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Obsession- A Tale Of Betrayal and Romance

Obsession- A Tale Of Betrayal and Romance

Alina Fatima


Alana is in a relationship with Dan from last 5 years while on the other hand Chris With Jannie but on the day of Alana's wedding Dan was missing and Chris was standing there to take his place. why, how? To Know Read the Story!

Chapter 1 Alana's Wedding

We can see a girl around 20 sitting on a couch looking at her hands which was having a ring of engagement.

The smile on her face was unable to explain, the air pods were plugged in her ears as she was talking to someone

"I can't explain the feeling Dan I am feeling so many things at a moment. Happy, nervous, sad" she said

"I know my love and this happens I am also nervous but I am not sad like you" he said from the other side

"But after marriage we will move to America so obviously I will miss my mom and dad that is why I am just sad" She said while he chuckles

"I know Alana but if you want we can take them with us they can live with us there" he said while her eyes sparkle


"Off course I can't see you sad you know that right"

"But they will not agree"

"Now this is on you if you can manage to bring them"

"Alana, come on go to your room and sleep its quite late and tomorrow is the big day, go and have some rest" Mom said coming down

"Ya ya I was just going" she said

"God you kids, can't you wait for a day after tomorrow you can talk how much you want right?"

Dan chuckles from the other side

"I think we should sleep now or else your mom will kill me" Dan said

"Yeah you are right"

"Good night my love"

"Good night"

They hung up

"Now go to your room and sleep tomorrow is a big day" she said sitting beside her

"I am gonna miss you both" Alana said putting her head on her lap

"We will also miss you as you are the only child of us" she said

"Mom why don't you both settle with us in America?"

"Are you mad Alana this can't happen"

"Why not Dan also want you to stay with us"

"Alana We can't do this, its impossible we will stay here only" she said

"Ufff you are so stubborn"

"Yeah yeah I am now go and sleep"

She left to her room

Meanwhile In America

"Mom what is this behaviour? You know I have office to handle here and you want me to come with you just to attend a marriage? Are you serious?" The boy on a call said in anger

"But Chris she is my best friend's daughter and also you used to play with her in childhood have you forgotten?" Her mother replied calmly

"Mom it's 15 years old thing, I was a kid, I don't even remember her properly and I am sorry I can't come"

"Chris please I promised Her she wants to meet you"

"Mom-" he stopped as the girl standing besides him snatched the phone from his hand

"Hello aunty how are you?"

"Oh Jannie I am fine how are you doing?"

"Great! Aunty don't worry he will come"

"Are you sure?"

"You know me right?"

"Off course I know you well, thanks"

"The pleasure is all mine" she said and hung up

"Jannie What is this behavior? You know I can't go I have so many meetings to handle" He said

She held him by his neck pecking his lips

"I am here to handle everything Chris you don't have to worry you go and enjoy, its been so long you are away from your parents they must be missing you" she said trying to make him understand

"You are right but you know I can't stay away from you" he said pulling her close

"I also can't but You should go Please for me Look I promised her"

"Ok fine just for you" he said

She smiled giving him a kiss of a few seconds


Alana's pov

I am sitting in front of a mirror looking at myself. Today is the day finally, the 5 years Relationship of ours is going to get a name.

"Alana!" I turned around listening mom's voice

She was in tears

"Mom what happened? Why are you crying?"

"You are looking so beautiful dear!" she said

"Aww, mom you scared me" I said

"Anna where are you-"

He stopped as he looked at me

"Alana?" He asked

"Look our daughter is looking so beautiful" mom said to dad

"I am looking the same, my beautiful daughter"

"She has grown so fast no!"

"Yes I can't believe this is my Alana, god bless you my child" dad said side hugging me

I was in tears by now as I realized I am going far away from them

"You made me emotional" I said

"Aww don't cry or else your makeup will ruin and Dan will get scare" mom said with a tease while I chuckled

"Anna let's go down guests have arrive we should be there" he said while they both left


In the hall everyone was present there enjoying while waiting for the groom.

"Anna?" She turned around listening the voice

"Oh Mary finally you are here" she said hugging her

"Yes finally I am sorry for being late as you know Chris he take time to get ready so..." Mary said

"Chris? Is he really here?" Anna asked

"Yes there he is, Chris!" Mary called out while he came near them

"Hello Aunty, how are you?" He asked

"I am fine Chris how are you? Its been so long I have seen you" Anna said

"Yeah you know first I was busy with studies then business" he said

"Yes yes my son has become very hardworking" Ronnie Chris's dad spoken with a tease.


"Ok ok you go and enjoy"

He left

"He has grown, A mature man" Anna said

"Yes, Alana as well I can't believe we came in her wedding, And you know what I always thought I will make her my daughter in law but as I get to know that she is in love with someone else I dropped the plan" Mary said

"I thought the same but as It was Alana's choice so I had to" This time it was Mart Alana's dad



Back to Alana's pov

Its been an hour I am sitting here waiting for them. I was calling him but he wasn't replying maybe on the way

"Alana!" I turned around to see Stella

"They here?" I asked for the 20th time

"No! Alana mom is calling you she said maybe they are stuck in traffic and you know everyone is asking about you and him so better you come down" She said While I nodded

I came down taking slow steps as Stella was walking beside me

"See the bride is here!" I listened the voices all over

I met everyone one by one!

"Aww Alana my dear child you are looking so beautiful"

"Mary aunty I am so glad you came I was waiting for you"

"Off course How can I miss this, My daughter's wedding" she said while I smiled

I turned around looking for mon, I looked at them as dad was also there, but the expressions on their face tensed me

I went towards them they were reading some kind of a paper.

"Mom, Dad?" They hide the paper instantly

"Alana dear what happened?" They asked acting normal

"What are you hiding?"

"Nothing to worry about it's just-" I snatched the paper from her hand

It was a letter

To Alana,

I am sorry to say but I can't do this, yes I know I was the one who proposed you to marry me but as today is the day I lost all my strength, I just can't do this I am still not ready. I hope you will understand me. I can't face you I just can't. I am sorry


I was shocked, I lost my balance but someone held me.

"Watch out!" He said I looked at him, he was a stranger

"Chris please take her to her room" mo. said while he nodded

Alina ❤

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