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Breastfeeding the CEO's Baby

Breastfeeding the CEO's Baby



Binna was an innocent and very beautiful girl, but she was forced by her boyfriend to wear and artificial scar on her face and to dress ugly. Her boyfriend also forced her to get pregnant with his sperm through IVF, she had miscarriage after two attempts, out of fear of her boyfriend, she went to another hospital to get IVF with another man's sperm pretending it was her boyfriend's baby she was carrying. After nine months, she gave birth to two kids. The doctor gave her one kid and gave one to the man who donated the sperm. The man who donated the sperm was Logan Watsons, a billonnaire. All Logan wants was a baby not a wife. But Logan's baby refused to take anything into her mouth including water and artificial milk. The doctors advice Logan to hire a woman who gave birth newly to breastfeed his baby. Binna's boyfriend stole her baby and ran away to sell, Binna with her breast milk running down and soaking her clothes, she roamed the street of Vareen looking for her boyfriend and her baby. In the process, she heard about the advertisement for a breast feeder, she went for the interview and was hired by Watson to breastfeed his baby. How will the game play out?

Chapter 1 Artificial Insemination

Binna Wara waited patiently with other patients at the doctor's waiting room.

She was at the hospital to get artificial insemination; she wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible.

She loves her boyfriend so much and wants to get married to him.

But the young man wants her to give birth to a child before they get married.

She got pregnant for the first time and had a miscarriage. Her boyfriend threatened her; if she had another miscarriage, he will deal severely with her.

But yesterday, she had another miscarriage, since she didn't want her boyfriend to know she had another miscarriage, she ran to this hospital to get IVF and become pregnant without her boyfriend knowing about it.

"Next patient please" Dr. James's assistant shouted from the door to the doctor's office.

Binna Wara walked quickly into the doctor's office, sitting down opposite the doctor, she gave him the form she had filed earlier.

The doctor read the form, but he could not understand exactly what the woman wanted.

Dropping the form at the corner of his desk, Dr. James asked her "What exactly do you want, young lady?"

"Doctor, I need artificial insemination. Any available sperm will be okay. I have to get pregnant again otherwise my boyfriend will skin me alive."

There was urgency and fear in her voice.

The doctor raised an eyebrow at her, sat back in his chair and took a penetrating look at the girl in front of him.

"Should I give you an artificial insemination with any available sperm in my laboratory?" The doctor asked her in surprise.

The doctor was surprised at this request. This was the first time someone just walked into his office and ask for IVF without any prior notice.

"Yes doctor please."

Binna pleaded with the doctor.

Dr. James shook his head in dismay and muttered under his breath, 'there is nothing I can't see in this field of work.'

He then said to her "young lady, artificial insemination is not done this way.

You don't just barge into my office and ask me to put any available sperm into you, there are procedures for all these things."

Some people are so ignorant of somethings.

"I know doctor, but if I follow the procedure it will delay me. I really need it now. I am desperate."


The doctor prompted her to continue.

" I have a boyfriend, we love each other, and we have been together for eight years."

He went to study abroad, came back three months ago and proposed marriage to me. But he wants me to give birth to his child before we get the certificate.

I got pregnant for the first time. I miscarried. He warned me severely, he would skin me alive if I miscarried again.

I got pregnant the second time, and now I miscarried yesterday. Sir, I don't want him to know that I have had another miscarriage. Please inseminate me with any sperm, I will pay."

The doctor was speechless at her story.

Studying the young lady's face, the doctor asked her,

"Why do you stay with a man you are afraid of?"

"Dr, I am not afraid of him, but I don't want anything that could stop us from getting married."

Binna's boyfriend, Jack Wood, had told Binna that her only qualification for getting married to him was to give him a fat baby boy.

"How about if in the future he comes to know the child is not his?"

"One day at a time, Dr., when I get to the bridge I will know how to cross it. Besides, I will have a good excuse then if he finds out."

"What could be your excuse?" The doctor asked eagerly. He really was interested in knowing the excuse that could be reasonable.

"The mistake was made during the insemination," Binna told the doctor.

Dr. James was shocked. He asked her in surprise "You got pregnant by insemination?"

Binna responded "yes"

Binna didn't want to get pregnant by insemination, she wanted to have her first sex experience with the man she loved.

But her boyfriend, Jack, said it was not yet time to have sex.

She agreed to get pregnant by insemination before marriage just to please him.

Binna was a Simp whenever her boyfriend is concerned.

Dr. James asked again, "there was no sexual intercourse between you and your boyfriend before your first pregnancy?"

Binna answered as truthfully as she could, "Yes, he donated sperm to the hospital which they inseminated me with, and I got pregnant. After I miscarried, he warned me before donating another sperm. "

Scanning Binna's face for any form of lie, Dr James asked her "why didn't you get pregnant through sexual intercourse? Is he okay, or does he have a problem in that area?"

Binna fell in a daze 'does Jack have problem in that section?' Although they had never had sex before, the few times they went emotional, she had felt something in between his laps poking at her tommy. He must not have problems in that area.

Blushing in the face, Binna responded "Although we never had sex doctor, but I don't think he has any problems. He said we can only have sex after we are married."

"You can only have sex with your boyfriend after marriage? But he wants you to give birth for him before marriage? Don't you think this is a logical error?"

Dr. James Bennet, in all his years as a Reproductive Endocrinologist, had never heard such an absurd story.

Binna was speechless, she didn't see any logical error in all this.

"I think you and your boyfriend are really crazy." the doctor muttered under his breath.

"Doctor, please help me."

The doctor took another look at Binna and took pity on her.

"Pardon me for being very blunt. If it weren't for the scar on your face, you could have been beautiful, besides you have a perfect body figure.

Even though you are not very beautiful on your face, you are presentable, you are not disgusting, a man who loves you should be able to make love to you. Why donate sperm instead of love making?"

Although Binned was feeling cringing, she still replied to the doctor

"Sir, I am very beautiful; I could even pass for miss world."

The doctor opened his eyes wide in amusement,

'Now I know the woman is really crazy, how can a woman with a bad scar on her face think she could pass for miss world?'

Binna was wearing a t-shirt, baggy trousers, that made her look more like a ruddy teenage boy.

With very large brown glasses to cover the scar on her face.

Her hair was even worse, a short bobbed black hair that looked more like men's wig?'

There was nothing beautiful about her.

The doctor did not want to waste more time with the ugly crazy woman, he signaled his assistance to bring the list of sperm samples.

Dr. James scanned through the list and said to the girl

"I don't have free sperm; they have all been booked to the appropriate partners. It can't be used to an unauthorized person without permission from the donor.

He went further to explain

"The only unbooked sperm I have here, the donor wants a surrogate mother, but he demands some certain qualities from the woman who will be his surrogate. And you don't have all the qualities. "

Binna was discouraged, she didn't have all the qualities the man wants in a surrogate mother.

Beside she doesnt want to be a surrogate. That means the man will take the child after it is born. She wants her own child with her boyfriend.

"Doctor, please take a small portion of that man's sperm and put into me, I want to have my own child, I don't want to give birth to a child and then hand it over to another person."

The doctor shook his head at her. "young lady all these things have procedures. You don't just come to the hospital and I take sperm and put it into you."

"What should I do doctor?" Binna asked eagerly.

"You will make an appointment two weeks in advance. Since we don't have free sperm, we may have to request an anonymous donor, and this takes time.

"There is also going to be a series of tests carried out on you and also the sperm."

Doctor James took time to explain the procedure to Binna.

Binna had no choice than to accept what the doctor said. She might have to wait for another two weeks.

This hospital was the best in the city, this is the only hospital she can get pregnant after a single trial.

She had better wait for two weeks.

She wouldn't allow her boyfriend to know that she had miscarried again.

"Next patient please."

Binna knew her time was up. She stood up and left the doctor's office, promising to come back in two weeks.

Binna was not in a good mood, she walked sluggishly to her power bike.

But before she could start her bike, several men in black suits surrounded her.

Binna frowned, she had seen these men before.

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Breastfeeding the CEO's Baby

Chapter 1 Artificial Insemination



Chapter 2 Vareen International Airport



Chapter 3 Logan Watson



Chapter 4 Logan had an aversion to women



Chapter 5 She only changed her appearance



Chapter 6 The meeting is over



Chapter 7 Woman we meet Again



Chapter 8 I choose this woman



Chapter 9 Black Friday



Chapter 10 Respect yourself Mr. Man



Chapter 11 Are you ready for us to go get marriage certificate



Chapter 12 Bra not brown



Chapter 13 Becoming a family man



Chapter 14 Proud man who had no brains



Chapter 15 Don't worry about anything



Chapter 16 The sole heir to the richest family



Chapter 17 Marriage Certificate



Chapter 18 My husband is also a driver



Chapter 19 Don't wait up for me



Chapter 20 I had my reason for getting the marriage certificate with you.



Chapter 21 We will talk about that later



Chapter 22 Dady wants you to sleep



Chapter 23 What are you up to this time around man



Chapter 24 Who was he mocking



Chapter 25 After their divorce



Chapter 26 She may wake up after two days



Chapter 27 What sort of husband are you



Chapter 28 What do you do for a living



Chapter 29 Something might have happened to Mrs. Watson



Chapter 30 Should I call the police



Chapter 31 What he like most about the girl was her breasts



Chapter 32 Logan was licking the breast milk at the corner of his lips



Chapter 33 We don't love each other



Chapter 34 This is heaven on earth



Chapter 35 Luck nearly ran out of Logan at that moment.



Chapter 36 Yes I will be back soon.



Chapter 37 Who is the donor



Chapter 38 A boy or a girl



Chapter 39 Binna saw Jack Wood; her ex-boyfriend



Chapter 40 Where is Ms Wara
