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Kismet Series: Finding Erotic Friends

Kismet Series: Finding Erotic Friends

Lady Lynn Darkness


Lynn has been knocked down many times in her life. She feared being alone and being a worthless disappointment to any she loved. In an instant, her life changed forever as she was thrust from the comfort of the shadows into the intense, blinding light. Her fate may be sealed, but her destiny is about to be revealed as Kismet brings danger, desire, and love into her life and that of her dearest friends.

Chapter 1 My Life

Well, I had what I thought was a normal childhood. Looking back now that I'm nearly thirty, I realize that it wasn't completely normal.

My name is Lynn Hall James Powell. I am a petite woman with long golden blonde hair and hazel eyes that change color depending on my mood. I'm a fairly successful veterinarian. I've been married five years to my high school sweetheart, Chris Powell. Chris stands just over six feet tall and is in stellar shape. He has dark brown hair and the bluest eyes, but his personality is a stark contrast to his boyish looks.

I started a charity called The Phoenix Foundation a few years ago. Its goal is to help those knocked down by life to rise up like a phoenix from the ashes reborn yet slightly better than before. No one knows that I'm behind this charity except for my closest friends. My husband doesn't know as the founder is listed as Emma Rose Hall. Emma Rose was a name that my family called my mother. I miss her everyday. I only hope that I'm doing her proud. You see, this charity is me in a nutshell. When I was sixteen, my parents were taken away from me just before my seventeenth birthday.

I don't remember a lot from that night. It's like a part of me blacked it out. I assume my body did this to protect me, at least that's what my therapist said.

All I know is one of my father's exes came to our home. I was upstairs in my room talking to my best friend, Crystal Meyers, on the phone. Crystal has always been shorter than me and not as eager to try new things. But even though her and I are opposites, we compliment each other perfectly. That fateful night, her and I were talking about what all teenagers talk about, boys. Yes, I was dating Chris but there was this one boy before him. Crystal was with his best friend, Jacob Turner.

Jacob was the same age as Crystal which was a year older than me. Jacob and I were close, like a brother and his sister. My parents even considered adopting him. Jacob's friend Bastian was a year older than Jacob. Bastian West was his name. He was a fairly reserved guy always hanging on the outskirts of our group. I made it my mission to make him more social.

I succeeded in that endeavor too but I found myself falling for Bastian. I kissed him. It was nothing like I had ever felt before. I had decided that I wanted Bastian to be my first real boyfriend and I was going to give my virginity to him. But fate had other plans. My

parents were talking with Crystal and I about love and sex the night I lost Bastian and she lost Jacob. We still don't know why they

disappeared that night.

All we knew is that Jacob's dad was found murdered the next day. Jacob's dad was an abusive addict. He owed half of Chicago money. The police ended up dropping that

investigation though because there were just too many suspects. I covered for Jacob and Bastian as I told the police that they'd ran away

days prior for a fresh start. I'm a good girl so they had no reason not to believe me.

As I'm talking to Crystal about our lost loves, I hear escalated voices. I remember going downstairs. There was blood so much blood. Red all I saw was red. Then I wake up in the

hospital with Crystal and her mother at my bedside.

My parents were gone...murdered by my father's psycho ex-lover. They caught her and she was found guilty. Two years ago she became ill in prison and requested me. I went

and she told me all sorts of things that still don't make sense. I do remember a last name that she kept saying: Kingsley.

I have no clue who the Kingsleys were that she's referring too or at least I didn't at the time. I did some digging and learned what monsters those people are. You see in college I picked up an extremely valuable skill. I became an expert hacker. I'll get into that part of my life later.

Right now back to my present. Chris and I are getting ready for a gala. Ardin and Crystal are on their way to get us. That brings me to Ardin, Ardin Cross. Ardin is tall with an athletic build. He has dark ash blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He is respectful, sweet, and charismatic. He's everything that Chris isn't.

However, things with Ardin are complicated.

I've known him for years. I was even at his wedding that didn't go so well. He was left at the alter. I actually thought about standing up there with him. I know it's crazy, but there's just this pull to him. It's always been there. Honestly, I love him maybe even more than I ever had Chris.

Things with Chris have always been rocky where Ardin is concerned even though Ardin and I have never engaged in any unapproved behavior. I remember getting into a huge fight with Chris about a year ago.

Oh god that fight! I don't remember all of it but I know it led to me telling Chris that I was done and leaving. He tried to forbid me from

seeing Crystal and Ardin. He said

them or me, so I chose them. I went

to grab somethings and my phone. He tried to keep me from leaving. He hit me and busted my lip. I ran and hid in the bathroom. I tried

to call Crystal but he broke in and smashed my phone and then threw it into the toilet. I just felt so helpless and defeated. I'm pretty sure Crystal came by but of course he lied and kept her away. I still haven't told her or Ardin about that night.

Instead I called up a college friend who became an MMA fighter.


****Two years ago****

Ethan Cane is a 4 time MMA champion

and has been married to his wife, Kimberly Cane, for a few years. They are attractive people with very opinionated and stubborn personalities. But I adore their brutal honesty. I trust them with my life which is why I reached out to them to train me to protect myself.

I was allowed to be friends with

them because they were a couple.

Chris wasn't threatened by them.

We went to a lot of his matches.

This last one though, I still owe him

a beat down for.

This was shortly after Chris busted

my lip. I asked Ethan and Kim to

teach me some fighting skills. Yes

Chris is bigger than me much like

Ethan so I know I don't stand much

of a chance but if I can get enough

distance I can bolt.

Chris and I are sitting ringside with

Kim as she says, "I can't believe you guys made those bets!"

I shrug, "He's an ass. I just had to!"

Chris shakes his head, "It's stupid is what it is."

I roll my eyes, "Whatever, you're no fun."

Chris flatly says, "This isn't my idea of fun. Watching men beat each

other senseless is such a waste!"

Kim grins, "A very profitable waste though."

l laugh because I agree with her, "I mean look around. Everyone here except for a

few like us paid at least a hundred dollars for a seat. It's

also on pay per view so you have that revenue too. Not to mention the betting!"

Chris warns, "You better not have!"

I sneak a wink at Kim. Oh I so bet on

these fights. It's my money and I'll

do with it as I please. Chris might be

my husband but he's not my master.

Before marriage Chris was different.

We had an open love life and he

wasn't very controlling. Shortly after

marriage it all changed. I miss some

of my old life, I guess why I make

bets. Chris and I used to go to bdsm

clubs too, what he doesn't know is

that I still do with my friends. I've

met some good people there and

they support my charity too.

I don't like attention but I am a

social person. Ethan knows that and

he's really putting me on the spot

tonight. All because I

underestimated myself. Earlier when

it was just fighters and security,

Ethan had me challenge Sam

Moore, his trainer. Sam towers over most fighters and he is hard as a rock but he possesses uncanny flexibility for better as massive as he is.

I didn't think I could beat Sam. He's

huge and all muscle mixed with skill.

We drew a crowd because it's not

everyday you see a petite blonde

chick fight 6'7" of muscle. The rules

were standard MMA and street. No

eye gouging, hits to back of head,

or kicks to the groin. I knew l'd have

to be cunning.

I also knew he'd refrain for hitting

my face but the rest of me was fair

game. I figured if he got me into a

hold that I'd be doomed. He wasn't

just a ground and pound kinda guy

he also was a master of submission.

Well, I don't submit for any man!

So I did what I do best, taunt and

bait him. I've always had a way with

words and I knew I could use them

and my sexuality to my advantage.

So I did. I removed one of my sports

bras and bound him with it. I then

put him into an ankle lock. He

tapped. I got a standing ovation

from security too.

Mmm security, they are some fine

Grade A specimens if I ever did see.

But I do love a man in uniform

especially when it clings to all the

right places, but can you really

blame me?

The head of security catches my eye the most and it seems that I catch his too. I

know I've seen him somewhere

before but I can't place it. But I can

place his gaze. It's raw, hungry, yet

restrained to the point of being

domineering but in a very exquisite

kind of way. Maybe he's been at

clubs because his gaze just feels so


It just sends trickles of heat all over

my body. I just can't explain it. I feel

that pull too when he looks at me,

that same pull that I have to Ardin.

But I know nothing about the guy.

He's friendly towards Ethan and

Sam but who isn't. They're giants

but likable friendly ones.

The security head is a giant too. He

definitely was a fighter or at least

should've been. He makes me fidget

in my seat. If I weren't married I'd

probably approach him. Although

Chris wasn't around when I trained, I still remained a loyal wife despite the tempting eye candy.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts and

my gazing at the security head as

the intro music starts to play. After

the intro music and introductions by

the ring announcer, Ethan takes the

microphone. Oh god, here we go!

Ethan bellows, "We have a special ring girl tonight. She's a personal friend of mine who lost a bet to me earlier tonight. So as the loser, she's mine for this

evening. I've asked her to sing our anthem and be our ring girl. So everyone welcome Miss Lynn James Powell to the


Wait he said Miss, not Mrs! Oh this is

going to piss Chris off. I glance at

Chris as I enter the octagon and yep

he's red in the face. He's about to get more pissed once I take this robe off. I am dressed in a tight, little leather gladiator outfit. It doesn't leave much to the imagination as I slide off my leather coat and hand it to a cornerman.

Now the catcalls start. I just shake

my head and smirk. I'm dressed for

battle because Ethan is going for his

fifth title tonight and well this is war.

Despite my nerves, I grab the microphone and sing.

Wow, it's dead silent! I blush

because I feel very self conscious

right now. I belt the high note and

hold nothing back. I finish to a

chorus of applause. I see Chris

getup and leave.

Sam hugs me, "Forget him, Lynn."

Ethan pats my shoulder, "Yeah that was amazing babe." Then both hug me.

I smile at Ethan, "Good luck and kick his ass!" I kiss Ethan's cheek and get my ring card. I do my job as ring girl and sit

with Kim too.

Kim giggles, "I can't take you anywhere."

"What?" I ask.

Kim grins as she shakes her head, "You're clueless aren't you?"

I'm talking to her and yelling at Ethan, "Guard up!!! Come on! Don't make me come kick your ass, Ethan!"

Kim laughs, "I think you could but don't

tell him I said that."

I giggle, "You know I won't. Ride or die


Kim laughs, "So is, whore!"

Then we both just laugh until Ethan gets a nasty cut over his eye.

"Damnit! Doc get that bleed under

control or I will!" I yell.

Trever Smith is Ethan's friend and ring doctor. He's handsome but too much of a goodie-goodie. I like a gentleman mixed with a bad boy. Trev is all sugar and no spice!

Trever says, "I know how to do my job, Lynn."

"Then do it or I will! I'm more qualified anyways!" I snap back.

Kim laughs, "You just have to have control don't you?"

I nod, "Yes."

Kim raises an eyebrow, "You know Trever is single, right."

I huff, "Now you're sounding like

Ethan. I'm married!"

Kim says, "So."

I tilt my head, "Like you'd cheat on Ethan!"

Kim grins, "Don't have to as he gives

permission like Chris used too! What's changed?"

I shrug, "I don't know. It's like I barely

know him anymore. He's nothing like he was in high school or before we got married. Trev get it done!"

Kim sighs, "Just go do it. I know you're

dying to!"

I storm over and push Trever out of

his seat, "Let a woman show you how

it's done!"

Ethan murmurs, "Woman!"

"Don't woman me!" I yell as I smack him.

Sam looks at me, "You know you should be smacking Chris around. He

needs a good beating for

leaving you after you sang, Lynn."

I sigh, "I'm used to it." That's the truth as I am used to Chris never supporting anything I do. He just wants a Barbie and that's something that I could never be. I should get a divorce, but I worry what my family would think if I did.

As I talked to the guys, I worked. I cleaned it out because I had a feeling why it was still bleeding was because it wasn't thoroughly cleaned. Then I put

pressure from multiple angles on a

clean bandage. I kept swapping

them out until it quickly stopped. I

put some salve on it. I kissed his


"There ya go. It will swell but I

bought you a bit of time. Now go end this quickly!" I tell Ethan.

Trever grumbles to me, "You know I'd have had it."

I shrug, "Probably but I'm way more


Trever smirks, "Maybe but humans aren't your cup of tea."

I giggle, "Not even my chosen beverage. You all whine too much!"

He chuckles, "You know you're human right?"

I sigh, "So not by choice!"

Sam chuckles, "Trever you know she'll never say yes!"

Trever says, "Doesn't hurt to try."

Sam shakes his head, "Oh I've tried. She's said no to this so you'll get turned down real quick!"

I look to Kim but she says, "Oh so not saving you. You know I hate Chris!"

I exclaim, "I'm married and I honor my


Kim asks, "Yeah but for how much

longer? You so should leave his ass!"

I feel that gaze again. That guard is

watching me. I just know it. I glance

around and I catch him ever so


I leave the guys and sit by Kim, "That guy keeps watching me."

Kim tells me, "Most guys in here are. Point to him."

I try to find him but I can't. I sigh, "He's gone."

Kim reassures, "I'm sure not far."

We watch the reminder of the fight.

Ethan won. He puts Kim and I on his

shoulders like we are his prized

belts. Then I see that guard.

"Kim! Him guy by the exit

ramp!" I yell as I point.

Kim groans, "Oh he's a player!"

Ethan asks, "Who?"

"Ice." Kim replies.

Ethan shakes his head, "He's always got a bimbo."

I wrinkle my nose, "Oh! Ewww!"

Ethan hints, "If you're looking for a Chris

replacement I think you should go with Trev or Sam."

I smack him, "I'm not looking just curious!"

Kim hums, "Sure!"

"Just stop!" I warn.

**End Flashback**

And that was the last time I hung

out with Ethan and Kim. I invite

them to all of my fundraisers and

galas. I know they'll make one at

some point. It's also how I got

trained to defend myself incase

Chris tries to hurt me again. I know

if he raises a hand to me again, I'm

gone for good.

I'm dressed and ready. I went with a form-fitting silver beaded floor-length dress that has a moderate slit and open back. Then neckline plunges but not too far.

Chris yells, "Go change!" the moment he saw me.

"I am covered and it's appropriate for the venue," I explain.

Chris mumbles unapprovingly, "I just can't have you seen like


We argue as the limo pulls up and

Crystal gets out and comes over to us.

"Seen like what?" I ask Chris.

"A tramp!" he yells.

Crystal exclaims, "Oh fuck no!"

Chris sneers, "You look like a slut too!"

Ardin comes to our defense, "Just stop man. They both look beautiful."

Chris warns, "When it's all over social

media maybe you'll see it my


I just roll my eyes as I take Ardin's

hand and he helps me into the limo.

He helps Crystal next.

Ardin is always the gentleman and

always the good guy.

We head to the gala in silence.

This is going to be a long night!

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