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The Unwanted Omega Luna

The Unwanted Omega Luna

Little Naughty


Aria, a young omega of the Silver Moon pack, has always dreamed of being chosen as the mate of Liam, the pack's powerful alpha. But on the sacred night of the mating ceremony, Liam publicly rejects Aria, shattering her heart and dreams. Devastated, she flees into the forest, only to be saved from certain death by Ethan, the alluring alpha of the rival Golden River pack. As Aria takes refuge in the Golden River pack, she discovers that Ethan is her second chance mate, a gift from the moon goddess herself. Embracing her new path, Aria trains to become a formidable warrior and a true Luna. But as she navigates the complexities of her new life, a shocking betrayal threatens to destroy both packs, forcing Aria to confront her past and unlock the hidden strength within her. Can Aria rise above the pain of rejection and become the leader she was destined to be? Will her love for Ethan, her second chance mate, give her the courage to protect her new pack and forge a brighter future?

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Aria's Point Of View

I never thought I'd find myself flat on my back in the training grounds, staring up at the clear blue sky. Again. The taste of dirt fills my mouth as I struggle to catch my breath, the laughter of my fellow pack members ringing in my ears.

"Need a hand?" a voice asks from above me. I squint against the sun to see Lily, my best friend, extending her arm with a sympathetic smile.

I grasp her hand and let her pull me to my feet, wincing as my bruised muscles protest. "Thanks," I mutter, dusting myself off.

"Aria, you can't keep letting them push you around like this," Lily says, her brow furrowed with concern.

I shrug, avoiding her gaze. "What else can I do? I'm just an omega. Weakness is in my blood."

Lily opens her mouth to argue, but a commotion near the edge of the training grounds catches our attention. A group of wolves, led by none other than Liam, our pack's alpha, is making their way towards us.

My heart leaps into my throat at the sight of him. Tall and broad-shouldered, with piercing blue eyes and a jawline that could cut glass, Liam is the embodiment of everything I've ever wanted in a mate. Too bad he barely knows I exist.

As they draw closer, I can hear the whispers starting up again.

"Look, it's Aria, the weakest omega in the pack."

"I bet she'll be the last to find a mate if she ever does."

"Poor thing, she's just not cut out for this life."

Each word feels like a knife twisting in my gut, but I force myself to stand tall, my chin lifted in defiance. I won't let them see how much it hurts.

Liam and his group reach us, and I find myself holding my breath, waiting for the inevitable mockery. But to my surprise, Liam's eyes meet mine, and there's no trace of disdain in his gaze.

"Aria, right?" he says, his voice deep and smooth.

I nod, not trusting myself to speak.

"I saw what happened. Are you all right?" he asks, and there's genuine concern in his tone.

I blink, taken aback by his kindness. "I'm fine," I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Liam studies me for a moment, his expression unreadable. "You know, being an omega doesn't make you weak," he says finally. "It's not about physical strength. It's about the strength of your heart, your spirit. And from what I've seen, you have that in spades."

I stare at him, my mouth falling open in shock. Did Liam, the alpha of our pack, just compliment me?

Before I can respond, one of the other wolves in Liam's group lets out a derisive snort. "Please, Liam. She's a lost cause. Everyone knows that."

Liam's eyes flash with anger, and he rounds on the wolf, his voice low and dangerous. "I suggest you watch your tongue, Rafe. Aria is a member of this pack, just like you. She deserves your respect."

Rafe's face pales, and he takes a step back, mumbling an apology. Liam turns back to me, his expression softening.

"Don't listen to them, Aria. You have more potential than you know. I can see it, even if they can't."

With that, he gives me a small smile and walks away, his group trailing behind him. I stand there, my heart pounding in my chest, trying to process what just happened.

"Did you see that?" Lily squeals, grabbing my arm. "Liam stood up for you!"

I nod, still in a daze. "I can't believe it," I whisper.

Lily grins, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You know what this means, right? You have to talk to him at the mating ceremony!"

My stomach twists at the thought. The mating ceremony, where all the unmated wolves in the pack gather under the full moon to find their destined partners. It's a beautiful tradition, but the idea of putting myself out there, of risking rejection, fills me with dread.

"I don't know, Lily," I say, my voice trembling. "What if he doesn't want me? What if I make a fool of myself in front of the whole pack?"

Lily takes my hands in hers, her expression fierce. "Aria, listen to me. You are not a fool, and you are not weak. You are brave, and kind, and deserving of love. And if Liam can't see that, then he's the fool, not you."

I feel tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, and I blink them away, touched by Lily's words. "You think so?" I ask, my voice small.

"I know so," Lily says firmly. "Promise me you'll at least think about it?"

I hesitate, but the warmth of her friendship gives me strength. "Okay," I say, managing a shaky smile. "I'll think about it."

As we walk back to the village, my mind races with possibilities. What if Lily is right? What if I do have a chance with Liam? The thought is both terrifying and exhilarating.

Lost in my thoughts, I don't notice the figure stepping out of the shadows until it's too late. I collide with a solid chest and stumble back, my face flaming with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry," I stammer, looking up at the person I've just crashed into. "I wasn't watching where I was going..."

My words die in my throat as I realize who it is. Rafe, the wolf who mocked me in front of Liam, stands before me, his eyes glinting with malice.

"Well, well, well," he sneers. "If it isn't the weakling omega. What's the matter, Aria? Too busy daydreaming about Liam to watch where you're going?"

I feel my cheeks burn with humiliation, but I force myself to meet his gaze. "Leave me alone, Rafe," I say, my voice trembling.

He takes a step closer, his breath hot on my face. "Or what? You'll run crying to Liam? Face it, Aria. You're nothing. You'll always be nothing."

Tears blur my vision, and I open my mouth to respond, but before I can, a voice cuts through the tension.

"Is there a problem here?"

I turn to see Liam standing a few feet away, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression stormy.

Rafe blanches, taking a step back. "No, no problem at all," he says, his voice wavering. "Just having a friendly chat with Aria here."

Liam's eyes narrow. "It didn't look very friendly to me. I suggest you move along, Rafe. Now."

Rafe nods, casting me one last venomous glare before slinking away. I let out a shaky breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

"Are you all right?" Liam asks, his voice gentle.

I nod, not trusting myself to speak. He takes a step closer, his eyes searching mine.

"Aria, I meant what I said earlier. You have more strength than you know. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

I feel something stirring in my chest, a flicker of hope, of possibility. "Thank you," I whisper.

He smiles, and it's like the sun breaking through the clouds. "I'll see you at the mating ceremony," he says, and with that, he turns and walks away.

I stand there, my heart pounding, my mind reeling. Did Liam just imply that he wants to see me at the mating ceremony? Could it be that he feels something for me, too?

As I make my way back to my den, I feel a new sense of determination taking root inside me. Maybe Lily is right. Maybe I do have a chance at love, at happiness. And maybe, just maybe, that chance lies with Liam.

But as I settle into my bed that night, a nagging doubt creeps into my mind. What if Rafe is right? What if I am nothing, and always will be? What if the mating ceremony ends in heartbreak and humiliation?

I close my eyes, trying to push the thoughts away. No, I won't let fear control me anymore. I am strong, and I am worthy of love. And no matter what happens at the mating ceremony, I will hold my head high and face it with courage.

But little do I know, my journey is only just beginning. And the path ahead is far more dangerous and twisted than I ever could have imagined.

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