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"Follow the captivating journey of Kelvin and Precious as they navigate the tumultuous waters of love, betrayal, and redemption in this compelling tale. Set against the backdrop of modern-day challenges, their relationship is tested to its limits as they confront personal demons, financial struggles, and the consequences of past mistakes. Will their love withstand the ultimate test of trust and forgiveness? Join them on an emotional rollercoaster ride filled with twists and turns, as they discover the true meaning of love and resilience. A gripping story that will tug at your heartstrings and leave you rooting for Kelvin and Precious until the very end."

Chapter 1 Birthday invitation

Chapter One

"Wow, look at this! A Gucci bag, Gucci shoes, and a top Louis Vuitton red gown. This must have cost a fortune!"

"Oh, this is just part of my wardrobe. No need to be so dramatic. Besides, you have to see the Gucci 2023 bag. I'd sell my heart to get that."

"Haha, Precious, you're a fashion enthusiast."

"Queen, you know in our line of business, we have to look extravagant."

"Precious, you're right, but I can't keep up with your standards."

Some guys were praising Precious, admiring her looks. She maintained a composed demeanor, almost resembling a goddess, while Queen, her best friend and business partner, remained unfazed by the attention. They'd been friends since childhood, attending the same primary and secondary schools before studying fashion together at university. Queen specialized in designing bags and shoes, while Precious focused on clothes. Their shared dream was to own a fashion house.

At the shop, Esther was steaming clothes, looking serious. Precious walked straight up to her, wearing a serious expression as she eyed Esther's designer shoes.

"Esther, you must be quite well-off to wear new designer shoes to work. By the way, about the internship fee you promised me, I hope you haven't forgotten."

A slight smile formed on Precious' face. Esther finally glanced up, meeting Precious' gaze fixed on her new shoes. Esther was used to Precious teasing her like that. Laughing, she said, "Precious, if you hadn't turned down the gift from Raphael who brought these yesterday, how could I flaunt designer shoes? You've got to keep doing this. Also, considering I've finished steaming the clothes, shouldn't I be expecting some form of appreciation from you?"

She looked at Esther with a caring expression and said, "What are friends for?"

Not one for words, Queen politely greeted Esther and hurried into her office.

"Esther, what brings you here? I doubt it's to help me," Precious remarked.

"Pre, tomorrow is my brother's birthday party. He asked me to invite you. He's a great guy, good-looking and smart. He'd do anything for you."

Precious seemed uninterested and replied, "Why don't you date him yourself?"

"Precious, please come! It'll be dull without you. Plus, you'll get to meet Grandma. She returned from London last week, asking about you. Don't tell me you don't miss her."

"Grandma's back?" Precious' face lit up. "I miss her? It's been so long. How is she? Does she remember me?"

"Hey, Precious, calm down. Come and see for yourself."

"But you know I..." Esther pleaded with her. "Hmm, I can't promise."

Esther became ecstatic; she didn't think Precious would agree to go with her. She knew Precious loathed parties, especially those involving guys. Yet, she was sure Precious was considering it because of Grandma's return. Precious adored Grandma so much that sometimes Esther couldn't tell if they were twins. Despite Grandma being a bit intimidating at home, Precious was the only one who loved spending time with her.

While Esther was lost in thought, Precious was lost in memories. She reminisced about her 16th birthday when she sneaked out to meet Queen and Esther. Her parents' strictness often confined her indoors. Feeling suffocated, she had planned to join her friends by the riverbank, but they never showed up. Disappointment engulfed her as she sat by the river, adorned in her beautiful gown, throwing stones into the water. The feeling of abandonment seeped in as she gazed into the river.

"What's the point of life if no one loves me?" she whispered to herself. Emotions of guilt, worthlessness, and self-hatred intensified, leading her to contemplate ending her life by drowning. Without much thought, she leaped into the river, struggling to breathe, feeling the air grow scarce until she blacked out.

As she regained consciousness, a blinding light surrounded her, and she wondered, "Is this what death looks like?" Coughing relentlessly, she struggled to open her eyes and saw a woman hovering over her.

"Are you okay?" the woman asked, concerned. Precious couldn't feel herself anymore; she closed her eyes amidst the pain. The woman swiftly took her to the nearest hospital.

"Who are you?" Precious inquired weakly.

"I'm Mrs. Ruth, from the Raphael family," the woman replied. Precious was surprised. "The matriarch of a distinguished family like Raphael, here to save me? It must be a dream."

Sensing Precious' innocent surprise, Mrs. Ruth quickly explained, "I happened to be with my granddaughter, Esther, a few moments before you nearly drowned. Why would you jump into the river without knowing how to swim?"

Precious was speechless; tears streamed down her face. Afterward, she discovered that Esther was part of the successful Raphael family. Since then, she and Esther became close friends.

"What were you thinking about?" Esther interrupted Precious' thoughts. "I hope it's about my brother." Precious smiled shyly, and Esther didn't press further. Changing the subject, she said, "By the way, how's business?"

"On point, my sister," Precious replied. They discussed clothing and the market's impact on their business. Esther's enthusiasm for fashion was evident as she tried on various clothes, exclaiming, "Precious, this would look fabulous on me!"

"Esther, we both know you're just teasing me. You're too well-off to wear these clothes," Precious retorted playfully. Before Esther could respond, the shop door swung open.

"Miss Esther, your mom needs you at the company immediately. She said it's about handling a new client," Kenned, Esther's driver, informed her hurriedly.

The Raphael family owned a marketing industry where family members worked together. Mrs. Ella Raphael, Esther's mother, managed the Lagos branch, collaborating with her children, Sam and Esther. Their innovative ideas made their branch the most successful in the company, prompting Mrs. Ruth to nominate Sam as the next successor after their father's passing.

"Let's head there," Esther said, bidding farewell to Precious before rushing off.

Continuing their day, Precious and Queen finished work and headed home. It was a less stressful day due to fewer contracts compared to usual.

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