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Kim Lina


"You're breaking a rule! Don't fucking touch me." "Fuck the rules, you already broke it when you wore this dress." My heart plummeted, a heavy thud echoing in my chest, as the weight of his last words settled upon me like a leaden anchor "Well Fuck off, I don't want you Tristan." I spat bitterly, all he did was smirk deviously dangerously closing the bridge between our lips. "Fuck it Willow, I want you." He said as he crashed his lips against mine. ______________ Willow Davis finds herself wedge in between one of her father's gamble, having lost the bet she is sold to the ruthless arrogant billionaire, Tristan Donovan, who wants nothing more than to make out a trophy of her. over the course of time they slowly get close but fear of falling in love Tristan has set three rules; "NO STAYING IN CONFINED OR CLOSED PLACES TOGETHER NO ANY FORM OF PHYSICAL CONTACT NO FALLING IN LOVE" But what happens when he's caught up in his own web and breaks one or all together? How far will he go, riding of every single rule? Will the arrogant billionaire finally fall in love? find out in SOLD TO THE ARROGANT BILLIONAIRE.

Chapter 1 I


"Brrrrgh......" I abruptly woke up to the jarring sound of my alarm clock,after waking up and stretching, my back still feels sore as if I'm 40 years older. Why won't it ache, I do three jobs to make ends meet while my dad sits around drinking and sleeping his ass out, while I do all the damn work.

"Another stressful day" I sigh to myself I need to be at my first shift by 07:00 am it's 06:15, great I have less than an hour to go to work. Struggling to get out of my messy room I sprint to the bathroom with the mission of taking a quick shower.

I made my way to the bathroom downstairs as I try to open the door but it wouldn't budge, I tried to pushing past the door only to see bottles of different kinds of Beer on the floor as I try to make a clear path to the other side of the bathroom.

"Another to-do list" I cursed out on the thought I have to clean up after my dad like he was some Kid.

Speaking of him, where is he?

I disregard the bottles, then swiftly shower and towel off before heading to my room to grab my phone.

I opened my contacts and tapped Allison s number while still wrapped in my towel, attempting to choose a less frustrating outfit for the day.

"Sup tree trunks... " I sighed at her lame attempt to nickname me. At least it was better than sugarcube

"Morning to you too, please." She cuts me off

"Don't worry I'll cover up for you but make sure you get your ass in here, Miss Josie isn't impressed about what you did yesterday" I heaved a sigh relieved, she already knew what I wanted before I even asked.

"Thanks a lot. I'll be there shortly," I expressed before ending the call, tossing my phone onto the bed. I opted for the least bothersome outfit and headed to the kitchen, situated in the Same space as the dining and living rooms, forming one unified area.

I head to the kitchen, the cupboards are all empty leaving only a box of used pancake mix, I just remembered I was so tired yesterday I forgot to restock the kitchen.

I pulled out the box as I sighed.

"Guess I'm not having breakfast... " I sighed again trying to make breakfast for my Dad why do I do it even when what he does all day is Listen to the radio on his favorite channel sitting and drinking his ass all day while waits for his 21 year old nanny to take care of him.

I should be in college studying medicine, but my dad has a mental disorder, a condition that leaves him unable to care for himself. Everyone abandoned him, including my mom and relatives. It's not his fault, he didn't choose to have this condition. Despite the challenging situation, I stayed to take care of him. Unfortunately, there's been no improvement, and sometimes I wonder why.


I can't leave him now he needs me and if bringing my dad back to the man he was, meant I could go insane I'd do it.

Having finished making pancakes, I notice my dad heading back to his recliner, tuning in to his radio. I can't help but wonder, what on earth is he listening to?

I dropped his breakfast on his stool as he tries to search for my face.

"Morning, Dad," I greeted, receiving only a nod. Sometimes, I question if he sees me as his daughter or just a caretaker. Despite the lack of gratitude, I still smile, then head back to my room to double-check my outfit and grab my phone. The shock hits me as I pick up my purse. I'm fucking late.

"Off to work, Dad!" I half-yelled, getting a nod from him as he finished his pancake. Slamming the door behind me, I hurried to work, my heels carrying me as fast as possible.

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