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His Ideal Woman

His Ideal Woman



"What are you still doing here, Sydney?" I asked Sydney in surprise when I saw her still on my bed. I just finished taking a shower. He was wearing no top and only his boxer shorts. "We're done," I added. I grabbed my bathrobe and adjusted its tie. "I'll take a shower here before I leave your unit, Eljeh." My thin eyebrows met and he grabbed my bimpo. He even wrapped it around his waist. "Why? Can't you just leave without taking a shower?" I asked him annoyed. "Last night's exercise made me sweat. I smell sweat and my body is sticky," he said and I blew air out of my mouth. "Why did you say something rude? What is exercise? Your mother, ha! You didn't sleep here!” I yelled at him and was about to hit him when someone rang the doorbell at the door of my condo. "Maybe those are your girls again, Sydney. Are you really a mother, bringing a girl to my condo?” I asked him annoyed and I walked to open whoever was outside. I also felt his obedience. "I don't have a girl, Eljeh and if there is one—" I opened the door and was about to scold his girls who rushed in because for a month that's what I always do. "You're my only woman..." he added and wrapped his arm around my waist but I... It's like I just saw a ghost. My eyes widened and I could hear a loud pounding in my chest, as if I was going to be deaf. It seems like my soul will run away. "A-Azul..." I said his name. His eyes have no emotion and it's really cold. His jaw was tensing. I was filled with nervousness and fear of what he might think. Just by his reaction, I already know what the outcome of all this is. "I wish I had believed at first that you were just fooling me, Eljehanni," he promised coldly and firmly. "Babe, what do you mean? Wait, I'll explain, Azul," I said and grabbed his arm but he just shook it. I was hurt by what he did. "He's your boyfriend Sydney Montessori, isn't he?" he asked me and looked at Sydney. I removed his arm from my waist and approached Azul. "Let me explain, Azul... You're thinking wrong now," I said nervously but he stepped away from me. "Babe..." “Look at yourself, Eljehanni. To the man next to you? It's clear you're just fooling me. Since you seduced me, you already have a boyfriend! That's why I don't want to get close to you because of your attitude, Eljehanni!" he accused me. "What? What are you talking about, Azul?! Nothing... I don't have—” “Thank you for your best friend, Eljehanni. I made you come here to find out about the fraud you did to me.” "No! You're thinking wrong! I'm not fooling you, Azul!” When he turned his back on me, I chased after him even though I was only wearing a bathrobe. I don't want him to leave me suddenly before I have explained to him. "Babe! Blue!” I didn't reach the elevator because it closed immediately. I pressed it a few times but it didn't really open. Tears were welling up in my eyes and I was about to take the elevator when Sydney pulled me away. "You're going to follow him wearing just that?" "Why didn't you leave my condo and why did you go out?!" I shouted at him furiously. I hit his chest. "Who is that man and you are still crying for him?" "My fiancé!" I cried and screamed, which even shocked him. “S-Sorry...” He said he was with my best friend. I don't know why they are together and he said something that I don't understand. What am I just fooling him? I don't know what he said. I called Snow because he was the only one he was referring to as my best friend, but because when I returned home to the Philippines, we had a falling out. But why is my fiancé with him? That girl didn't answer my call and wanted me to go. I got dressed right away and Sydney was about to come with me when I stopped her. He is at the hotel checking in. At that moment, nothing really entered my mind but to rush Snow. I don't know if he is angry with me again. When I arrived at his hotel suite, it was open because there was a slipper on the chin to prevent it from closing completely. I opened it and looked for her inside because she didn't seem to be here but I saw her phone on the bed. He still has luggage. I looked at his bathroom door because I could hear the water splashing. Maybe the witch is taking a bath. I didn't think twice and went there. When I opened it, it seemed like a knife had been plunged into my chest. My tongue froze at what I saw and I couldn't speak anymore. If before I was filled with anger in my chest but now... I only felt pain and pain in my heart. "Ohh, Azul..." My hand trembled and I seemed to have been nailed from where I was standing. I saw my fiancé kiss Snow. It was leaning against the wall because both of its legs were on Azul's waist. They were all wet with water because they were under it. My fiancé wasn't wearing a t-shirt but Snow... She was almost naked and one of her breasts was covered by his big palm. He was kissing her neck and he was also moving like... My vision darkened and I saw myself adjusting Snow. I also

Chapter 1 Eljeh first intro

Chapter 1


Sta Rosa Province

I removed my sunglasses when I read the name I was going to. I smiled sweetly. My coming home was a surprise, that's why I commuted from NAIA to this province. Yes, I just got back from the States.

Even though I got too hot on the bus because the passengers were crowded there. Add to that that it was hot at first because there were a lot of people riding, but when my feet set foot in this province, I felt better.

It's not hot in the province, even though the sun is a bit cold. The air here is still fresh and there is no air pollution. The surroundings are also peaceful and beautiful to look at even if you only see tall trees.

I wore my sunglasses again. I'm wearing a white longsleeve with long sleeves but it's a crop top style, so you can see my belly button. The skirt is down with flap fabric on the shorts so it still looks more like a skirt. I'm wearing blue sneakers. Red beanie too and I let my long straight hair loose.

Carrying my suitcase, I started walking. Our villa is still far away. I hope at least someone goes through this in practice. But it's impossible, we're the only ones living here except on the other side and Papa's staff.

In less than five minutes, I immediately felt tired. I snorted. I just want to surprise my parents but hell I'm tired. I wiped the sweat forming on my forehead with the back of my hand and took a deep breath.

I walked for a few minutes and I heard the footsteps of a horse. It's like my heart has been revived. That sound was coming from somewhere behind me, so I turned around. I extended my hand to stop the horse—as if I was just stopping a taxi.

The horse rider is a man. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a red vest. His pants were brown that fitted his long legs, and a pair of black boots but I couldn't see his face because of his cowboy hat.

He stopped in front of me and my smile widened. I even backed away when his horse kicked and his hat fell off. I was willing to pick it up and was about to give it to him when I was stopped.

I swallowed violently when I saw his face. Why is the shape of his face so perfect? Thick eyebrows, piercing nose, red lips. His jaw was wide and his throat also went up and down. His hair is long, his hair looks like bangs because it falls on his forehead. I can't say that he has a dark complexion because his whiteness sparkles when the sunlight hits him.

Our eyes met and even though I was wearing shades, it was as if he could see my soul. It's cold and deep if he can stare.

I cleared my throat. My heartbeat suddenly accelerated and that's not normal, ha.

“Here. Can I ride in your horse? I just want to be there, oh. I'm so tired," I said and pointed to where I was going to go. He looked at it and coldly looked at me again.

"I can't," he answered quickly. Why, he immediately rejected me.

"Huh, why not?" I asked in surprise. He looked at me from head to toe and then his jaw tightened. "Please, my legs are shaking and I can't even stand straight. I'll only go to the end," I said and I couldn't escape his slightly raised eyebrows.

“Villa Ciesta?” he asked and I nodded. I don't doubt that he knows my parents' villa. Because we are known here, eh. We own the land.

"Yes. Can I?”

"Still can't. Villa Ciesta is not a place for those—”

"I am not a foreigner and I did not come here just to go for a walk or something. I came from here actually," I said. Isn't it obvious that I understand the word Tagalog? Or maybe he was surprised by my accent. Because I lived in the States for a few years, the way I spoke changed. My parents noticed that. Just because I met only foreigners while staying there.

“No. I can't help you," he denied. He quickly snatched his hat from me. He put it on and then he made his horse run again.

"I wish I could but it's stuck!" I commented and I don't even care if he hears me. I almost tripped on the side of the road.

He does have a look. He is very handsome but he has no facial expression. It's hard to read. I just shook my head and started walking again with my long face. Thank you

The wheels of my suitcase make noise even though I walk slowly. Because if I speed up, I'll just get tired right away. I still have a long way to go. I will even pass through the small town. I will suggest to Papa that he put a golf car on it so that it will not be difficult for people who want to come to our villa or for our farmers to use it.

But neither. His men have horses and their own cars. He himself provided it. I took a deep breath. I stopped for a while and then I squatted on the road. I was panting but I heard the footsteps again. I looked up but my forehead was still wrinkled when I saw the familiar build of his body.

Is the man back? Huh?

I stood up just as his horse stopped. He immediately extended his hand to me. I stared at his big palm. That's rough, because maybe it's already scratched at work.

"What's that?" I asked him in confusion.

"Your suitcase is mine."

"Huh? Why?” He's confusing me.

"Why do you have so many questions?" he asked irritated and immediately jumped down to grab my suitcase. He put it on the horse ahead of him then he followed and with one of his palms he presented it to me again. I don't know what to do. "Will you ride or will I just leave you here?" he asked again annoyed.

Out of confusion I accepted his hand and he guided me to ride on his horse. I can't sit up straight because my skort is too short. He peeked from behind and I followed his eyes as he fixed them on my thigh. I covered it with one of my hands while the other held onto his side.

I can already smell his perfume and his natural scent. Seriously, he looks like he's sweating but he still smells fresh. I think he has a secret to not lose his body odor, right?

He even took off his vest and gave it to me. "What's this for?" I asked him.

"Will that be followed?" he asked again. He was really annoyed with me.

I just covered it with my legs and I could breathe easy because I was comfortable. I wasn't ready for him running a horse when he suddenly made it run.

My two arms automatically wrapped around his waist and my cheek pressed against his back.

"What?! I am not ready yet!” I screamed in annoyance. He ignored me and just focused on his horse. This man is really pissed off.

He was lucky because he got a free hug from me. Alas, I do not hug any man. Because I already have a boyfriend.

That was true that I already had a boyfriend and it was Sydney. Our relationship is on and off because I often catch him with a girl. I don't feel anger or jealousy or anything. Because we don't love each other. We just enjoy our company because that hudas has a sense of humor.

I did come home to her in a bad mood because she said I was leaving her all of a sudden. It was his fault. Psh.

"Don't stick too close to me. Just hold.”

"I'll fall if I don't tighten my grip on you," I said.

“You can cling to me without your chest touching. I can feel that behind me," he said without emotion.

Wow, in this day and age I'm going to meet a conservative guy, what? When I asked him for a little help, he immediately rejected me. I thought his attitude was bad but he still felt guilty and came back to me.

Then he didn't take advantage. Nah, I can see many men today who are that kind of person. To take advantage of women.

Is he done? He seems to be allergic to women, ay.

"You're so artistic, dude," I commented to him and I heard him hiss. Of course I didn't follow him but he slightly untied my arms so I couldn't cling to him too tightly.

I snorted again and I only touched the end of his shirt. I almost fell because he sped up the operation. My eyes widened because I heard the tearing of its fabric. He automatically stopped running again.

I let it go. I saw that I had torn it! Well, I didn't mean it!

"You're the one riding, are you going to tear my clothes?" he asked without emotion. I let air out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry. I'll just pay—”

"I do not need your money. Thanks.” He is very ugly. I can't tell if he is a gentleman.

"Why is your art? It's better that your shirt is torn. Why should I fall, what?"

"You are talkative." I frowned. He grabbed my wrist again and wrapped it around his waist. "Hold on tight."

I just suppressed my smile and followed what he wanted. I fixed my beanie on my head when we got to town. I would like to just go down here but my body doesn't seem to want to move anymore. I'm comfortable sitting here. I don't even know why I liked hugging this stranger more.

To Be Continued...

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