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Fate Of My love life

Fate Of My love life



This all about a beautiful young at her early teenage life wanted to be love because she was not raised in love she don't know what is like but wants to be love which lead her to some bad friends and wrong advices



1st Jan,2018

New year's eve


Celebrations,Cake,Family get-together,Lights,Gifts.

And yet I'm alone over here in my room(basically the house attic) with Billu my black Persian Cat who seems to understand me

ok....so here is my story

My name is Sara Stan. The girl whose parents worked abroad in well known companies yet I didn't know what kind of work they did....they made me to stay in her Aunt's(mother's sister) attic because my so called Aunt is jealous of her mom but agreed to look after me since I was 1 year and my mother pays her. My aunt has a daughter named Angela Stan who is practically the bully of the higher secondary school whom my aunt believes with her eyes closed. Even though my aunt hated me, Angela whose pet name I kept as Ange(She was elder to me )was loving. We used to hangout at school (we were kinda twins from two different sisters born only two hours difference) even after the aunt scolding her not to ( She basically loved her only cousin yaar). I was not so well dressed except occasionally

but Ange even in the best clothes could not compite with me as my uncle said whom often favoured me more(my uncle was also my dad's brother soo....I hope u understood).

After the new year holidays ended, classes started as always but at the end of the day on the first day, we had a new transfer from America.

All the girls in the class cried in

excited"OMG, His beautiful." (I mean who wouldn't....Ahmm me too)

He had dreamy hazel brown eyes with a mixture of pista green and long brown hair falling like silk on the forehead(uff) along with a muscular long body these combinations were enough to make the girls cry in excitement and the boys envy in silence. Well I was not interested in boys after Ange's best friend Anton died in a car accident 3 years ago, it broke my heart cause I liked him but those eyes made me falling. No I won't give in so early so I practically ignored everyone and him and focused on my book.

I felt someone's stare on me and I raised my head only to find this majestic beast looking towards me(I mean who wouldn't, I was literally the only person with a book in my hands)as I sat comfortably on the last desk making me uncomfortable so I lightly smiled at him but he had a cold, very uninviting aurora around him but his looks were(....puff ok ok I'll stop).After I smiled, he seemed to lightly smile and the curves of his lips were so idk cute....I was dumbfolded. During this lovey-dovey smile exchange of us,professor Temk was introducing him. Professor Temk saw him a little distracted and asked him to introduce himself which brought us back to earth .

He said in a very sweet heavy but muscular voice " Name's Victor...." he glanced at me and continued " Victor Gomes,My dad got transferred here." he said like two lines as if afraid that his words might get wasted. After his introduction,Professor Temk gave us 15 min to introduce each other. After Professor Temk left the class, all the girls including Ange and of course except me pounced at him to introduce themselves. I laughed along with the boys. Funnily,seeing me laugh Victor made his way through the crowd towards me and I looked at him with an innocent face, he smiled and said " and miss,who are you? ".

I stood up and smiled, introduced myself and kept on smiling,actually blushing (I mean he wanted my introduction first).

All the girls in the class were jealous of me.

Chapter 22: I THINK HE'S YOU

After the introduction of everyone, Professor Temk asked Victor where he would like to sit. Victor glanced at the empty seat next to Ange at the front but he requested Professor Temk to make him sit at the back due to dust allergy, which was the exact same reason even I was made to sit behind.

So Professor Temk moved Ange's Boyfriend Ralf from the seat next to me to near Ange and Victor sat besides me. I was happy in my heart causr Ralf was the most talkative person I have ever met. Yet the combinations of Ange and Ralf made people stare at them in an awe and often I was the third wheel. They were titled the cutest couple of the class and I was their tail or so called butler.

Professor Temk asked me to lend my notes to Victor as he had to answer the whole year's portion in the coming exam. I glanced at him but he had the frightening,cold winter chilling aurora around him so after Professor Temk left I quickly stood up and gently bowed and asked him " Would you mind if I gave you the notes tomorrow as I have left them at home today ". He gently but hurriedly stood up which shook the bench and said to me " I won't mind walking you home ". I was stunned, I mean I was supposed to ask him that first but redirected my question. My face became Cherry red and I excused myself and ran to the restroom.I couldn't take anymore of his charm.

After the school ended as I was walking home with Ange and Ralf I heard someone call out my name and we all surprisingly turned. It was Victor, I completely forgot to wait for him.

Since the house was a walkable distance the four of us used to walk together. Ralf and his sister were our front house neighbour.

After we reached home, I ran to the attic and took the notes and ran back. By the time I returned back down I was breathing heavily.I handed him the notes and asked "Where do you stay?".He was looking through the notes,suddenly he looked at me and pointed at the neighbouring house and said "There"pointing at a house which was bigger to a palace . Suddenly a long black car stopped near us and an old man got down bowed and said "Master V and hello there"he said looking first at Victor then at me,I exclaimed and at looked him in an astonishing look "Master V??". I looked at him innocently and said "My name is Sara Stan, Nice to meet you". He smiled politely and said " I'm Ni Donial, Master V's butler, but can call me Ni". I smiled and the butler looked towards Victor and said "Master V, your car was ready at school, there was no need for you to walk". Victor looked at the butler in cold ferocious eyes and said "I need to walk" and started towards the house,seeing his master leaving Ni followed him and the car too left after them. Ange saw the whole scenario from her room window,she saw me coming and said in a sweet voice "I think his crushing on you". Oh I wish

Chapter 33: WHAT??

I was not very good in befriending someone but Victor and I became quite good friends. Victor approached me and asked me whether I wanted to be friends with him on the second day since he joined the class. I saw that our houses were the same route. We would walk home together and I even taught him many chapters which he seemed to know but still would pretend as if he didn't understand a word. Although he was my other wise good friend, he was most of the time silent and would rarely laugh.

After What Ange told me about him crushing on me after the first day. I didn't give much notice to her words but somewhere and somehow I knew it was true even after the exams got over. Victor came first in the class due to which I came Second, I was a little sad cause I had never ever in my life came second because I was afraid of disappointing Aunt and Uncle but I controlled myself and smiled and encouraged him but he somehow saw the sadness in my eyes and said "Sorry for taking away your rank and making you fall down.". Although he said that with worry, somehow I felt like he was mocking me. I was surprised cause even after knowing him for a whole 5 months, he never spoke more and 3 words but now he said a whole sentence and that too a little fast that I fell in a daze and said "What??". After a moment I realised his words and said "No problem 're baba, anything for you"(When I was sad I used to call him baba).He looked at me and I realised what I said and stammered "I....I mea....I mean to sa....say....." He lightly smiled and placed his hand on my head, shuffled my hair and said"I understand ". This was the first time he had touched me but he messed up my hair. Ange, Ralf and his sister started laughing looking at my messed up hair while Victor looked proud.

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