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Irene Stewart really needed a lot of money, and Raymond Nash seemed to have what she needed. But the price Raymond asked for was way more than Irene ever expected. The super-rich guy used his money to trap Irene in a relationship based on lust. But as time passed, Irene realized she wanted out because though it started as a deal, she was falling in love with the cruel billionaire However, the possessive cruel wasn't going to let Irene go easily. He always got what he wanted, and he wasn't about to lose Irene. s As the initial lust faded, buried feelings of love started to emerge, even in Raymond's cold heart. He realized he couldn't let go of Irene, the only one who mattered to him.

Chapter 1 1

Irene Stewart POV

I downed my beer, trying to clear my head, but the loud music and laughter around me just made things worse. I wanted to join in, laugh, and flirt like everyone else, but I couldn't shake off the weight of my thoughts.

I thought to myself “this may as well be my last day on earth”. This was because after that drink if I didn’t kill myself, the people I am owing money to would kill me.

Two million dollars! How on earth was I supposed to come up with that kind of cash? It felt like an impossible mountain to climb. I sat at the bar, gripping my hair in frustration, and feeling like I wanted to scream.

It all started with my dad. He said he needed money for heart surgery, and I trusted him without a second thought. I emptied my savings and sent it all to him. But then I found out he'd gambled away the money I gave him. I was crushed, but that was not all ,due to the gambling he had gotten himself into a massive debts that I knew nothing about. Then suddenly, I got a threat demanding two million dollars, or else they would kill me and my dad, I guess seeing as my dad couldn’t pay up there money, threatening me, his daughter was the next best thing for them to do. I was ready to confront my dad, but before I could, I heard he'd died of a sudden heart attack. It felt like karma, in a twisted way. Dealing with his mess was overwhelming. I've spent countless nights crying, feeling sorry for myself, stressing about the debt, my job, and my messed-up life. It's been rough, to say the least.

I ask the bartender for another glass. I want to get drunk tonight and at least forget my sorry. The empty glasses continue to line up in front of me and I feel a bit dizzy.


I look up at the sound of a manly voice and my heart almost leaps out of my chest. Damn!

A handsome man is standing beside me looking down at me with a smile plastered on his face. He's wearing a white shirt topped with a shiny black leather jacket. His gorgeous black hair is a bit disheveled but it suits his outlook. His blue eyes shine with a brilliant luminosity as he stares at me.

Shit, blue eyes had always been my weakness. I always look at blue eyes dreamily not knowing how it captures me. Now, there's this super-hot guy, with eyes like the ocean, checking me out. Maybe it's the booze messing with my vision, but damn, he looks like a god.

"Hi," I smile back at him.

"I think you need company," he says smoothly.

I giggle. "You have no idea what I really need right now."

I need money. Two million dollars, to be exact.

"Enlighten me then," he says, sliding into the seat beside me, sipping his drink. Those lips of his... perfect.

I squirm a bit and give him a curious look. "I don’t talk to strangers."

"Well, you’re talking to one right now," he says with a grin.

I try to give him a glare, but he's too cute. Scratch that, he's too hot.

"Okay, I’ll make you an exception. Just for tonight," I give in.

"So what’s your name?" he asks.

"Elena," I say, though it's not my real name. There's no way I'm giving my info out to just anyone.

"I don’t believe you," he smirks.

Yeah, Elena's a fake name, alright. But I let it slide. "Okay, I’ll let you call me that for now," I say, raising an eyebrow.

"For the meantime?" I catch that, but I push it aside.

Ignoring his panty-dropping smile, I ask, "How about you? What’s your name?"

"Jared," he says.

I burst out laughing. "Anyone could say they're Jared."

“Well, it’s just fair. You can call me Jared and I call you Elena.”

I take a sip of my drink. He looks to be a bachelor and a playboy with the way he flirts, taking advantage of his outrageously gorgeous looks.

“So, Elena what brings you here all alone.”

“Aren’t you alone too?”

I see his amused look. “I’m asking you first.”

“I’m here to celebrate my last day on this earth.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No shit. It might be true.” I take another glass of beer.

“Why, Elena?”

“I’ll spare you the details, Jared.” I reply back with his fake name.

He smiles amusingly and then I felt a damn feeling as I stare back at his blue eyes like an ocean so deep it could drown me. He eyes me with an unknown emotion swimming deep in the hollows of his eyes before looking down at my lips.

“I want to kiss you.” He suddenly whispers.

Damn! I'm taken aback at his bold statement. I feel my cheeks shading the color of blood as I bite my lower lip.

“Please don’t do that Elena. You’re turning me on.”

“What?” I innocently blink at him. I smirk inwardly as I see his breathing become ragged. Am I giving him that effect?

I didn’t see it coming. It was so lightning fast that suddenly my body is crashed unto his hard body as his hands grip my back. I gasp as my hands come in contact with his chest.

Oh my! I could feel the hard toned body underneath his shirt. I bet he has those perfect abs that would make any girl drool over.

“Don’t play innocent on me, Elena.” He whispers huskily before colliding his warm lips on mine.

Oh, damn.

His one hand grasps my head as he takes my mouth deeper. His warm lips are covering every inch of my lips not missing out a spot. I feel my breathing stops at his sudden assault.

I’ve never been kissed like this before. His sudden assault makes me forget my biggest problem and my plan of just getting drunk tonight. His tongue darts out and skims over my lower lip. My mind suddenly goes blank at his action so I grab his nape and begin to respond to his kisses. I feel his smile as he roams his hands all over my body.

“Let’s get out of here.” I barely hear him whisper between our kisses. I feel him lift me up and when I opened my eyes again, we are already in a room. My mind is still processing if this is a VIP room exclusively for the rich bastards and how we got here so fast when he suddenly lifts my shirt and takes it off.

I suddenly want to cover my chest but he grabs my hands and whispers, “Perfect.” as he gazes at my bra-cladded breasts. He starts kissing my neck down to my chest while his hands playfully stroke my inner thighs.

“J-Jared…Ah…” I can’t seem to fathom what the hell is happening and the emotions I've never experienced before are flooding me. His warm tongue glides between my breasts before he reaches behind and unhooks my bra.

He leads me to a bed and lays me down as he continues kissing me. I moan as the alcohol seems to be blocking out any of my logic reasoning. I am still in a daze with his wet kisses when I abruptly hear the tear of a foil. I look up to him and realize he is already naked and so am I. My eyes nearly bulge out from their sockets as I take a peek of his huge manhood.

He puts the condom on himself and seconds later, I feel him tearing my walls down. It was so painful that tears gush out from my eyes.

“Shit, Elena… y-you’re a …virgin?”

I nod and brush the tears away. He stills and leans down on me. “Shhh… The pain will go away soon.” He starts kissing me gently before moving again so slowly making me used to his intrusion.

I could not describe enough what I feel. I am in the paramount of my greatest emotion I have never thought I could experience. He just me gave wings to soar high in an exquisite ecstasy as I feel something building up inside my very core.

I could hear our labored breathes mingling with each other as he takes me higher with his slow and passionate pace.

“Elena…” Jared groans huskily before the shattering peak of our moment. He growls as his breathing rapidly increases and he buries his face on my neck. I feel my eyes droop as darkness overtakes me and I fall down into oblivion.

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