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Bound by Destiny: The Demon's Embrace

Bound by Destiny: The Demon's Embrace



In a world where destiny is entwined with darkness, "Bound by Destiny: In "The Demon's Embrace", Muna is on a journey while Blue is constantly by her side as they are bound said in the prophecy. When Muna uncovers the fact that her evil twin sister is Luna and the evil part of the ghost is the truth about their shared ancestry, the sisterhood is in the middle of the crush which is more fearful than the concept that they could conceptualize. In a world of witches, demons, and forbidden relationship, that the two characters get involved in, it becomes highly inevitable that they will have to confront their leading quest. Nevertheless, that moment of being struck by an intrusive, malign force which is intent to tear them apart, they will have their dilemma to submit to evil or to accept their destiny. Will they see through the shadow of every secret hiding in the dark and the line of friend and enemy run out during the way they lose the truth until it is too late? Prepare to be spellbound as you delve into a world where love and destiny collide, leaving you questioning: Will the cupid’s arrow be powerful enough to help them surpass all the things that stand between them and true happiness, or will it be too much to handle? The essence of this issue, however, lies in the fact that some relationships are too dark to break.

Chapter 1 The Awakening

The sky grew agitated and foggy, with lightning and thunder striking as the earth trembled and newborns' cries could be heard.

An elderly woman emerged from a residence with a menacing expression.

The terribleness of this world and the unique blood the people had been yearning for finally arrived.

"Now is the time for me to take action," the elderly woman declared. With that, she produced a knife, cut her hand, and spilled the blood upon the ground.

As the lightning and blood combined, the thunder grew louder.

When the lightning subsided, she transformed into a black bird.

"After eighteen years..."

A girl with a mask concealing her face was seen fighting with a sword in the jungle until her closest friend Phoebe emerged from hiding.

"Muna, are you aware that I was there earlier?" Phoebe inquired.

"Why are you asking me that when you are aware of my strength and ability?" Muna questioned, still struggling with her weapon.

"Yes, indeed! I'm sure you can detect my presence," Phoebe said.

"Did you believe you would be able to control and access your powers?" Phoebe asked.

"Why not? Nothing is beyond my power," Muna replied before fiercely flying over the nearby trees and beginning to chop them down.

Phoebe shouted when she saw a tree falling towards her. The tree stopped halfway, shocking them both


"Who did that?" Muna asked, looking at Phoebe.

"Stop looking at me that way. You know my power, and you know I don't have any ability to do something like this," Phoebe said.

"Then who did this?" Muna asked.

"Could it be that you are the one?" Phoebe asked.

"No! You know I haven't unlocked my power, and I'm sure it's not me," Muna said.

"Let's go before mom and dad start looking for us again," Muna said, walking away.

"Wait for me!" Phoebe shouted.

"Don't you think we should find out who did that to the poor tree? We can't leave that poor tree hanging like that; it must be inconvenient for the tree," Muna said.

"You must be crazy. What is ours with the tree, and you are talking as if the tree is a human being?" Phoebe said.

"You are really wicked. I just found out today. How could you say such things if you are the one hanging there?" Muna said.

"Since I'm not the one, can we go?" Phoebe asked.

"I'm coming back," Muna said, walking back to the tree.

"We are late, Muna. Aunt will scold us again. Let's go. It's becoming dark," Phoebe said.

"Go; I did not drag you here," Muna said.

"I wish I could possess the ability to control you; then I won't be having problems every time," Phoebe said.

"I'm really going home," Phoebe said.

"Go!" Muna said nonchalantly.

"Hey! Who did this to you?" Muna said, talking to the tree.

Phoebe shook her head before walking away.

A white rabbit came out from behind the tree.

"So cute, this will be delicious," Muna said, licking her lips.

She started to move towards the rabbit slowly, and the rabbit ran away when she saw her coming.

"Wait!" Muna said as she chased the rabbit.

She continued chasing the rabbit until she fell into a trap meant for animals.

She screamed and hit her hand on a stone.

"Ouch!" Muna winced in pain.

Grayson's Mansion

Muna's age-appropriate child was in her room, tapping on her phone when she winced in pain and clutched her hand.

"Never again like this," she said as she checked her hand and saw blood dripping from it.

That was also the location where Muna was hurt.

"Mom!" she yelled as she left her room.

"Luna, what happened?" Mrs. Ava inquired.

Luna continued to stare at her mother as she glanced at her.

"You're calling my name, but why?" When Mrs. Ava saw Luna cradling her damaged hand, she gasped with surprise.

"Why did you damage your own body?" Mrs. Ava asked.

"You know how much I value my skin, mom. I didn't do this to myself," Luna said, shouting at her mother.

"Oh! This has happened again," Mrs. Ava said, asking Luna to sit down.

"I will be back. Let me get you a first aid kit to treat your hand," Mrs. Ava said, leaving the seating room.

When she got to the store, she picked up the first-aid kit and walked out.

She screamed when she saw the house scattered.

"Luna!" Mrs. Ava shouted.

Luna turned back to look at her mother when the first aid kit left Mrs. Ava's hand, and she fell in front of Luna.

"What the hell? I told you to stop using this power of yours," Mrs. Ava yelled at her.

"I didn't do it; I was not using it. Why are you shouting at me?" Luna shouted at her mother and stormed out.

"This is getting out of control," Mrs. Ava said, staring at the seating room.

Returning to Muna

She continued to be imprisoned and attempted to escape but was unsuccessful.

Mrs. Stevens was quite concerned about her.

"This girl won't be the end of me," Mrs. Stevens murmured as she paced back and forth outside the residence.

Muna tried to get out as best she could, but in vain, and sat down.

As she watched a rope being thrown down in front of her, she continued to consider how she could escape.

She looked up at the man who had thrown the rope, grinning.

"Howdy!" Astonished by his good looks, Muna remarked.

"Will you die there, or will you seize the rope?" Jadon queried.

"Rude," Muna growled and said.

"Beg me to hold the rope, or else I will not come out," Muna said with a threatened voice.

"What?" Jadon asked, amazed by her attitude.

"Stay there then. I thought I should help you, but you seem to be enjoying that place," Jadon said, trying to pull up the rope.

"Hey! I'm just joking," Muna said, quickly grabbing the rope.

Jadon dragged her with all his strength.

"Don't drop me; I'm not ready to die," Muna said.

Jadon ignored her until he successfully pulled her up.

Muna kicked his leg as soon as she came out.

"You are too rude," she said.

"Are you mad?" Jadon asked, holding his legs.

"I should go home now. Mom will kill me," Muna said as she was trying to leave when Jadon dragged her back.

"What?" Muna asked, looking at his hand angrily.

"You can't thank me for helping you," Jadon said.

"Did I ask for your help?" Muna asked and removed his hand.

"We shall meet on another day," Jadon said.

"There is nothing like that; who knows if you are a forest demon?" Muna said.

"We will have to meet again," Jadon said, then disappeared.

Muna screamed, running towards their house.

Mrs. Stevens was still outside, waiting for her.

When she heard her shouting, Muna got to her house, she stopped running when she saw her mother waiting for her outside the mansion with her hand at her back.

"Rip, Muna," she said to herself.

"I will finally die today," she said again, sitting on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Stevens asked.

"You know, I can explain," Muna said as she was still on the ground.

"No food for you," Mrs. Stevens said, walking inside angrily.

"Starving is better than death. I still survive another day. I'm such a brave girl," Muna said with a smile.

"But who could that be? Why did he say we will meet again?" Muna thought.

To be continued.

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