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Nee Bii


Olivia is a doctoral student, and during her studies in Belgium, she meets Ethan, a calm and strategic director. The two often interact with each other due to a research project collaborated on by the conglomerate he heads and her university. As they begin their romantic relationship, Emma, Ethan's ex-girlfriend, returns hoping to rekindle their past love. From here, the truth about Ethan's past is revealed. Olivia discovers that he is the recipient of a cornea transplant from her late grandmother. Believing his feelings are only out of gratitude, she agonizingly decides to end their relationship. Alongside Olivia and Ethan's intriguing romance is Henry's unrequited love story. Where will their love lead amidst numerous misunderstandings and difficulties?

Chapter 1 Belgium

In the vast space of the international airport, the echoing announcements reverberated through the loudspeaker system, blending with the hurried footsteps of travelers. The continuous flashing of blue-white light from electronic screens displayed flight information.

Amidst the bustling crowd, Olivia sat quietly on a waiting chair. Her gaze drifted into the distance, lost in thought. Her long black hair cascaded freely over her shoulders, and her lips curled into a gentle smile.

She was waiting for her flight, a journey that would take her to a new land, a new life. Within her, a mix of emotions surged—excitement, anxiety, and a hint of nervousness.

"Passengers traveling on flight E11 from Ho Chi Minh City to Gent departing at 9 o'clock, please proceed to the boarding area. The plane will depart in 10 minutes."

The airport announcement brought Olivia back to reality. Today, she would fly to Belgium, the country she had always dreamed of after much effort.

The airport was far, so Olivia decided not to have her parents see her off. Her luggage wasn't too cumbersome, and she felt confident she could manage on her own. Furthermore, she feared that if her parents came to see her off, they wouldn't bear to let her go. After careful consideration, she thought it best to go to the airport alone.

After completing the procedures, Olivia boarded the plane and found her seat. She remembered her mother's advice from the night before her departure, and warmth filled her heart.

"Remember to eat well there, don't just focus on studying all day. A skinny person with bones showing isn't attractive," her mother had helped her pack warm clothes into her suitcase while giving advice.

From childhood to adulthood, Olivia had always been a well-behaved child, understanding, never causing her parents any trouble. However, there was one thing that worried her parents—that she was overly passionate about her studies. She often buried herself in books, forgetting to eat and sleep, causing her health to deteriorate severely. Her parents feared that if she continued like this, she would "study herself into the grave."

"Mom, I know!" She said while eating grapes. "But please don't call me three times a day anymore, I need time to get used to my boyfriend."

As soon as she finished speaking, a mocking laughter rang out.

"Her? If she can find a boyfriend, even a pig can climb a tree," Noah leaned against the door frame, his face mischievous as he looked at her.

Before she could say anything, a pillow was thrown straight at his face by the man who wielded power in the house.

"The daughter of mine, beautiful and talented. The son queues up to become her boyfriend. There's only envy, Noah, not worthy to be envious of," her father spoke, raising the pride of his daughter.

Noah groaned inwardly. Since forever, their family had always valued women over men. Yet, when he got here, everything was different. His parents always loved his sister very much, more than necessary, even joining forces to bully him alone. Noah was so oppressed that he thought for sure he was adopted.

"She once secretly loved someone in third grade. Every day, she bought breakfast and wrote love letters to them. What was the result? They rejected her and went to tell the teacher. We were invited to the school. At that time, I just wanted to find a hole to hide in," her mother recounted the embarrassing story.

"Haha... do you have another story like that, mom?" Olivia standing beside her laughed teasingly.

"Not like that. She asked you to help her pretend to be a boyfriend to cut off the boys pursuing her, so she told the teacher. She thought you were a clingy guy, so she said that to her parents," Noah tried to explain with a warm heart, but no one cared about his words. They only gave him contemptuous looks.

Thinking about her family, Olivia smiled happily. Her family was simple. Her parents were ordinary civil servants. Though not wealthy, they weren't in financial difficulty.

She had a younger brother who was 5 years younger than her, named Noah. Since childhood, the two siblings had often argued. At first, their parents tried to reconcile their relationship, but nothing changed, so they decisively let the siblings' war continue.

The safety instructions of the female flight attendant interrupted Olivia's reminiscence. She quickly followed the safety instructions. The flight lasted quite long, so Olivia decided to close her eyes for a moment to regain her strength.

The airport in Gent wasn't too crowded. After the plane landed, she quickly grabbed a taxi back to the school. The school was about a 45-minute drive from the airport, and the surroundings were quite picturesque, but the cold here made her shiver involuntarily.

The weather in Gent in September was a bit cold, the air was fresh, and there were many tourists strolling around. The enthusiastic taxi driver introduced Olivia to the famous landmarks of Gent. That warmth helped Olivia feel comforted.

Olivia chose Gent because it was very developed in marine biology, partly because the peaceful life here suited people who didn't like the hustle and bustle like her. The taxi quickly arrived, and she hurriedly pulled her luggage onto the car to go to school for enrollment procedures.

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