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The Awakening of the Divine Power System

The Awakening of the Divine Power System



James, a hard-working janitor, his life is shaken when he sees Sofia, his girlfriend, cheating on him and choosing Max, the son of the director of the hospital where he works. Shortly after being fired and betrayed, a disaster befalls James. As he is knocked down by heavy rain and strong winds a huge billboard hits him. Something magical happened. A system of God power awakened within James, healing his wounds and giving him incredible strength. The system revealed that James was a God who had long lost his memory and was now active again. He has unrivaled magical healing powers. With his new powers, James embarks on a new journey to find the truth about himself and fight for what is rightfully his. He will prove that he is not the useless weakling they think he is and avenge those who have wronged him.

Chapter 1 System Activated

James was cleaning the hospital floor when he saw his girlfriend, Sofia, walking with Max Peter. James' heart instantly fluttered, jealousy rushing in. He couldn't help himself, so he walked up to them and reprimanded, "Sofia, what are you doing with this man?"

Max, the man beside Sofia glanced at her. "Sofia, do you know him?"

After giving James a disgusted look, Sofia said, "Geez, Max, how could I know someone like this."

Max looked at James. "Janitor, get the hell out of our way!

James, can't just leave. After all, his girlfriend was with someone else. He wouldn't let her!

"Sofia, are you having an affair with this man?" James accused her directly.

Sofia rounded her eyes at James. She gave him a cold stare, then cursed, "James, you're so shameless! I do know you, and I'm trying to be nice to you too! But that doesn't mean we have a special relationship!"

No special relationship? Did what James had been doing not matter to her? They even kissed under the fireworks on New Year's Day. James also confessed his love and Sofia accepted. James gave her a diamond ring, the result of five years of hard work. It was a special relationship.

Sofia took the ring from her bag and threw it at James. "I accepted your gift because I thought you were sincere!" she said sadistically. "As it turns out, you have ulterior motives."

James picked up the ring. "Sofia, I don't need this anymore." He was about to give it back, but Sofia swatted it away and her jeweled ring scratched James' face.

"You are a pervert and a dirty brain, do you want to harass me with the gift of that little ring?"

Max, who heard Sofia's moan, was inflamed. "How dare a lowlife like you harass Sofia!"

James loudly said, "She's my girlfriend. You're the one who shamelessly snatched her!"


James gets punched by Max. As he was down, Sofia kicked him in the face. James didn't want to retaliate because it was the woman he loved.

The director of the hospital, dr. Arnold Peter, a highly respected neurosurgeon, was in an important meeting when the sound of commotion reached his ears. He was Max's father, and he must have recognized his son's voice. He immediately left the meeting and approached the source of the noise.

"Enough! This is a hospital, not a fighting ground!" said dr. Arnold as soon as he saw the crowd of people. He looked at James and Max with a sharp gaze. "What's going on here?"

Max looked angry, "Dad, this young man is abusing my girlfriend!"

Arnold stared at James with an increasingly sharp gaze. James looked shocked and wanted to argue, but Dr. Arnold didn't give him that chance.

"James O'Connel, you are fired!" said dr. Arnold sternly. "I can't have people like you working in this hospital."

James felt he had to speak up and clarify the situation. "Wait a minute, Doctor Arnold," he said, looking at the hospital director. "Sofia is my lover. I have never abused anyone. I also never thought that Max, your son, would approach a janitor's girlfriend like me."

Max immediately confronted James. He whispered to Dr. Arnold, trying to maintain his dignity, "Dad, James is obsessed with Sofia. He even goes to the extent of making up stories."

Doctor Arnold looked hesitant for a moment, then his face became tense again. He didn't want to risk having someone who might be a criminal working in his hospital. "James, I've made my decision. You have to leave this hospital right now," he said firmly.

"But, Doc--"

"Leave!" Doctor Arnold didn't want to hear any more of James' excuses.

When James could no longer keep his job at the hospital, he had to be willing to be dishonorably discharged. With a broken heart, he walked away from the hospital. His steps felt heavy, as if the world was spinning counterclockwise.

Rain began to fall, soaking James' body and clothes. The heavy rain and strong winds added to his misery. Suddenly, the strong wind brought a huge billboard flying towards him. It hit James' body hard, sending him bouncing and covered in wounds.

James lay on the ground, soaking wet and covered in wounds. He felt like he was dying, losing a lot of blood. His world became dark and cold. Perhaps, this was the end of his life.

However, suddenly, a power appeared in him. A God power system suddenly appeared and filled his body with new energy. James felt the new power flowing through him, healing his wounds and giving him strength he had never felt before.

When the system was finally programmed in James' body, a voice that sounded like a robot said, [Welcome, Sir].

James woke up, and he realized there were no wounds on his body whatsoever. He stood in the middle of a deserted street, looking around him. The blood marks were also gone. He felt his body light and full of energy, like nothing had happened.

The system spoke again, [Welcome, Sir. Please open the entrance].

James was confused at first. However, he followed the instructions. He felt a force pulling him into his mind, and he followed the flow. As he opened the access pass, a message appeared in his mind.

[You are a God who has long lost his memory] the message read. [You have been reactivated with the help of this system. You have unparalleled miraculous healing powers].

James was shocked. He was a God? He had miraculous healing powers? James found this all too incredible to believe. However, he couldn't deny the fact that he had just healed from a severe injury in an instant.

[Sir, are you ready for the first task?] Ask the system.

"First task?" James who heard that was confused.

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