chapter 1


It hurts. It hurts like hell. I stayed on my knees as I watched him near the end. It's restless, causing my heart to break again. Tears rolled down my face as I watched my boyfriend.


My boyfriend of 5 years. I bit my bottom lip while still watching him. I can almost feel his frustration. He's never been frustrated because he's been hurt, never mind when it comes to me.

I don't know how to react. The emotions I feel right now are varied. I have a lot of problems and getting pregnant is adding to me. I was going to say this but never mind. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. My heart literally ached.

"You can stay here if you want." I nodded immediately, I don't have anywhere else to stay. I am an orphan. Both my parents are dead. I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do.

He accompanied me to the airport. He almost wanted to fly the car because he was so worried about Olivia. My chest is tight and tears are rolling down my face.

We reached the airport soon. I want to stay in the car because I don't want to see him leave but I have no choice. I stopped the tears in front of him by biting my lip.


I smiled sadly. I wish he wouldn't leave but I can't do anything especially since the one he's going to is his ex girlfriend.


His ex-girlfriend. They break up because Olivia is sick. It was only this year that Lucas found out the real reason why Olivia broke up. I don't know what to feel, I just know that I'm hurt.

"I'll call you when I'm there..." I just nodded. I can't speak because my throat is blocked. He smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead. I closed my eyes.

Lucas slowly turned his back on me and started walking while carrying the suitcase. My chest tightened as I watched it walk away from me. My tears fell immediately, one after another like rain. I could no longer hold back the tears that were coming.

I remained standing in front of the airport even though I couldn't see Lucas anymore because he had completely left. I didn't bother to wipe my tears, it was also useless because no matter what I wipe from it, it will still drip and drip.

I held my stomach as I remembered that I was two people. Then we will tell your daddy after we have talked to him properly. I don't know what I'm feeling, all I know is that I'm happy and hurt at the same time.

"Ma'am, aren't we going to leave? It's foggy" I looked at Mang Canor, Lucas's driver, wondering where he was going. I wiped my tears and tried to smile. I also looked at the sky that was darkening because of the mist. Time goes with me.

Little by little the rain fell, at first it was small until the rain gradually got stronger. Mang canor and I immediately ran back to the car, we only ran for a minute almost soaking wet from the heavy rain.

Less than an hour before Lucas left I already miss him. I don't want him to leave. I really don't want to but I can't help it because I know Olivia is also important to him.

Olivi's parents are my boss, I work in their coffee shop as a waitress. I also met Olivia and Lucas there 5 years ago, so I still can't help but worry about Olivia.

Lucas broke up with me a month after he and Olivia broke up. At first I rejected him because I didn't have time to be with Jowa but it didn't stop.

He made me feel how special I was. He made me feel how sincere this lover is. He made me feel how much he loved me.

Until one day I didn't realize that I loved him. I answered him so we lasted five years. I smiled as I remembered how we started.


He's the only one I have because like I said I'm an orphan. Both my parents are dead. I trusted that Lucas wouldn't hurt me because I knew he loved me.

I grabbed my stomach again. Lucas needs to know about my pregnancy. I couldn't help but feel excited when she found out she was going to have a baby.

We reached Lucas's condo in a few minutes as well. I'm still not myself, my chest is still tight. He just opened the car door for me before he left to go back to the Revamontes' mansion.

Lucas's family is rich and well-known throughout the Philippines, even though they try to be low-key, but it doesn't make sense because they are really well-known. I met Lucas' parents when they first entered Olivia's coffee shop, but Lucas had never introduced me to his parents. In the five years we've been together, he still hasn't introduced me.

I was tired of entering Lucas's condo, I took the elevator before I reached it. I immediately sat down on the same sofa as my tears flowed one after another. It hurts. It hurts like hell. I need Lucas, I need him so bad but I know Olivia needs it more. I don't want to be selfish, that's bad.

I wiped my tears and took a deep breath to calm myself down because I remembered that I was pregnant and I shouldn't be stressed. I held my stomach. Yes, I'm happy, it's a blessing from the Lord, I should be thankful because I will have more companions in life. I still have to go to O.B to see.

I took a deep breath then went to the kitchen to eat, I hadn't eaten yet. I put my phone on the table while waiting for Lucas' call. I put on an apron and started cooking. I know how to cook and do housework because my parents raised me to be a responsible person.

I love him. I love Lucas more than myself. He didn't leave me in my bed when I needed him, in the times I wanted to be with him, he was always there in my bed but he was the only one who could crush me.

I've never seen Lucas worry about me so much, I've never seen him be shy when it comes to me and he only does that to Olivia.

I started eating after I cooked, I prepared bacon, hotdog and sandwich. Sad and quiet. My chest is tight. It was an hour before Lucas left the Philippines for America. I don't know what time the flight is so I'll just wait for his call.

I got up after eating and went straight to the room to get dressed. I took a half bath before getting dressed. I went straight to bed while not taking my eyes off my phone and waited for a call.

I've been sitting awake for a few hours while still looking at my phone and waiting for a call from Lucas. So far he has not called. I'm worried, frustrated. At least a text so I don't have to worry like this.

I stood up and couldn't help myself. I walked back and forth in front of the bed while holding my phone. I'm worried. It must have been some time before it arrived. I took a deep breath and decided to call myself. I immediately called Lucas' number.

It rings but is not answered. My phone just kept ringing without answering until the call died. I'm more and more restless.

I call it again. It took a long time to answer. I heard a rustle on the other line. I took a deep breath and worried less about Lucas.

"Ahh....Sh*t" I heard the mumble before the call died. I frowned. My earlier feeling of relief returned to panic. Did something happen to Lucas? It's so frustrating.

I tried to call it again but I couldn't get through. Tears were rolling down my face while looking at my phone. I tried to call it again but it wouldn't. I threw my phone on the bed in frustration.

I immediately went out but before I could get to the door, my phone rang. I turned around again and quickly took it and revealed Lucas's text to me.

I sat down in weakness and immediately my anxiety decreased. I thought something was going on because I heard a growl. I calmed myself down before opening Lucas' message.


I'm sorry, I fell asleep, I just woke up.

Just woke up? What did I hear growling on the other line? I frowned and didn't pay attention, the important thing is safe is my beloved man.

I fell asleep waiting for Lucas' call but no one came. I woke up the next day because of nausea. I immediately ran into the bathroom and immediately knelt down at the foot of the toilet, ignoring the look just to throw up everything I ate last night.


I feel like my intestines, lungs, stomach and heart have vomited. I cried because I vomited so much. I didn't even flush it before I slowly stood up. I became weak and lost all my sleep due to vomiting.

I faced the bathroom mirror and washed myself. I still feel like I'm going to throw up. It's debilitating. I hope Lucas is here. I closed my eyes. I miss his voice that always speaks to me every morning.

I immediately left the bathroom while still feeling weak. I feel like I've lost my strength. This is the sign of pregnancy, the more I need to go to the O.B

I slowly walked back to the bed but my eyes immediately flew to my phone in the cabinet which lit up. I immediately took it and Lucas' vedio call exposed me. My heart beat faster and I smiled. I immediately answered it and Lucas exposed himself to me with wide eyes looking at me while topless.

"Good morning baby." I cried at his soft voice. God I really miss him. I want to hug him tightly and be with him. I smiled even though my heart was breaking with so much joy. Tears rolled down my face as I looked at him smiling.

"How are you? I'm sorry last night, I didn't call, I was exhausted." I nodded then nodded. I understand. The important thing is that you call me now.

"It's okay!" I smiled sweetly.

"How's your sleep?" Fuck it. I really miss it. If I could just ask him to come back, I would, but I don't want to be selfish

"It's ok," I answered even though it wasn't. I remember vomiting again. I slept well.

"Lucas? I have something to tell you?" My introduction. I can't wait to see what his reaction will be

"Hmm? What is it?" Lucas moved a little.

"I'm pre--"

"I'm sorry Selena, I need to go" he hurriedly got up.

"But tek--"

The call was immediately disconnected. I was weak. I closed my eyes, it felt like my heart was breaking. My tears immediately fell and fell on the pillow.

I stayed on the bed as my tears continued to flow. Maybe it's just because I was pregnant that I became too emotional. I wiped my tears, there is still another chance to tell Lucas about my condition.

I looked at the clock that was just next to me on the cabinet. I closed my eyes tightly for a few minutes before I was late for work. Even though I was weak, I stood up. I put my phone aside after Lucas called.

I went straight to the bathroom, took a shower and then got dressed before going to the kitchen to get dressed. It's sad. Every corner of the house reminded me of Lucas. It's heartbreaking.

After I had a sandwich I went out. I hailed a taxi as soon as I got off. I'm wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans with snickers. My brown hair was loose, and it was blowing in the breeze.

My name is SELENA ANN DELA CRUZ. Orphaned and both parents are dead, I work as a waitress in a coffee shop and girlfriend of LUCAS RILEY V. REVAMONTE

I entered the taxi as soon as it stopped in front of me. I looked at my phone and thought Lucas had a message but I didn't receive anything. My shoulders slumped and I just messaged him.

My eyes are only outside the window. I have nothing else on my mind but Lucas, I wonder what he is doing in the hospital. We also reached the coffee shop. I went out immediately after paying and went straight inside.

"Good morning Selena" was the first greeting from Ella, my colleague or friend here. I immediately went straight to Maam Fey's office to say goodbye that I will only stay for half a day because I have to see the o.b.

"How is Olivia?" I asked after he allowed me to do what I wanted. Maam frowned when she looked at me.

"Why? What about my Olivia?" Ma'am also asked. I'm the one with the frown. Ma'am stopped after saying that as if she realized what she said.

"Ahhh....Uhm.... s-she's c-critical" it stammered. I took a deep breath and felt worried. Ma'am looked away from me.

"I hope it gets better!"

To Be Continued...

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