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Love You My Scientist

Love You My Scientist

Nee Bii


Note: All characters, places and events in the story are fictitious. Bevis is a talented CEO with many tricks up his sleeve. In the business world, he is known for his straightforwardness. However, when it comes to his wife, Helen, he is a doting husband. Helen never expected that the capitalist she always saw as a villain would be such a warm person. The story revolves around the encounter between a domineering CEO and a resourceful research student from different backgrounds. From here, their love story begins to unfold. Apart from the main couple, there is also Sam, a playboy who hides his sensitive side behind his facade. He goes to great lengths for the girl he loves.

Chapter 1 Belgium

“Passengers on flight E11 from city A to Ghent departing at 9 am, please proceed to the boarding area. The plane will depart in 10 minutes.”

The airport announcement pulled Helen back to reality. Today, she would fly to Belgium, the country she had always dreamed of after so much effort. The airport was quite far away, so she didn't let her parents see her off.

She didn’t have too much luggage either, so it wasn’t too inconvenient for her to travel alone. Part of Helen was worried that her parents would not be willing to let her go if they saw her off. After thinking about it for a while, she still felt that it was best to go to the airport by herself. After completing the procedures, she boarded the plane and settled into her seat.

The night before flying, her family helped her pack and her parents gave her many reminders.

“Remember to eat and drink enough tomorrow, don't spend all day studying like a skinny person with no flesh on their bones,” Mother’s Helen helped her pack while constantly complaining.

Until now, Helen had always understood what never caused her parents any trouble, except for one thing: she spent all day studying, which sometimes made herself tired and lose weight. This made they very worried that she would study until she was exhausted.

“Mom, I know!” She said while eating grapes.

“But please don’t call me three times a day anymore, let me have time to get to know my boyfriend.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a sneering laugh echoed.

“Her? If she can get a boyfriend, then even pigs can climb trees.” Jackson leaned against the door and used his face to mock her while looking at her and laughing.

As soon as he finished speaking, a pillow flew straight into his face.

“My daughter, beautiful and talented. Boys line up to be her boyfriend. Except for you, only dogs would want you. You are ugly and doesn’t study well.”

Their father spoke up, raising the spirits of his beloved daughter. Jackson groaned inwardly. From ancient times until now, people have always valued men over women. But when he arrived at their house, it was different. His parents always loved his older sister very much, sometimes the whole family would gang up on him alone. Being oppressed to the point where Jackson even thought he was adopted.

This attack had not yet ended when another one came. Their mother continued. “Didn't she fall in love early in grade three? We were even invited by the teacher to come to school. At that time, I just wanted to find a hole to crawl into.”

“Mom, I didn’t fall in love early, really didn’t.” Jackson spoke up in protest. But no one paid attention to him, and finally the conversation ended with Jackson’s endless defense.

Thinking of his family made Helen smile. Her family was an ordinary one, her parents were both ordinary workers, their living conditions were not rich but not difficult either. She had a younger brother who was 5 years younger than her named Jackson.

The flight attendant's safety instructions interrupted Helen’s train of thought. She quickly followed the safety instructions. Her flight lasted about three hours longer, so she decided to take a rest because there were still many procedures to complete after landing.

The airport in Ghent is not too crowded. After the plane landed, she quickly took a taxi to the university. The university is about 45 minutes away from the airport by car. The scenery around is quite picturesque, but the cold here made her shudder. The weather in Ghent in September is a bit chilly, with fresh air and many tourists walking around.

She chose Ghent partly because it is highly developed in marine biology and partly because the pace of life here is peaceful and suitable for people who do not like hustle and bustle like her. The taxi arrived quickly, and she hurriedly pulled her luggage onto the car to go to the university for admission procedures.

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