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Lucky Yet So Unlucky In Love

Lucky Yet So Unlucky In Love



What happens if the person you are chasing is also chasing someone else? Unique Aurella Ravenna Aglauros is a supermodel and a CEO that comes from the wealthiest family of Chicago. Finding true love for someone as busy, as famous, and as rich as Aurella is a very difficult task to accomplish. So when her family arranged her to marry a CEO just like herself, hesitations were nowhere to be found. She agreed, but when her long-awaited wedding day finally came, he changed his mind and left her standing at the altar with her expensive white gown stained with shame. Humiliated, she instead focused on becoming the best of her field. Little did she know, there was someone else secretly yearning for her behind the competition between them in the business world. But how can a love story blossom in a toxic and chaotic environment? And how can he be capable of reaching her when she's chasing someone who's also busy running after someone else? Oh, how unlucky.

Chapter 1 Prologue (Part 1)

“Get out. Get out of my office, you're fired.”

No hint of anger nor any possible remorse is shown by my face. Not even the sound of my voice can make anyone conclude that I am disappointed. This is how I am.

Calm and composed. No such chaos can deflate my professionalism.

“Yes, sir. I'm really sorry, Mr. Tryst. Thank you for everything.”

She bows her head before walking out of my office. As soon as I heard the glass door shut, I sit on my swivel chair and wonder why this shit keeps on happening to me.

The woman that I fired just now was my secretary. My fourth secretary this year, and the ones before her were all just like her. All of them betrayed me; all of them were traitors. Garbages that I picked up from the dirt and turned into gold. Why do I keep on finding the wrong ones?

A little bit more, this business will make me lose my sanity. My sanity that I keep on holding together, but I knew that I lost it way back in college.

Suddenly, a knock on the door stops me from looking back on events that are long gone.

“Can I come in?”

“Even if I say no, you will still barge in and sit your ass on the chair in front of me.”

The bastard just chuckles and opens the door for himself.

It's Isequel.

“What happened?”

I rest my back on the swivel chair and started to massage my forehead with my eyes close. “I fired her, she's not worth it. She's from the other side.”

“Ooh, other side. You mean?”

I sigh, “Yes. I mean that wealthiest family that keeps on ruining me and my peace.”

“What are you going to do now? You just can't keep on hiring and firing secretaries all year long. And if luck still decides not to side with you next year, you will be stuck on doing that longer than you're expecting.”

My forehead wrinkles after hearing what Isequel said. He's right. I can't keep on hiring and firing people. I can't keep on going through this cycle. Why is it so hard for me to find a loyal secretary? Why is it so hard for me to find someone that can't be bribed with any amount of money?

“I don't know what to do anymore. Any ideas? Do you know someone that can work for me?” I open my eyes and saw Isequel standing in front of the chair before him. “Why aren't you on your seat?” He smiles, “Because I'm only here to convince you to accompany me.”

Accompany? What does he mean by that?

“I am really not in the mood right now for jokes or pranks, Isequel.” Isequel didn't take me serious and he just shakes his head like I said something wrong. “I'm going to find an engagement ring for my girlfriend. I need your suggestions and opinions as an expert on this type of business.”

Whoah. What? Engagement ring? Did I hear that right? Is this real?

“Are you feeling well, Isequel?”

He smirks at me, “Even better than fine.”

“The engagement ring sounds—”

“Just come with me. If only your jewelry business has an engagement ring collection, I will buy a dozen. But life's tough, and you're too bitter to put out an engagement ring collection, so now I will have to search for a perfect ring somewhere else.”

So it's my fault now that he has to find it somewhere else?

“You won't be bored, and I swear to be obedient.”

Obedient is a strong word for someone like Isequel. Isequel is the type of man that doesn't want anyone else to point out what he wants. Because Isequel is the type of man that knows exactly what he wants. He will do everything just to attain it. He is not a man of indecision, and to hear him say all of this right now, is something quite rare for me.

What a lucky woman Dahna is. He made Isequel be in need of someone else's opinions even for just once. Something that he is not; something that he's willing to be for her.

Getting married can be a once in a lifetime experience. But Isequel asking me for my opinions? Man, he never needed me like this before.

“Fine. I will accompany you and give you my suggestions and opinions even though my type of rings might be different than yours.”

Even though I find it rare for him to be like this, he's still lucky I'm not busy at the moment. Because if I was only busy, I'll never even consider stepping out of my office.

“Great. My car's waiting for us.” The bastard just gives me a small smile before heading out and leaving me alone. There's a small amount of laziness in my head trying to convince me that it's tiring to look for engagement rings in different jewelry stores. But the urge to stand up and follow Isequel is much more stronger and a much more better option.

I quickly grab my coat and then I storm out of my office. As I walk, employees start to rain me greetings and all I can do is nod and beam at them slightly.

To be honest, I am not the type of boss that likes to interact with my employees. If I do interact with them, it's all just for work and nothing else. It won't matter to me how they see me. They can keep their perspectives all to themselves.

“Yeah, I'll tell him. No worries, thanks.”

Isequel quickly slides his phone inside his pocket after he sees me approaching his way. The way he ended the call was so abrupt that he almost seemed like he was afraid to get caught.

“Who was that?” I ask, curious.

“A friend from New York. He told me some big news.”

I want to ask again what the big news was. But it must be some sort of news that I shouldn't have any concern about since Isequel ended the phone call swiftly. And so, I decided not to ask and just went inside his car at the passenger seat.

“Where to first? I suppose you have some suggestions on where to buy jewelries other than your own stores.”

I fasten my seatbelt before looking up at Isequel with my eyebrows arched. “Wrong. I don't have any suggestions. I don't really care about other jewelry stores. I only care about mine.” The bastard just gives me a meaningful smile as he slightly rolls his eyes.

“We both know that's a lie.”

Hell, I hope it wasn't a lie.

The car starts to move out of the parking lot. And while he's driving, I decide to take my phone out of my pocket to check if there are any new messages from my father. He's in New York City for a business partnership that both of us are looking forward to. My father is planning to expand his business all over Asia, and this is the first time that he listened to my advice.

And oh, my business is different than his. This is no family business. He has his own thing; I have mine.

“Bingo.” Isequel mutters with a hint of excitement. The car stops in front of a jewelry store that looks busy and crowded. It's also spacious and elegant in shades of apricot. “Pieces of Bling.” I murmur to myself. I've never heard of this store before. Is it new?

“Wow, newly opened yet it's already blowing up.” Isequel confirms my thoughts. If I'm not wrong, today is the grand opening of this store. The beautifully decorated doors tell me so. There are also flowers outside that makes the store look more fancy. And honestly, it also looks expensive. It seems to me the owner of this store is no beginner. This can possibly be a new branch here in Chicago.

“I have a strong feeling that we'll find what we're looking for in that store.” Isequel gives me another smile. But this time, it's a smile that has a message behind it. “And why do I have a strong feeling that you're up to something, Isequel?” We both unfasten our seatbelts as we climbed out of the car. He shrugs his shoulders, “I suggest not to trust that feeling, my brother. That will eventually make you doubt and accuse me.” Doubt and accuse? I don't think I will ever feel that negatively towards Isequel. I've never even held a grudge towards anyone.

“Liar.” Fine. Maybe towards that certain woman. That one woman that I can't bring myself to forget and let the ideas I've had of her to permanently rest in peace.

Isequel leads the way inside the jewelry store. My eyes roam around as I try to avoid every person that comes my way. Coming here might not be a good idea after all.

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