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The Máfia Deception

The Máfia Deception



Saori didn't consider herself a lucky person; everything she had achieved in her life had been the result of hard work. However, as she sat on that sofa with her laptop on her lap, she began to feel lucky. She had found a dating website that perfectly fit what she was looking for. "Justsex.com" was a site intended for those who desired only a night of sex, nothing involving feelings, just physical and carnal contact. It had been months since Saori had sexual relations; the men she met always wanted a serious relationship, something she simply couldn't offer due to her 70-hour workweek. It didn't take long since she signed up for the site to start receiving messages from some suitors. Being a beautiful woman with favorable curves and an enchanting smile, she could choose who she wanted to meet. However, nothing really pleased Saori; the men seemed older, balding, and some of them even looked like they came out of a movie, probably fake profiles. After carefully analyzing the site, she turned her attention to the messages. A direct message caught her eye: "Sex, yes or no." She checked the user's profile, and the beauty with black eyes impressed her. It could be a fake profile, but Saori was willing to take the risk. She replied, "Yes." What she didn't know at that moment was that this simple exchange of messages with Saito Yoshida would involve her in a series of problems. The mafia doesn't usually leave its issues unresolved, and Saori was about to find that out in the worst possible way.

Chapter 1 Site

Saori didn't consider herself a lucky person, given everything she had achieved in her life. It had all been through hard work. But now, as she sat on that couch with the notebook on her lap, she could consider herself lucky. She had found a "relationship" website that matched exactly the standards she desired. "sexlog.com" was a site for those who only wanted one-night stands, nothing involving feelings, just physical and carnal contact.

Since the end of her last relationship, she hadn't had sex. It had been several long months since it had happened. The men she met didn't just want sex; they wanted a relationship. And someone with a 70-hour work schedule really couldn't have a good, lasting relationship. Her last relationship had been the second worst of her life. While she was on her shift, he brought women to their home, using her bed or sofa to satisfy them. When she found out, Saori made him pay for every piece of furniture he had used for that. Should we emphasize the high standard of living she had? Each piece of furniture was extremely expensive.

It had been only a few minutes since she had signed up on the site, and she had already received messages from some potential matches. She was a beautiful woman, with favorable curves and a charming smile, so she could choose who interested her. But nothing had pleased her; middle-aged balding men, some who looked like they came out of a movie, were definitely fake profiles.

She looked at the site's feed again, seeing the singles with the highest scores. Nothing interested her; after all, she didn't want the most experienced man on the site. She wanted something that could be called exclusive. Message notifications came one after another, her curiosity got the best of her. She opened the icon, viewing the messages, some funny and others normal, compromising photos that made her laugh. But what caught her attention the most was the most straightforward message.

"Sex, yes or no?"

- Straight to the point, my dear...

Saori opened the profile of "Yoshi1," looking at some of his photos. She opened a random photo. Today was definitely her lucky day. The man with straight black hair was smiling seductively in his photo. His dark brown eyes, almost black, had large irises that sparkled, his angular face with perfectly sculpted cheekbones made his thin lips even more enticing. The white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, the first three buttons were open, was there even a tie there? It had been removed a long time ago. His white arms with long veins were exposed. He was handsome, almost too much. Could it be a fake profile?

She opened the conversation again and weighed the pros and cons. The chance to have sex with a possible hottie made her type quickly, without even questioning it. But should she? The intention was to have sex, not to check his resume.


The typing icon appeared on the notebook's screen. A chill ran through the woman's stomach. She felt like a teenager with her first online flirt. But this went far beyond just a flirt. If the gods were in her favor, he was really handsome and they would have sex.

"If I may say, miss, you're very hot."

- What a polite man...

She laughed as she saw him typing something else. Before he sent the message, Saori quickly typed. She couldn't let an compliment like that from such a man slip by.

"I could say the same about you, my dear."

She bit her thumb nail anxiously as she waited for the handsome gentleman's message. She felt like a teenager about to have her first sexual encounter.

"How about we avoid future disappointments, Koba23?"

"I'd be very hurt to find out your profile is fake."

"How about we have a video call? That would save both of us a lot of headaches."

She bit her lip hard. The notebook displayed the photo of the man she was talking to, and the loud, annoying sound of the call came through. Saori hesitated for a moment before sliding her finger on the mouse. If he wanted a call, it was because he was completely confident in who he was. With that thought in mind, she clicked on the green call icon.

The screen went black for a moment, and the man appeared before her. He put down the paper he had in his hand. The dark blue suit indicated that he was at work. He pushed work aside, rested his head on his hand, and smiled. His black hair was tousled, making him even sexier. Saori returned the smile as she watched him, unconsciously biting her lip. He must be even more handsome in person. She was a 29-year-old woman with a good history of handsome men, both Japanese and foreign. But she had never met a man as handsome as the one in front of her. It was definitely her lucky day.

- And what would be the name of the lady with blue hair?

Saori felt a pang hit her uterus when she heard the man's voice. The words struck her body, making it warm. It was a melodic, sexy, and deep voice. My God, could this man be so perfect? But it was an undeniable fact. When a man looks so perfect in terms of appearance, there's always a small and minimal detail that ruins it: his voice. But he was an exception to this rule of the universe.

- Saori, what would yours be?

He smiled, letting his eyes drop to her neckline. He admired the pair of breasts in front of him, not even bothering to hide what he was doing, but why should he? Likewise, he knew her intentions, and she knew his. There were two adults there; there was no need for games or pretenses.

- Saito, I thank the heavens that you're not fake... I would be so disappointed if you were.

He looked, pretending to be sad, but soon a mischievous smile appeared on his lips. Saito was a seductive man without even noticing, or maybe he did notice, and that's why he smiled in a way that made him irresistible.

- I can say the same about you; it would be a waste.

He smiled, showing his white and well-aligned teeth, a perfect smile. He called her when he noticed her eyes on him; the huskiness in her voice made Saori's pants wet.

"Sir, we have a problem."

Saori could hear in the background; his eyes were diverted from the screen. He waved his hand at someone, as if telling them to wait. She couldn't help but notice the watch on his wrist; he was a rich man, very rich.

- Unfortunately, work calls me, but if the lady wishes, we can have dinner tonight.

He smiled gallantly, making her smile almost passionately, not that it would go that far, but the truth is, anyone would smile the same way if they received a smile from that man.

- It will be a pleasure, Saito.

He smiled again, but this time it was his turn to admire the almost naughty smile she gave him, a smile that stirred a specific part of his body. Saito ran his tongue over his lips, moistening them slightly with saliva, an unpretentious act but one that made the woman admire him in silence.

- It's already seven o'clock in the evening; how about around nine? At the French restaurant, Gaston.

- I'll be there.

Saori hated fancy restaurants; she came from a humble family and had a different palate from a very young age, but for that man, she would certainly endure a few hours with little food and a lot of snobbish people, near him, nothing...

He ended the call with a charming smile. Saori got up and quickly walked to the bathroom. It was good to start getting ready. God knows how long it took her to get ready; with a man like that waiting for her, she would do everything to look divine and beautiful, more than she already was.

Saori washed her long hair, using a lot of conditioner due to the recent touch-up on her blue hair. They were still somewhat damp, and the scent of lilies filled the room; it was her favorite and expensive conditioner. She was going to use everything she could to beautify herself; after all, it wasn't every day that she went out with a man like that. She would impress even him, who had probably gone out with models. Furthermore, she made a mental note to research Saito on the beloved internet when she got out of the bath. Today should be Saori's lucky day; after all those years of bad luck, one good day in her entire life had to come. A dinner with a handsome and charming man, probable wild sex, and her waxing was up-to-date. She couldn't have been happier.

She dried her body, feeling the scent of flowers on her. After almost five months, or more, she had lost count, she was finally going to have sex. She felt her stress decrease; her body was already relaxing just by thinking about it. She walked to the bedroom but changed directions, heading to the living room. Picked up her notebook from the couch while drying her hair. She opened the search tab; she had no idea what his last name was, but she typed "Saito" and waited for it to load. She went to the images section. The photos appeared mixed among others; some pictures showed him accompanied by beautiful women, others showed him alone in front of a company, some showed him with "business partners," at least that's what the captions said.

He was a reserved man who was not involved in any scandals; in fact, he was involved in various charity works in different countries. A company rebuilt after his father's death, making more money than one could imagine. He didn't give interviews, but his vice president spoke frequently about him.

But she stopped stalking the life of the man she was about to go out with, putting the notebook back on the couch. She would be late if she kept stalling. Saori walked hurriedly to the bedroom, stopping in front of the closet; now was the time-consuming part. She couldn't decide which outfit to choose.

She bit her lip as she searched for an outfit, wearing only black lace lingerie, one of her favorite pieces. While her relentless search for clothes continued, she had never been so indecisive; it was as if her wardrobe had swallowed the best pieces she had. Saori mentally recalled what her best friend would probably say.

"Black or wine."

"Short, but not too short to make him imagine what your underwear looks like."

Saori remembered a dress she hadn't seen in almost a year, an almost purple wine dress in a V-neck and a little fabric over it, a gift from her best friend, as she said Saori only had "old lady" clothes. Seeing it now, Isoko was right. She put on the dress, liking the result; the neckline fit perfectly, giving the impression that her breasts were larger, in addition to leaving them somewhat exposed but not exaggerated. The dress clung to her body, emphasizing the curves well-defined by the satin fabric, and the length was perfect, just a few inches below her knees.

She put on the black suede pointed-toe high heels, grabbed the black purse, putting in only the essentials: lipstick, money, and her phone. Saori looked in the large mirror, checking her breasts, then turned around to take a look at her buttocks. She smoothed the fabric; she didn't have the skinny body she wished for, pulling her body from her mother's side, being Irish, her hips were slightly larger than the Japanese. She was mixed, a mixture of Irish and Japanese, and the traits mixed more clearly in her, unlike her siblings, whose Japanese traits came out more strongly. Wasn't neurotic about her appearance; she liked the differences, the larger and lighter eyes, her naturally almost blonde hair, her curvaceous body instead of a straight one because, in the end, she wasn't just Japanese.

The woman picked up her makeup bag; her makeup would be simple because, well, it was what she knew how to do. She applied a little concealer to hide the dark circles from the many sleepless shifts, spread foundation over her face to hide some imperfections, and let it dry before applying brown eyeshadow and a little black, blending it to make the makeup more elaborate, and mascara to make her lashes longer. She didn't know how to apply false eyelashes, and she didn't need to. Chose a nude lipstick, applying it lightly to her lips, a smile appeared on her beautiful face.

She combed her hair; the blue strands were naturally wavy; she pulled the colored strands with her fingers, making a high ponytail. Any man would fall at her feet if she wished; Saito was that man looked at the clock next to her bed,

"9:01 PM."

She hurried to the kitchen, where her car keys were, Saori crossed the kitchen towards the door to the garage, but she stopped; it would be better to call an Uber, the possibility of having sex tonight was high, so it's better to have her car safe at home.

She searched for her phone in her purse, opening the app and entering the restaurant's address. When the app notification appeared, she remembered a small but important detail. She saw that the driver was near her home; she left the phone on the counter, running back to the bedroom; she had forgotten the perfume.

When the smell of lilies filled the room, she heard the honk; she picked up her bag from the vanity, the high heels gave her graceful but not fast steps. She walked faster than she could manage, and when she passed through the door, a strange chill ran through her belly; she was nervous and anxious. With trembling fingers, she closed her beautiful and expensive residence.

When she entered the car, it was already more than 9:15 PM; luckily, she lived only twenty minutes from Gaston restaurant. After many compliments from the driver and countless pickup lines, they finally arrived at the restaurant. Saori paid the fare in a hurry; her heart was pounding intensely in her chest. She got out of the black car, only now noticing that a fine drizzle was falling, she walked quickly to the awning, glimpsing the luxurious place. Her eyes were filled with fascination, but she didn't take long to walk to the grand entrance of the upscale restaurant. She liked admiring places like this, but she wasn't an excellent frequenter, not because she didn't have money, but because she felt slightly out of place there. But for now, she would just ignore that, holding her head high, she walked past the grand, luxurious doors. Seeing the red carpet extending to the reception desk, Saori approached the man, he smiled at the woman in front of him, but it was almost imperceptible due to the large mustache on his face.

- Reservation, miss?

A different accent reached her ears, but that didn't distract her. Saori felt the hand on the curve of her spine; she looked to the side, her view was taken by the man she had longed for all night. It couldn't be, but it was perfect; he elegantly smiled at the man. Saori admired him in silence, biting her lip as she saw him discreetly, his wet black hair aligning with his face when he leaned to the side a bit, his fingers sliding from the curve of her spine to her waist. She watched his hand on her waist, caressing the region lightly.

She observed his arm, the black suit made of the finest fabric, Italian perhaps. She sighed when he gave her a slight squeeze at her waist. He was even more handsome in person; the suit fit his physique perfectly, a strong man, he must have been 6'3" tall, men like him were her weakness.

- She's with me, Yoshida Saito.

He smiled mischievously, sneaking a glance at the woman by his side. She was admiring the front of the hall, her large light brown eyes curious about the surroundings. She had elegance but didn't seem like her preferred type of place. It wasn't hard to notice, especially when some curious eyes fell upon them, and she felt her small body slightly recoil. He approached her, feeling the sweet and floral scent invade his nostrils.

- I'm not the only one who's late.

He smiled at her, and Saori couldn't resist looking at the slightly pink lips of the man next to her. When the maître d' arrived, they followed him to the most secluded table in the restaurant, exclusively reserved by Saito. It was a common practice to bring his companions there. As they walked to their table, attention was drawn to the beautiful couple moving among the tables, close together. Pairs of curious eyes and hushed whispers formed in the restaurant, as they watched the two of them move further into the restaurant toward Mr. Yoshida's exclusive area.

- No, beauty takes time.

She whispered suddenly to him, making him laugh, and drawing Saori's attention. She ignored everyone else and felt a certain embarrassment.

- This is your table, Mr. Yoshida.

They hadn't even noticed all the eyes that were following them as they made their way to their table, nor the whispers that had spread throughout the place. When the maître d' left, Saito took the opportunity to pull out the chair for Saori to sit down. She found it a noble gesture of chivalry as she watched him sit across from her.

- So, miss, what's a beautiful woman like you doing on a site like that?

She smiled, feeling a warmth inside her at the sound of that man's voice. She didn't even notice the waiter appearing at her side, pouring some wine into both glasses. Saori picked up the glass between her fingers and brought it to her lips, sipping the liquid, feeling the mild bitterness of the alcohol.

- What can a beautiful woman do to have a one-night stand with no strings attached?

He laughed, taking his glass. Saori felt her hairs stand on end, seeing the dark eyes of that man gazing intensely at her.

- If this beautiful woman, is you? Just talk to me; I guarantee you won't regret it.

She smiled at Saito, and she was absolutely sure she wouldn't regret it. She took another sip of her wine. May the gods bless this day, because she was going to make the most of it, especially because it was just a one-night stand.

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The Máfia Deception

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